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"Umm...why are you here?" I looked strangly at Taylor who stood at my doorway.

"What a nice way to greet your friend," He snapped back.

"Who said you were my friend?" I joked. Taylor bowed his head, pretending to be hurt.

"Actually I came to see Kendall. Is she home?" He asked. He tried to look past me into my house. The nerve of him to come over here and ask for the she-devil.

"Oh hey Taylor!" I heard a squeal come from behind me. Kendall raced passed m. She threw her arms around him.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone."

"No, you don't have to go. This is your house." Taylor replied. Kendall at the moment was staring down at me. I felt so degraded next to her. Miss Pretty n Pink.

"Why would Taylor wanna come along with us. She is to busy playing her little video games."

"Sorry, Ken. I think you're getting me confused with you and your barbies. Don't you have like 100 now?" I flashed her a smile and closed the door and the twos' faces.

I walked back into the living room and continued my Mortal Kombat game. I'm so glad Chinese people are smart. Because if it wasn't for that Chinese dude who made Nintendo, I don't know where I would be today.

"Darling, don't you think you should turn that game off and maybe go outside.." My mother spoke behind me. I turned to face her.

"Now why would I want to do that? In here I have Sega, nice air-conditioning, what do you get from going outside. Lots of mosquitoes eating at your flesh and a severe case of sunburn. I think that the odds on me getting off this couch and facing the real world are slim to none. But, I'll make sure when I'm ready to venture the streets of Tulsa, you'll be the first one I call." My mother stared at me blankly.

"Taylor, honey. I'm really worried about you. You seem so..what's the word."

"Alone, physcotic, delusional..." I interjected.

"No..depressed. I mean, I thought moving out here would let you have the chance to express yourself more and meet some friends." I had pity on my mother. She tried so hard, yet I knew that nothing she could ever say could make me the daughter she wanted.

"Mom, I'm really sorry that I'm not the social little butterfly you want in a daughter. Talking just isn't my thing." She sighed and returned to the kitchen.

"Now where was I..."

"Hello, is Diana there?"

"This is she."

"Oh hi Diana. Its me, Mary."

"Hi Mary, how are you?"

"Just fine. But I need to ask a favor of you."

"Sure, what can I do for you?"

"Well, it's actually Taylor, my daughter. Ever since we have moved here she hasn't left the house. She's become such a homebody and I am getting quite worried."

"I see. She is probably just getting used to being away from California. She probably just needs to make a friend or two and she will be fine."

"Well, that is where you might come in. I know that your boys seem to kind of socialble, so do you think maybe you ask one of them to take her out?"

"That is a fine idea. I'll talk to them when they get home. Our best bet will probably be Taylor. Because he and her are the same age."

"Thank you so much Diana."

"No problem. Bye."


Three hours had gone by and I had already beaten Mortal Kombat four times. Kendall had came back from her little outing with Taylor and was all bubbly.

"Taylor, can I ask you something." I looked in anoyance at her glowing appearance.


"Do you think that kissing with tounges is bad?" I looked strangely at her.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Well, I don't know. I thought you were pretty experienced, so maybe you would know."

"Ya I am." Actually I had never even been kissed by a guy before. I had thought about the day when a guy would kiss me, but out of all my fifteen years on earth no guy has ever even made the attempt to hold my hand.

"But, it isnt bad. Why?"

"Because Taylor asked me if he could. But I didn't know what to do, so I said no." Poor girl. These are the times where I feel bad for her. If she wouldn't have been raised in such a well rounded family, I wouldn't have pity on her.

"Are you going to?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Probably, I like Tay alot. He's so sweet." Kendall cooed. She was kinda cute. I couldn't see why Taylor wouldn't want to kiss her.

"Well, thanks for like telling me." After our little talk she ran to her room.

"What were you and Kendall talking about? I haven't seen you two talk for so long before." My mother barged in.

"Ya know. Just some sisterly stuff."

chap. 5
