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"Gawd, its pink," Of course,out of all the colors in the colour spectrum my mother picks pink.

"Tay, hush up. Its looks very nice on you." Ol' mom, always trying to make me feel better about myself. When was she going to get a clue and look at the scars. In two attempts last year to cut my life short, had left me gruesome scars on my lower wrists. Whereever I went people were asking me about them. I told them the truth. Ususally scaring theshit out of them, but I had my reasons.

"Kendall darling, tell your sister she looks pretty," My mother called out to her soon to be daughter. Kendall pranced her twiggy body over to the chapel area where we were. Gawd, she was perfect, I had to envy her. I could feel her blue eyes stare me down.

"Real cute..." She snickered and walked back over to her dad.

"See, I told you sweetie." My mother returned to her vanity.

The wedding ceremony was in approximately ten minutes. I peeped around the chapel door and inspected the crowd. I never knew my mother knew so many people.

"Come on Tay, let's go." My mother shooed me to the doors. They opened and the loud ringing of the organ echoed through me ears. When I proceeded onto the pathway leading the the alter, I could feel every set of eyes in the chapel singled in on me. I wanted to crawl into a hole at this moment. I knew in that everyones' mind in that room they were saying, "Hmm...must be adopted." I walked hesitively down the isle. Making sure not to trip on my train and fall on my ass. I looked down the rows as I walked. I only saw some familiar faces. Only my relatives and an occational family friend. Then, I saw them. The two boys from the pool. I made a disgusted face at them. Why were they here? Finally I reached the alter and turned back to face my mother. She looked so beautiful. I watched her smile radiently at everyone in the room. I really didn't fit in with our new family. Everyone was atleast decent looking, yet I was just kinda there.

"Taylor, Trent please come here." I climbed up from my lawn chair and sat my magorita on the table. I followed Trent to where my mother was.

"Diana these are my twins, Trent and Taylor." I smiled at the short lady. I observed her for a second. Abnormally long hair and deep blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Diana Hanson..its very nice to meet you two." I smiled a weak smile. I wasn't very good at talking. In fact, I think the world would be a whole lot better if talking out of permission was illegal. And maybe if marijuanna was legalized.

"Diana, so when are we gonna meet your family?"

"Oh, yes. Hold on a minutes. Jessica, Avery..where are your brothers?" The two girls pointed to the swing set in our backyard. Oh, no. How could this nice women (Diana) bring up such evil beings. The two blond hair boys walked in our direction.

"This is Taylor and Zac." I glared at the boys. They too looked alittle shocked to see me again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall boy coming my way.

"And this is Isaac..." He smiled a bracey smile and whispered something in his mother's ear. I saw her eyes open wide and her jar drop.

"Oh dear...well, can you excuse me for a minute. There seems to be alittle problem." I saw Diana rush off into my house. My mother walked off to Greg. Trent, Isaac, Taylor, Zac, and I stood there in silence.

"Well, its been nice talkin to ya..later." I began to walk off then I felt someone grabb my shoulder. I spun around to face Taylor.

"We got something for you...." I saw a michevious grin appear on Zac's face. Before I knew it Taylor had smashed a piece of key lime pie in my face.

"You dick!" I ran after the lanky boy. He was a few yards ahead of me and I was gaining speed. He led me through the woods behind my house. I could hear his laughter echoe throughout the woods.

"OH MY GOD!! Watch out for that.......!" I stopped in my place, as I watched Taylor trip over a log and fall head first into a tiny creek. I bursted into a frenzie of laughs. Taylor wiped the mud from his face. His perfect blond hair was now a faint muddy grey.

"Are you gonna just stand me up!" Taylor called out. I walked over to him, unaware of his next trick. I latched onto his hand. I felt him tug and before I knew it I was knee deep in mud.

"You PUNK!" I picked up a piece of mud and squished it into his face.

"This means war!"

"Bring it on shem!" We began throwing wads of mud and brush from the creek.

"That's for the pool!"

"And that's for having the same name as me!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Yeah!" Taylor grabbed my hand and put them behind my back. I could feel his heavy breathing rush down my neck. This sent chills to every crevice in my body. I felt him loosen his grip and I turned to face him. He held my hands to his chest. We stared into eachothers' eyes.

"I think we should get back..."

"Yeah...." We winded our way back to my house.

"It looks like everyone has already sat down for dinner." We walked through the french doors to the dining room.

"Hey." Everyone in the room gasped. Taylor and I were covered in mud.

"TAYLOR ERIN CHRISTIANSON!! That dress is a rental!" My mother screamed.


chap 4
