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For The Life And Love of Gracie



For The Life And Love Of Gracie
A Very Special Nanday Conure

   Gracie was doing so much better after just 10 days here at home. Gracie's Avian Vet has her and all her parrot flock mates on a great healthy daily diet of Harrison's Pellets (75%), Organic Cooked Grains such as Kashie, Wheat Berries, Brown Rice, Spelt, Hulled Millet, Pearled Barley, and Whole Grain Oats. Gracie also gets Organic Fresh Vegetables such as Squash, Carrots and Tops, Parsley, Broccoli, Jallopeno Peppers, and cooked Sweet Potatoe. The only fruits I feed are Papaya and Mango. I just mix it all together and watch everybirdy eat and eat....and eat.... She was eating a lot more and was enjoying her new diet. Her head wobbles are less noticeable and she is starting to fit into her feathers. She eagerly steps up to come out of her cage to have her special out time with mom. Gracie was also starting to get a little nippy, but that is ok, it was a good sign that she was starting to feel good.

   I was unaware that Gracie could not walk forward on a flat surface until she fluttered to the floor one night from her play ground. Poor dear, all she could do is sit there with her little legs sprawled out to each side. Each evening I worked with Gracie and now she has learned to walk on the ground. Granted she is not as quick as her flock friends, but she is on her way and that is what is important.

   On the 29th of June Gracie was taken to see her doctor. For the past couple of days Gracie had not been acting right. Gracie’s WBC count was checked and found to be over 30,000. She was given a shot of Baytril and B12 and I was given oral Baytril to giver her twice a day at home. After two days Gracie showed no improvement at all. So, once again little Gracie went to see her doctor. At this time Gracie’s antibiotic was changed from oral Baytril to Amikacin shots. Blood was drawn for a Complete Avian Panel and a Crop Culture was taken. Gracie’s Complete Avian Panel revealed extremely high liver functions and a low Calcium level of 4.5. Her Culture showed Gracie to be suffering from a Gram Negative Staff Infection which was resistant to Baytril. Gracie had to return each morning for the next 10 days for her Amikacin and B12 shots, Enulose drops and weekly Vitamin A/D3 shot. I was to give Gracie Nizoral, B Vitamin and Calcium drops twice daily at home. After her 10 days on Amikacin, Gracie was doing really good.

   Only two days had passed since Gracie’s last antibiotic shot and she was not acting right at all. Listless and fluffed once again. So, off to see her doctor she went. Gracie had lost weight and was now down to 108 grams, a loss of 8 grams overall since her illness was detected. Gracie was tube fed to help stimulate her appetite. Her WBC was checked again and found to be high once again. Poor Gracie, she looked so very pitiful. Her doctor placed Gracie on Peppercillian shots and she would have to endure another round of 10 injections. I was given Enulose, Vitamin B Complex, Nizoral, and Neo Calgulcon drops along with Bene Bac to give to her daily at home. I feel so helpless as I look at Gracie, her little eyes are so sad and I know she is so very sick. Tears of sadness fell and prayers were said for little Gracie.

   After 5 injections of Peppercillian, Gracie was doing really good. Her WBC was checked and found to be normal. I was so happy for little Gracie. Gracie had to remained on the daily Enulose, B Vitamin Complex, and Neo Calglucon drops. She was scheduled to have a Complete Avian Profile drawn again in a couple of weeks. I was keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this time all will be normal for her. So far Gracie has gained back 4 grams of her weight and is continuing to improve.

   The day of truths for Gracie finally arrived. Off she went to have her Avian Profile drawn. It was so hard waiting for the results. Finally the phone call came, all was normal for Gracie. The Enulose and B Vitamin Complex drops were discontinued but Gracie was to remain on the Neo Calglucon drops to help maintain her blood Calcium level.

