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Things That Really Piss Me Off About Hanson Wannabes

Ok, so it me again, Tori. Just another boring ol' day, so I decided to put this up. I am always up for alittle bitchin and I thought that my page was a fine place to do it.

Ok, first thing and most trajic. Hanson Fakers. You all dont realize the amount of emotional and physical problems Hanson wannabes can cause. I myself was a victim of what I call, "Wannabe Syndrome." Here's the story...One day I was going on hansonline. Back then, which was a REALLY normal everyday thing. I was soo pathetic. I look back at myself a couple of months ago in shame. So pure, innocent, just alittle 14 year old girl, who wore her heart on her sleeve. Well, I came in contact with what i thought was Taylor Hanson. He told me his email ( and emailed me everyday. He was literally my best friend. Constantly in my mind, filling my dreams with his soft apperance. I talked to my little Tay wannabe EVERY day. Telling him my every dream, hope, aand secrets I had never told any of my closest friends. I would cry myself to sleep at night, cuz he would say something mean. Or brush me off. I truly believeed and trusted him, that he was Taylor hanson. And he wasn't your typical Hanson faker. This dude was damn good. He new EVERYTHING! even the time zones, around the world. We talked for 5 months everyday. Getting closer and closer by the time. I gave him my phone number, gave him my love. I was literally falling in love with him. Then one day..he told me the truth. I cried for days straight. I felt so stupid, so used. It was truly the most horrifying time in my life. You might think I'm such a nerd, but I was so close to him. he knew everything about me. I loved him and would do anything for him. Pretty damn pathetic. So...after he tells me I make a pact to myslef to NEVER believe anyone that claims to know Hanson or be Hanson. I look back on this whole 5 months of my life and I am sorta glad it happened. I became a very better individual and a stronger person. So, PLEASE dont believe anyone that claims to be Hanson. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac don't have ANY Aol or internet software. Their MMMBop account is invalid and they DO NOT have ANY hotmail or misc. emails.

Ok, onto a more funnier note. The Scream Squad! Wow! You girlys are fystie ones!!! I dunno how Hanson stands you ppl. Ok, MEMORY NOTE: IF YOU ARE SCREAMING DURING A CONCERT, YOU WILL MOST LIKELY NOT GET TO HEAR THE MUSIC! Think gosh darnit! It is also a REALLY BIG turn off when you scream in their faces. Would you wanna get to know a person better if they screamed in your face? Didn't think so.

Ok, I was really disappointed when I heard about Hollyweird. I dunno if is true. But I have heard some vicious rumors that she was a fake. I find this hard to believe. Holly is a close buddy to me and wouldn't do tha. Why? I have also seen that infamouse pic of Zoe. Well, I don't appreciate the little FAKE sign that someone (not naming names) put on it. You have NO proof that, that wasn't Zoe and you will never know really. Unless you are family friends of Hanson is really the only way you will ever know. And, that FAKE pic of Jessie and Avie. You ppl are REALLY cruel. They are only children and surely dont want to get exploided. I hate that some of those Family Wannabes call themselves Hanson fans. It is a sin to lie. Tsk! Tsk! LOL, has ne-one noticed how many ppl you meet on the net that live in tulsa? Tulsa isnt that big and i am REALLY sure that EVERY Hanson fan happens to live there. Silly goosers!

Weirdos! There is a fine line to liking a band and being obsessed. I, myslef USED to be obsessed over Hanson. Really not caring about their better qualities. You surely shouldn't be that shallow and like them cuz of their looks. Isaac, Taylor, and Zachary want to be notice for their beautiful voices and catchy meaningful music.

Well....If ya have ANYTHING you would like to add to this page. Email me. Later.

