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Other Bands I Like

I can't believe you actually came to this page!!! teeheeehee:) Well, why you are here look at the pics I have and if you are really bored you can even go to some links I have provided. Here are some other bands I like besides Hanson.

I absolutley LOVE Puff Daddy!! I have his cd along with the rest of the family's, entitled "No Way Out".

Mase's "Harlem World" is an awesome cd!

I was very upset when I could only find 1 pic of Mase. If you by any chance have any email me please!

Criminal and First Taste are almost my fave songs, besides Hanson! *Wink* Fiona Apple's "Tidal" is a very good cd.

Backstreet Boys along with Hanson are the two hottest bands in the country! LOL, I am really not sure what the title is for their cd, so if anyone knows please email me!

Ohh,Ohh,Ohh! ***OK, I got a not to nice email in reference to my Daniel Johns section. I would just like to say sorry. Silverchair is a good band. Not just with a hot singer!

Put your sunglasses on! These pics are H-O-T!!! FOFLMAO!!

LOL, That is all the bands I am gonna put now. If ya have any suggestions as to anymore bands I need to put on, email me! Later!