   It was Sunday morning and only five days had passed since Gracie’s Avian Panel had been drawn. Gracie suffered a really bad seizure and I rushed her to her doctor. Her blood sugar was checked and it was so low it did not even register. Gracie was given oral glucose and a shot of Baytril with Vitamin B12. I was given oral Baytril drops to give Gracie at home and she was to return in the morning for her blood work to be repeated. Bright and early Monday morning back to Gracie’s doctor we went. She was given another shot of Vitamin B12 and another Avian Panel was drawn. The results revealed a high WBC count and her liver enzymes were once again on the rise. Only her Calcium level was normal at 9.5. Gracie’s doctor suspected Psittacosis. Back to her doctor we went and she was tested for Psittacosis and it was rushed to the lab to be analyzed. Poor little Gracie was given a shot of Doxycycline with Vitamin B12. I was given Oral Doxy (.15cc) and Bene Bac along with Enulose, Nizoral, Vitamin B Complex, and Neo Calglucon drops to give Gracie twice daily for the next 45 days. The results of the test for Psittacosis were negative, but then false negatives are not all that uncommon when testing for this disease. Gracie’s doctor based his diagnosis on clinical findings and his professional experience.

   Gracie was into her second week now of the Doxy her strength was coming back into her little feet and she was standing taller too. Her Feathers appeared tighter and overall she seemed to be on the road to recovery. She still had a long way to go and I hoped and prayed every hour of every day that this little dear would, for once in her short life, begin to feel good, enjoy life, and just be a happy healthy bird. I was willing to do what ever it took to make sure this little darling stayed with me, because I love her so very much.

   Finally the 45 days of treatment for Psittacosis was over. After another 48 hours, Gracie would return to her doctor to have another Avian Panel drawn. Gracie remained on the Enulose, B Vitamin Complex and Neo Calgulcon drops. The hopes and prayers for Gracie continued. Please let this test be normal for her I prayed over and over again. The day came and another Avian Panel was drawn, and more prayers were said for sweet little Gracie. Now all I could do is wait and continue to pray, wait and pray for the life and love of Gracie.

   After almost 10 days of waiting for Gracie’s Avian Panel, her doctor’s office found out that the State Lab (Texas) had lost her blood. Her Avian Panel was never done. So, off to the her doctor’s office we went to have her blood redrawn. I was promised results the very next day. Well, results came but for someone else’s animal. They tried to tell me that Gracie had a WBC of 75,000 and was dehydrated. Bottom line is that the State Lab had messed up again. What do I do now, Gracie’s doctor was away on vacation. My heart ached for little Gracie and I could never count the number of tears that have fallen for her.

   I now felt as though I was fighting a loosing battle for the life and love of my little Gracie. She began to slump again, her little eyes looked so very sad. With no lab results to go by, I made the decision to begin administering Aloe Detoxifier to Gracie. Invasive medicine had done all it could do for my sweet little dear. I gave Gracie the Aloe Detoxifier orally along with the Vitamin B Complex and Neo Calglucon drops. I also mixed the Aloe Detoxifier in with her drinking water. I knew Aloe Detoxifier was completely safe for Gracie and it also contained healing herbs with natural liver detoxifying and antibiotic properties. Gracie needed help and I just could not give up, not yet. The very next day Gracie improved. Only time would tell if the Aloe Detoxifier held the answers for saving my little Gracie.

   Gracie’s doctor was still away on vacation and none of the other vets at her regular clinic know anything, or should I say less than anything about avian medicine. I knew Gracie still needed professional care, far beyond my scope and knowledge. Gracie and I were referred to Dr. Thomas E. Vice at the Broadway Animal Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. Poor Gracie would have to endure a two and a half hour car ride. The next morning, Saturday, I packed little Gracie up for the ride and brought extra cold water and food for her to eat. I sang little songs to Gracie all the way to San Antonio. Surprised I did not get pulled over for being some nut talking to herself. Finally we arrived at the Broadway Animal Hospital and we were greeted with such loving concern . Dr. Vice thoroughly examined little Gracie as I related to him all her trials over the past several months. Unfortunately the vet clinic in Corpus Christi could not find Gracie’s records. Blood for a complete Avian Panel was drawn and Gracie received a Vitamin A and D3, Vitamin B Complex, and Calcium shots. Dr. Vice advised me that what little Gracie needed most was supportive care. He increased her Vitamin B Complex and Neo Calglucon drops. Also he had me continue with the Aloe Detoxifier both orally, with a pinch of Bene Bac, and Aloe Detoxifier in her drinking water.

