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A Page Of Really Stupid Things That I Forgot To Put On My Hum Dinger Of A Page

ROFLMAO!!!! Ohheee, do you know how cool you are if you came to this stupid part of my webpage??? You are soooo cool!!! *Hugs you greatfully!* NEWAYZ, As you see this is a little mis-fit page basically on all the stupid things or really cool things I forgot to put on my page. Like, all my dis-likes and likes, a shot out to all my BUDDIES, and all that other stupid stuff!!!! NEWAYZ, If you get really bored just scroll all the way down to HOME. That will take you back to the SILLY Hanson page!!

Umm....stupid thing # 1: Eating Peanut Butter from the jar.

I seem to have this fetish with eating Peanut Butter out of the jcar. I dunno why. Maybe, cuz the jar is sooo BEAUTIFUL. I know, I know, you are probably thinking. 'Ok, this lady is WEIRDO!' But, I love the orange and black wrapper that says "Reeses CREAMY Peanut Butter!!" And you must notice that I only eat CREAMY peanut butter. All that chunky stuff makes me gag. Sorta like in Yogurt. Don't ya just hate all that chunky fruit that is like floating around in it. I know, that when I eat Yogurt, I want a creamy spoonful. Not some banana chunk filled spoonful!!! Geez, I dunno what that fruit company was thinking when they decided to add CHUNKY FRUIT!!! Ok, enough of this.

Stupid Little Thing #2: The Mystery Of Emily Taylor.....

WHEEEWWWEEE! This girl is the weirdest person I know, besides Rachie of course*wink*. NEWAYZ, Miss Emily has some WEIRDO things she does. She is like some medical mystery. I mean, this girl eats the weirdest things. Like one of her more charming foods is Sour Cream out of the carton. *gag* I mean, COME ON!! And I am talkin sit there in the middle of her room spooning out dooshes of Sour Cream. And another is Cottage Cheese. I dunno about you ppl, but Cottage Cheese makes me wanna BARF!! It looks and smells like rotted milk that has been in the fridge for 2 1/2 years. She either eats it on a potato or EATS IT OUT OF THE CARTON!! Double EWWW! *gag* Another postively weirdo thing is this girl's fave band is Enya. Ya know. That physco lady that sings some silly song called,"A Dedication to Trees!" OkOkOk, now that is some gay music. And no offense to anyone who like Enya, sorry. Also, besides eating Sour Cream and Cottage Cheese, Emily eats clothes. Uh,Huh, you heard me clothes. Yummy! *gag* She has these two sweatshirts that literally have holes and slobber spots cuz she eats them. LOL, can we say WEIRDO! Also, she has this thing with stuffed animals. There is this one UGLY (you heard me Emily, UGLY!) Praire Dog looking turd thing. And she makes it dance and clap. OkOkOk, to much time on her hands.Ask Also, Emily NEVER wheres shoes. Not at school, home, outside, parties...etc. She walks around in socks. LOL, don't be turned off by her WEIRD things either! But, I think all these WEIRDO things is what makes her SOOOO COOOL!!!! She is one of my BEST BUDDIES!!! Beside all her GRRROOSSS habits she is a GROOVY, Beautiful, COOLIES chicka!!!!

Weird Thing #3: Stupid Hanson Pics

I in my time have seen some pretty dumb Hanson pics. YaYaYa, don't get me wrong, Hanson almost ALWAYS looks SUPER HOT, but some of the poses. EEK, what were they thinking???? I dunno, but I guess I would get alittle restless if I had camera men saying things like,"Yeahyeahyeah!" "Super, That's Super!" "Love The Camers!!!" Ok here for example is a stupid Hanson pic:

Come on guys this is alittle retarded. And I dont want all you ppl emailing me saying,"Ohhe, you are sooooo rude! You call yourself a Hanson fan!" I am a Hanson fan, just NOT OBSESSED! *wink* uh huh.

Another Stupid thing:Jumping on your bed in the dark

BADDDDD IDEA!!! Last night I was REALLY bored, it was like 3:00 am. So, I turned on "Middle of Nowhere" and started jumping on my bed. tehehe:) Typical 15 yr old behaivior. NEWAYZ, as I was dancing and singing along I fell off the bed on my butt. I ATE CARPET! LOL, Cuz, in the dark you can't see where the bed ends. So, I warn you. DONT'T JUMP ON YOUR BED WITH THE LIGHTS OFF!

One More Stupid Thing: Terry Salt

This dude is my ex-boyfriend, so naturally I am gonna put him on my Stupid Things list. heheh:) Well, truthfully Terry is a bit of a rum-dum! This year he bleached his black hair blonde and now has black roots. EWW, like Lexi said, "You look like a mushroom that fell in bleach!" LOL, teheheh:) Also, he wears these huge pants that make his butt look so flat. And he has these red and blue shoes, that are just umm... what's the word...tacky!!! Not only can't he dress, but he says the stupidest things. Such as, "Gidde Up", "High Five", etc.......I think ya get the point.

Another Weird Thing:Cafeteria Food (GAG!!!!)

