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I never thought once in my life that I could hate someone so much, like I did Greg and his three abonoxious kids. Everything about their clean cut, well groomed, snobby selves made me want to hurl. Especially his daughter, the devil's twin. The little vixen's name was, Kendall Anne Michaels. She has ditzy cheerleader written all over her.

"What are you doing in there?" She asked me. I didn't reply. Why should I? She surely didn't deserve my respect. Her nerd dad was taking me and my family off to some snobby neighborhood.

"Are you smoking in there?" I couldn't help not bursting out laughing. Poor girl. Raised so innocent. I pulled myself up from the tiled bathroom floor. I took one last puff from the cigarette and flushed the remains down the toliet.

"Uhh, this bathroom reaks! I knew you were smoking!" Kendall implied. I gave her a glare and pushed my way passed her.

"Yo Taylor, wanna go shoot some hoops?" Greg tried so hard to fit in with our family. I dunno what mom saw in him. He was short, fat, and had more hair on his face than his head. Then again, he had loads of money.

My mother, Mary Grace Johnson was your typical white 38 female. Always drunk, out of work. Your basic Peg Bundy from Married With Children. My mother had been married twice before. Her first husband, Stephano Luis, who they made my older sister Alana Michelle Luis. I haven't seen Alana is more than a year or two. She had spilt when her father, Stephano became a part of the Italian Mafia. I think she had to change her name to Wilma or something, for safety reasons. After Stephano and my mother's divorce she packed us up and moved to Los Angeles. There she met her second husband, my father Jeff Christianson. I think they got married because of love. And that was a first for my mother. My dad was a bar tender at a local bar my mother was always at. They dated for atleast a week or two then he got my mom pregnant. Which was not something out of the ordinary. I and my twin brother were their first children. Trent Eric and Taylor Erin (me) were born September 12, 1982. It was a huge surprise, since they had only expected one child. For years money was a really big factor. We had next to no money. On accident, so they say, my mother brought into the world, yet another child. To which they named, Dusty Alise. Then three years later they had their fourth child, Cory Michael Christianson.

"Taylor, honey...let's go." I took one last look at my old room. I was really gonna miss this place. I was gonna miss dad. Since my mom had gotten custody of us, I knew I wasn't going to be seeing him often.

"This bites," Trent whispered to me. I nodded.

"No shit." He too hated Greg and his cookie cutter family. Atleast my mom and his marriage wasn't going to be official for another week.

Greg and my mother had supposly been high school sweethearts. After my mother moved to Hollywood to presue her career as a actress, they broke up. Boo hoo. Greg hadn't moved away from their hometown Tulsa and supposly was a wealthy oil enigineer. So, as it turns out Greg is halling my family to come live with him in Tulsa, Oklahoma or as Trent and I call it "The Land Of Hicks and Oil."

"Daddy, can we play Buzz?" Greg's six year old daughter Lily asked. She wasn't that bad for a little kid. Yet I still prefered my little five year old brother, Cory anyday.

"Why that's a fine idea Lily, you start." God, how corny.

"Let's do multiples of 3," Kendall added. Oh yeah I hope I get to say Buzz!

"1...2....BUZZ!" This was already getting way out of hand. I dunno how many minutes I can stand being in a confined area with these people. Atleast Trent seemed so be having fun. I looked over at my pathetic fifteen year old twin brother. He was rapidly trying to count the multiples of three in his head. Poor boy.

"Honey, did you make sure, you have everything?" My mother was a nervous wreck. Going back to Tulsa would bring back so many memories. Some good and some bad.

"Yes, Mary. Calm down." Greg tried comforting her. Her kissed my mother's globby pink lips. Disgusting.

"How cute!" Kendall chimed. Oh yeah so cute. Two old people kissing.

The drive from the airport to Greg's house wasn't that bad. Cory and Lily were sleeping most of the way and Kendall was busy listening to some teenybopper band, Hanson.

"Here it is..." Greg trailed up. I heard my mother sigh slightly. The house was colassal.

"Damn..." I whispered. It had to be atleast three stories high.

"How many rooms does it have?" Trent asked. I prayed I wouldn't have to share a room with anyone.

"5, but your mother and I haven't figured out who is with who yet," Greg replied. Oh no, there was a possiblility that Kendall and I would be together.

Everyone piled out of the family van and gathered around the front door.

"Kendall, will you show Trent where his room is." Kendall nodded.

"Third floor, to your right." Kendall directed.

"Taylor, you and Kendall have to share a room." My hopes were crushed. Why me?

"Yippe!" Kendall cooed. I followed her up the marble stairs to her room. As I entered I was hit with a bright light. Her room was bright pink. Carpet and walls pink and bed spreads matching in little pink flowers. I had never been so nauseous in my life.

"There's your bed." She pointed to the bed on the opposite side of the room. I threw my bags on it and fell to the ground. Why me? Why couldn't I have stayed with dad in California? Kendall walked to her cd player and popped a cd in. That same squeaky voice that I heard coming from her discman echoed throughout her room. NO!

"Umm....I don't think so Kendall." I walked to the cd player and pressed eject. She stared at me blankly.

"What do you think your doing?" She asked, turning her nose up at me.

"Replacing you crap music with, Nine Inch Nails." I simply replied.

"Uhh, No. This is my room and I say what music is played."

"Correction deary, this is our room." She gave up willingly and stomped down the stairs.


Chapter 2