   Bright and early on the following Monday morning Dr. Vice phoned me with the results of Gracie’s Avian Panel. Her WBC was 8,000, a far cry from the 75,000 the State Lab had reported, her PCV was 40 (slight anemia not dehydration), and her Calcium level was 7.5 (normal range is 8.4 to 11). One of her Blood Proteins was slightly low but the overall Blood Protein was normal. Dr. Vice reiterated that it was important that Gracie continue to receive her B Vitamins, Calcium, Bene Bac and Aloe Detoxifier. He stated to me that the Aloe Detoxifier would help boost her immune system and cleanse her of all the after affects of the numerous antibiotics she had to endure over the past several months.

   I want, at this time, personally thank Carolyn Swicegood for making the information about her use of Aloe Detoxifier on one of her beloved Eclectus Parrots available. If I had not happened upon her article one day, Herbal Remedies for Parrots, as I searched for information to help my Gracie, I believe little Gracie would not have been on the right road, but still suffering. Thank You Carolyn not only from me, but also from Gracie too!

   Little Gracie is looking good. Her feathers have a shine and softness to them that had never been there before. Gracie continued to eat good and gain those grams. This sweet little Nanday still needs time for her little body to heal. A life of malnutrition and illness has left its toll on her. Gracie may never be a real strong bird, but at least I believe she has a chance at a happier life and to enjoy being a bird.

   The days pass and Gracie continued to improve. It was so good to finally see her playing and hear her sweet little voice join in with the other flock members during vocal times. Gracie had come a long way since the end of June. Even though Gracie has had to endure endless days of shots, oral medicines, car rides, and toweling, she remains sweet and loving. I am happy that Gracie enjoys taking her Aloe Detoxifier with the B Vitamins, Calcium, and Bene Bac mixed in. She eagerly removes every drop from the syringe.

   Mid November arrived and Gracie was still improving. Whew…this has been a long winding road full of some of the biggest holes and bumps I have ever traveled with a pet bird. Little Gracie received a very great honor too. Alicia McWatters, Ph.D, Nutritional Consultant in Avian Holistic Health Care and author of “Guide to a Naturally Healthy Bird”, contacted me and offered her assistance to me so I could further help Gracie. Thank You Alicia for being there for us. There are two excellent articles on-line by Dr. McWatters, Stress Relief Through Dietary Support, Part 1 and Stress Relief Through Dietary Support, Part 2.

   Now as November drew to a close little Gracie was not acting right at all. She was not eating good and was much quieter than usual. Then Gracie started to regurgitate and doing the pumping action with her little neck. Her balance was off and I noticed her falling from her perch a few times. Oh, my poor Gracie. God help her once again. Early the next morning I loaded Gracie up for San Antonio. I knew she needed fast and accurate blood work and I no longer trusted the State Lab the vet clinic in Corpus Christi used. Dr. Vice examined Gracie and drew another Complete Avian Panel and did a Vent Culture. Gracie was not fond of that bottom deal one bit. Gracie was given a shot of Baytril and Reglan. Poor little dear was so good through the whole ordeal. I was given oral Baytril, Reglan, and Nizoral to administer to Gracie at home. Dr. Vice also continued the B Vitamins, Calcium, Bene Bac, and Aloe Detoxifier as previously prescribed. That very same evening Dr. Vice phoned me with Gracie’s Avian Panel results. Little Gracie’s Calcium and Phosphorus levels had really dropped, WBC was 8,000 (high normal), and her PCV was still boarderline anemic. Dr. Vice recommended Full Spectrum Lighting for at least 6 hours daily to help Gracie’s little body absorb and utilize Calcium. Hopefully once the results of the culture are in, Gracie would not have to take the Baytril and Nizoral anymore. We all kept our wings and fingers crossed that no bacterial infection would be found. Gracie had had enough.

   The following morning I was able to find an Ott Full Spectrum Light that would fit into a regular table lamp. I removed the shade and placed the lamp to the side, and 2 feet from her cage. Also, I placed the lamp on a timer so it would come on and turn off while I was away at work. The next afternoon, Dr. Vice phoned with Gracie’s Culture and Sensitivity results. Little Gracie was found to be suffering from a gram positive bacterial infection. The sensitivity showed the bacteria to be sensitive to Baytril and Ampicillian. I was instructed to continue the Oral Baytril and Nizoral for three more days.

