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Are you obsessed with Hanson??? Quiz 1

Answer these few questions to see is Hanson is obsessing your mind!!!!

1.How many times do you listen to MON a day?

a.More than 5



2.How many Hanson posters do you have?

a.More than 50

b.Less than 20

c.Yeah right, Hanson posters????

3.What would you do if you saw Hanson walking down the street?

a.Run up to them screaming, attemting to kiss each of them

b.Ask them for their autographs politely


4.When it comes to Hanson's TV appearances, you.......

a.Have each and every one taped

b.Watch them if you have time

c.Purposly dont watch your fave channel cuz Hanson is playing

5.Your email is......



c.Your name@................

6.Your answering machine says....

a.Hey this is_____and Iam MMMboping around town, so leave and MMMbop message, and an MMMbop I'll call you back!!

b.Hey this is_____and I like Hanson

c.Hey this is_____and Im not here, leave your name.....

7.Do you know their toothbrush colors?

a.Yep, Ike's is navy!!

b.Umm...I dont have it memorized but i do have it written down

c.Uhh, No. Do you think I waste my time on that non-sense

8.Your pet's name are......

a.Ike, Tay, and Zac


c.Rover, Fydo, etc.....

9.A good way to spend 6 hours is.......

a. rearanging your 500 Hanson posters

b. surfing the net in all the cool Hanson web pages

c. Anything not involving Hanson

10. Do you think you are obsessed with Hanson?

a. Oh yeah!! I would eat poop to meet them!!

b. Not really, but I like them alot

c. NO WAY!!! I can't stand those girls.


A's: You are WAY WAY obsessed with Hanson and damn proud of it. ROCK ON!!

B's: You're not actually obsessed, but you like them in all.

C's: You absolutley HATE Hanson and you would rather eat liver than listen to their music.

Quiz 2
