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I. A silken tent upon Arabian
sands is buffeted by waves
of desert breezes from ancient
lands. One of satin skin

II. and sapphire eyes glistening
in arid sun calls to one muscled
in tension. The ribbony voice
reaches his ear as he soaks

III. in rays of Ra, reading Romans.
Sand-colored blondness
is ruffled by breeze
as his footfalls, like magnets,

IV. go to her door. She lay
on layers of fur-lined rugs
beckoning to her lover
with alabaster hand.

V. She wanted him thoroughly.
Hands on her heart, on her.
Eyes on her face. Lips on hers.
Heart in her hands, her eyes, her heart.

VI. He slumbers. She rises: white on white
satin twirled in pearl-pink ribbons
edged in golden threads adorns her head.
She finds the Oasis and goes to it.

VII. Cinnamon sands on azure
shore unravel like ribbon before her.
Lakes of lilies, tiny and green, flowers,
pink and velvety, float like white

VIII. ship-sails on a fiery horizon.
Love lies back in a tent on sand
while she cups blue coolness with ivory
hand. And her thirst is slaked.

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