  On the day I was to discontinue the Baytril and Nizoral, Gracie was not looking good at all. The oral Baytril was just not working for her. So, early that morning I loaded Gracie up once again for the trip to San Antonio. Another long car ride, but little Gracie needed help. When we arrived at the Broadway Animal Hospital Gracie was seen immediately by Dr. Lewis (Dr. Vice’s weekend off). Gracie was examined and her records reviewed. It was determined that Gracie needed to be given the Baytril shots twice a day for 10 days along with Ampicillian drinking water solution. Now, bird buddies, giving shots to a bird was not among my many talents. The thought of having to do this to Gracie was not appealing to me at all. I was so terrified that I would hurt my little Gracie and that she would grow to hate me. Dr. Lewis patiently explained and showed me how, then guided me as I gave Gracie a shot. Well I learned for the life and love of Gracie. I was also given a vitamin and mineral supplement, Plexall C, to be placed in Gracie’s water daily. The B Vitamin Complex, Probiotics, Nizoral, Calcium and Aloe Detoxifier were continued as previously prescribed by Dr. Vice.

   On the way home that day I was terrified. It hit me that I would be all alone that evening when it was time for little Gracie’s shot. I knew I had to do this and somehow Gracie and I would make it through this together. Let me tell you, I counted each shot and eagerly awaited the hour of the day when the last shot would be given. I was never so relieved in my life when that time came. Gracie was doing good and eating so much better. Once again I enjoyed watching Gracie play and hearing her chime in with the other flock members.

   The New Year party has come and gone. Gracie still continues to do good. It is my everlasting prayer that this little dear stay well long enough for her immune system and little body to become strong enough to ward off future infections.

   It is now only 11 days into the new year and little Gracie has fallen ill once again. As I uncovered her cage to say good morning, little Gracie was sneezing so bad and I could hear that awful click as she breathed. My poor little dear looked so sad yet eagerly steped up when I offered her my hand. I held my Gracie and let her know that I would take care of her no matter what. With a heavy heart and eyes filled with tears, I loaded up little Gracie and drove her to San Antonio to see Dr. Vice. We arrived at Broadway Animal Hospital only to find that both Dr. Vice and Dr. Lewis were out of town. Gracie and I were referred to Dr. Cozad at the Northern Oaks Bird and Animal Hospital. Poor little Gracie had to endure yet another exam. A culture was done and Blood for a Avian Panel and DNA test for Psittacosis were drawn from her tiny little neck. Gracie laid there like a good little bird that she is. More shots of Calcium, Vitamin A/D3/E and Baytril were given. Not once did Gracie wimper. Dr. Cozad seems to think that the Psittacosis that had once tortured little Gracie could still be hiding its ugly presence within her. Poor Gracie, how very sad she looks. Once again little Gracie will have to face those nasty shots. Will she ever get well, will she ever be happy?

   All I can do now is wait for the results. Wait and see what it is this time that has invaded my poor little Gracie's body. I feel like I am failing her. It is so hard to look at her sad little face. Her eyes half closed and featheres fluffed as she sits close to her light. More prayers are said and more tears are being shed for the life and love of my sweet little Gracie.

   Results are in and dear Gracie has yet another battle to fight. This time Gracie's own little body has turned on her. Ecoli, too many, and it is affecting her ability to digest and absorb nutrition for her food. The battle with anemia continues along with low calcium and now a too high level of phosphorus. Good news, Psittacosis Titer is Negative. The shots will have to continue for the whole ten days. I hate doing this more than anything in the world. Gracie's calcium supplement is changed back to Neo Calgulcon and her B Vitamin supplement is changed to Liquid Tinic. My little dear is now being hand fed twice a day. It is a mash of hard boiled egg, cherrios, and a couple of drops of honey. That part is easy, for Gracie greedily removes all 3ccs from the syringe. The last few days I have have been sneaking in her multivitamin/mineral supplement and adding sweet potatoe to her mash. Now those are some clean syringes.

   Today, 20 Jan 99, Gracie will receive her last shot in the evening. Over the last couple of days I have seen a big improvement in my sweet little Gracie. My plan is to start sneaking in a variety of healthy body/immune system building foods into her mashes each day. I hope and pray for the life and love of Gracie that illness for her will very soon become a forgotten past.

   On Saturday Gracie will return to Broadway Animal Hospital for a re-check of her culture and Avian Panel. Please pray with me that for once all values come back normal for this sweet little Gracie.