I dunno about you ppl, but cafeteria food makes me wanna BARF! I mean come on, their food looks like road kill and smells like crud. I have NEVER in my WHOLE life touched a piece of HISD Cafeteria food. Since, the accident. *sigh* NEWAYZ, I can't believe they make kids pay for this crud. All, they do is take all the left over food and re-heat it over and over. Have you ever noticed when you open your cafeteria milk, that it reaks and it is clumpy? BINGO, follow the experation dates PPL! And ya know that NASTY oder when you walk into the cafeteria. *GAG!* That is worse enough, just think about eating that suff.....EWW. I get chills just thinking about it.

Another Weird thing from SunnyHell (thanks sunny!): Jello with fruit.

This is another chunky and smooth thing that don't mix. WE WANT JELLO NORMAL> No infested with CHUNKS OF ARTIFICIAL FRUIT! Lordy, I dunno what these food consumers are thinking. Did we ask for chunky jello? NO, then stop filling all our foods with chunks of fruit!

Somethin Pretty Cool: Lil' Birdies *wink at CG!*

Birdies are my fave animal. They are soooo cute and feathery. I have a birddie named Lil' Jorddie. He is sooo cute. He has many birdie friends. Such as, Lil' Corey, Lil' Zac, and Lil' Poophead! *tweet, tweet!*

Cool Thing #1: Animated TV shows

Umm....okay, cartoons may seem alittle childish to you, but not to me. I am a semi-mature 15 year old female, but YES, I admitt I still watch cartoons! And truthfully, some cartoons are WAY better than that whole, "Nanny", "Baywatch", or "Melrose Place." I never, ever miss an episode of "SouthPark." This show is soooo HILARIOUS!! I give it 2 thumbs up, Fine Holiday Fun! It is about these kids who are like 3rd graders. My absolute fave show was the "Skuzlebutt" one. And my fave character is Kenny. He is the little kid who mummbles cuz his jacket is toooo tight!! LOL,LOL, Kenny is sooo cool. And have you noticed he like dies in every episode!!! LOL!!! NEWAYZ, my ULTIMATE fave cartoon is Beavis and Butthead. This show is a classic. I was way worried when I thought they were killing them. I was gonna sue. And my fave episode is "Nose Bleed." I won't tell ya what it is about, cuz this is a Family Page! LOL. NEWAYZ, you can never have a fave character either. Cuz without Beavis there would be no Beavis and Butthead, visa versa!!! LOL, NEWAYZ..........

Cool Thing #2: Buddies......

I like have alot of buddies. On and off the internet. Most of my friends are crazy or as they call it "mentally different." Uh huh.....sure. The reason these ppl are my buddies is cuz they are SUPER NICE, SUPER COOL, SUPER CRAZY, and WOW, what a cowinkiedink they all like HANSON. And if they dont they just dont wanna admitt it. *wink at Emily!* This is the time where I list my BESTEST BUDDIES!!!!! Ohheeee, I will do my on land Houston buddies first. I luv......Lexi, Emma, Mya, Tania, Roxy, Sabby, Allison, Jenn & Quinn, Liza, Phil,Crystal, Terry, Rob, SMO, Jordan, Skylar, Bri-Bri, Jeff, lil' Zac (not Hanson), Dylan, other Dylan, Joey, Reed, and my HANSONLINE OP, Paulie Ester and like I am REALLLY SORRY to who I forgot Ok,Ok,Ok on to the better half of my friends *wink*. I just want you to know, all you online buddies. Without yall I wouldnt be able to live a sensible and stable life. You dudes complete me, (umm...isnt that from some movie?) NEWAYZ, I want to take this time and reconize.....Rachie(CG), Micki, Susie, Tavvie, Taylor(OG), Caspy,NudMunkey, hyperboy, taybear, CH, jordan, LightAngel, TAY (not Hanson), Green Jello, TaysJellyBeans, IsaacAngel, Chewbacca, Yoda11, TaysLiv, PrmseLv, Lickarish, umm.....(thinking), Nomsi, and I am REALLY SORRY to whoever I forgot!!

Stupid Yet Cool Words I Use:

1.Coolbeans-This is something REALLY cool.

2.Spunch-Not a good thing.

3.Freaky Mc Nasty-A REALLY kickin somethin or other.

4.AJAX-Need I say more? *wink at CG!*

5.Comquat-Umm....I think it some fruit. But Lexi, miss smarthead, thinks different!

6.Silly-This word is contagious. Once you start saying it, your stuck.

7.Muh-This word is like MMMBop. It is real and used by others, but sounds silly. Muh is somethin ya use when there is nuttin to say.


9.Cooleroos-SOO cool!

10.Hybrid-A mis-fit, loser. LOL (tania!) J/k, I luv you Tania!

11.Random-pretty cool.

12.Shaft-Being dissed. (Like me, I always get the cruddy reading groups!:()

Motto Of The Week:

"Love is like Peanut Butter!"

Okie Dokie. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE if you would like to add ANYTHING to this little stupid page email me. Also email me your stupid mottos. And remember it doesnt matter how stupid it is. Cuz, stupid is cool. umm....yeah.

If ya really want you can go HOME!!
