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The past few days have been nothing but hell. Mom is going balistic about the whole wedding thing. I am presently trying to spend my next day without a step dad freely. First by going to the neighborhood with Trent. Not what I call spending a Saturday afternoon, but there isn't much to do in Tulsa.

"God, Trent easy up, its just a game!" I yelled at him. He had knocked the beachball at my head. He glared at me.

"Just some friendly competion sis," He nailed the ball. I saw it fly over my head and hit a girl in the back of the head.

"Way to go Trent!" I clapped. I saw my brother trun a light shade of pink.

"Sorry man." Man? Huh? That's a girl. They girl/boy turned around and handed me the deflated beach ball. He smiled at me sarcastically. I saw him whisper to the little long haired boy next to him, who too gave me a threatning glare. I simply smiled and followed my brother out of the green community pool. I grabbed my towel and dried my hair.

"I'm gonna tan alittle."

"If you get any tanner your gonna look like a sun dried tomato." Trent cracked. I shot him a "Shut up nerd" look and sat back in the warm lawn chair. Atleast the sun was good in Tulsa. I breathed in the musky air, trying to savor the wind blowing swifty.

"Shh, Zac." As I was greatly enjoying me sun bathe I felt water splash on me. I shot up from the chair.

"What the hell?" I looked over at the two long haired boys who were laughing hysterically.

"Jerks!" I walked over to their lawn chairs and picked up there clothes. They exchanged worried looks.

"What are you doing?" The taller one asked.

"Take that!" I threw the sets of shirts and shorts into the undulating pool. I saw their mouths drop.

"Why did you do that for?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. They must have slipped." I waved to the boys who were scattering about the pool, trying to gather their belongings.

"Come on Trent." He picked up his towel and walked out the pools gate.

"Why did you do that, Tay?" He asked me. I looked at him and sighed.

"I gave those guys what they deserved. Punks. Shows them to mess with me."

"Oh yeah, He-woman." He joked.

When we got back to Greg's house we were greeted by, again my frantic mother.

"Oh Taylor, Trent. I am so glad your back! Greg and I are going to make some last minute flower changes and Kendall is out at her friends house and Ruston is god knows where, so will you please watch Cory, Lily, and Dusty for awhile." I watched my crazy mother fiddle with her earring. She had gone through this 2 times before. You would think she would be alittle calmer.

"Will you please?"

"I would mom, but I was gonna go to the mall, sorry." Trent lied to much. I glared at him.

"Please Tay." My mother gave me the face. Ya know, that "Please!!!" one. I nodded and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and jetted to the family van.

"Thanks alot Trent!" He smiled.

"Luv ya too, Tay." I let out a fake chuckle and headed for the living room. Lily and Cory were intensly watching a cartoon on the tv set. I knew how heart broken they would be if I turned it off. So I spared myself the misory of hearing them whine and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and walked to my room. Before I could get up the stairs the phone rang.


"Hi, this is Diana Hanson. Is Mary there?"

"I'm sorry she is gone for the afternoon. May I take a message?"

"Yes, will you tell her that my family and I will be attending the wedding tomorrow." Kinda late isnt it.

"Sure thing."

Chap 3