   The trip was made and the results are in. My little Gracie has liver disease. Her anemia has worsened and her liver enzymes are three times above normal. Although she continues to act and appear normal, time for Gracie grows short. Now my little dear will have to face daily injections of B Vitamin Complex along with drops of Lactalose in hopes that this will help her liver and keep her little body detoxified. Please hope and pray along with me now for the life and love of Gracie, my very special Nanday Conure.

With all the gracious prayers, help and well wishes that Gracie and I have received, Gracie is continuing to improve. She has only suffered one minor set back, but was able to overcome it quickly. Her liver enzymes have come down to almost normal and her anemia continues to improve. Bless you all for your prayers!!

   My Sweet little Gracie is becoming more of a bird with each passing day now. I am still hand feeding her a mash of fertile farm eggs, honey, aloe detoxifier, vitamin/mineral supplement, and a variety of organic baby foods twice a day. So far her favorites are those with apple in them and the corn and butternut squash. I know that this extra nutrition she is receiving it is helping to boost her immune system and give her more strength and energy than ever before. Even though it is well in to May of 99, I will continue to give Gracie everything she needs, not only to keep her healthy, but to keep her with me for as long as I am allowed.

   Well, Gracie has now officially become a "Happy Hut Queen". She not only uses her hut for night time snoozing, but also as an express hall way/day time nap center too. It is so very good to see her laying in her hut. I just know she is sleeping better at night and feels more secure in her world now that she has a special place all her very own. Bless you my little Gracie.

   We have finally made it. Gracie had a repeat Avian Panel and Culture and Sensitivity on Saturday, 19 June 99. All came back normal except for a slightly low blood protein. I have been told by her Avian Vet that this is not unusual at all. Gracie has finally found the right road, the road which has taken her from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

   It is now the 21st of June 2000 and little Gracie continues to flourish. She had only one minor set back in April, but that was short lived. Gracie's immune system is so much stronger now. She still continues to receive her Aloe Detoxifier along with B Vitamin Complex drops and Neo Calglucon drops twice a day. But, that is ok. Gracie looks and asks like a happy and healthy little Nanday. What a joy, what a long road, what a teacher she was and always will be. "I Love You Gracie"

   Hey all, Gracie and I have reached April 2001!!!!! Gracie had only one little problem since her last one and she continues to flourish. She is such a joy to behold each and every day. Thank You God for giving me my Amazing Gracie.

   Hey all, Gracie and I have reached February 2002!!!!! Gracie had only one little problem since her last one and she still continues to thrive. Gracie has come so very far since April 1998 when she first arrived home with me. I love you Gracie you truly are amazing.


I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the love, prayers, and support you have given to little Gracie. She truly is and always will be my Very Special Nanday Conure.

Becky and Feathered Friends

“A slave to feathers and dust, everyday from morning to dusk, I would not trade one feather or one speck of dust, for they are truly given in love and trust”

“I touched the wings of a Dove, and beheld those of an Angel”

  I want to thank you all for reading about Gracie. Please keep her in your prayers and send her your healing thoughts. God Bless One and All.



Little Gracie is and always will be an innocent victim of a breeder that practices a philosophy that I fittingly call "Keep Well To Sell". Being close to the border of Mexico it is easy to buy Baytril or other antibiotics/anti fungals right over the counter. Why you ask? It is easier than practicing good hygiene/quarantine in their aviary and cheaper than taking a sick bird to a qualified veterinarian. The indiscriminant use of invasive medicine on birds is just plain wrong. There are natural safe organic non invasive products available that will not interfere with the immune system or normal flora of a birds body. Because of this breeder's philosophy, cheap hand feeding formula, and extremely poor hygiene habits, Gracie's immune system and ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals has been damaged. She will always suffer. I often ask myself how many other poor little birds are suffering now because of this breeder's philosophy and the horrendous filthy conditions in which they force their birds to exist.

There is justice in this world after all, not only for little Gracie, but for all the other little feathered kids that have suffered and are still suffering from this breeder. Yes!!!! They have been SHUT DOWN!!!!!!

For more information on and the use of Antibiotics, I have found the following excellent articles on-line:

The Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance by Stuart B. Levy

Too Much of a Good Thing by Darrel K. Styles, D.V.M.

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