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This is the Disclaimer:
We the people, no wait...Four Hm...Hang on a second, let me think about what I want to say. (pause) Okay, here goes: Um..these poems have been writen by me except for the ones that say by my friends or have another name under them. (Duh) I would love to hear any comments if any (and as long as they're not stupid) and you can e-mail me at the address below or on the guest book. Any and everything on here is copywrited. If you like the poetry, good I am happy I could add a little bit of happiness/joy/emotion/inspiration/absolutly nothing into your life. If you didn't like them then darn, I guess you just wasted about 10 minutes in your life that you'll never get back again. But remember, it's not my fault. You're the one that wanted to read my poetry, not me. I've already read it all. If you think I'm just a smartass, waiting to get her butt kicked, fine. If you think I'm just an amazing genius who has this amazing talent for putting words into a pretty formation, great. Either way, I don't care. No offense or anything, I just don't write poetry for others. I only write as a catharsis, a type of escape. I write to get my emotions out. Plus the fact that I love to write. So...blah, blah, blah, do wah ditty, ditty dum ditty do, yada yada yada. NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS PAGE. Well, okay there was my brother-in-law, but he doesn't count. This was a paid advertisement brought to you by me.

Oh, yeah and one more thing: I want to encourage you to write. So here, write. Write about anything you want.

