Chapter 1: Caught on Camera

"So where to next?" I asked my best friend, Kathryn Thomas(Kat for short).

“I don’t know. Where do you want to go, Joey?” Kat asked me. I guess this is where I explain my name. My real name is long and ugly, so naturally, I shorten it. I’m a girl, but whenever my friends talk about me to someone else, people always assume I’m a guy. Josephina Meredith Baldwin was my full name. I tell everyone my name is Joey, so that I get spared of any jokes about the name.

"Well, why don't we go to Dillards? They have everything there." Kat said.

"Alright, lets go," When we walked into Dillards we knew right away, that we were in the perfume section. We were fortunate enough to miss every "Spritzer" with a perfume bottle. Too bad we had no idea what we were looking for. Here we were two fifteen year olds looking for a present for my friend Kelly. Kelly was getting married and was having a bachlorette party for a final fling, so we needed a gift. We had no clue as to what to get her. After about half an hour of wandering aimlessly around the store, Kat picked up a sweater. "How about a nice sweater?" she asked meekly. I gave her one of those looks like, How can you even think of something that incredibly stupid? "Okay, maybe not. But I don't see you coming up with any ideas. No bells going off in your head."

"That's it! I feel stupid for not thinking about this earlier." I dragged Kat to the a cashier. "We need something for a bachlorette party," I blurted to the lady. When Kat said bells I thought of a stupid sign that was by this little bell in my dentist’s office. It said, "Please ring the bell for service."

"You girls might want to try the lingerie area in the underwear section." she smiled tightly. She probably thought we were two bit hookers that were for hire or something.

"Thank you." I smiled back and Kat and I walked into the woman's area of Dillards. We reached the underwear and started looking at the choices of undergarments for Kelly. I heard Kat giggle.

"Jo, tell me that isn't who I think it is." Kat said as seriously as she could; she was trying so hard not to laugh. She pulled out the camera I thought I had talked her out of buying earlier in the day.

"I thought I convinced you not to buy that stupid camera." I reminded her.

"I'm glad I did. Now look over there." she was still laughing.

"What, who, where, huh?" was my reply.

"Over there, the guys. Ones got red see-through underwear on his head, blue see-throughs on the others head and purple on the tall ones head." Kat pointed to my left and was now giggling almost uncontrollably. I looked to my left to where she was pointing. Kat was already clicking away with that little camera.

"What the....." I burst out laughing when I realized what she was pointing at. Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson were putting women’s lingerie on their heads and pretending to fight. When they heard us laughing and saw us, they quickly threw the underwear off their heads and walked around slowly, whistling and acting innocent. We decided, after we caught our breath, to investigate the weird antics of the crazy three who were now known as "undie-heads" to Kat and I. I'm glad Kat didn't listen to me for once. We had big time blackmail on Hanson now.

"What were you guys thinking?" Kat asked, trying to keep from giggling her head off. She had stuck the camera in her purse and they had no idea she had taken the pictures.

Zac raised his hand, then answered, "Trying to prove we have no dignity whatsoever and that we need serious mental help." Zac smiled. Even after a long tour that probably wore him out, Zac was still funny.

"Cute. Real cute." Joey smirked.

"It would be cute if I got a picture of you guys like you were and then gave it to Entertainment Tonight and Star magazine," Kat cackled.

"You wouldn't..." Taylor started.

"Nope, I didn't, but I easily can." Kat just smiled up a storm. We all chatted for a bit, but they had to go. All they pretty much said was, "Man are we embarrassed." All I could think was how bad we could really make it for them....

Ch. 2: Caught On Camera....again

After seeing them in the store, Kat and I had a completely new perspective of the guys. They were regular guys, with regular guy thoughts. I had always thought of them as these pure, unblemished, perfect children that every parent wishes they had. Instead, they liked to mess around and be stupid just as much as the next person. Kat got the film developed the next day after we took the remaining two pictures up by snapping the lens at my sleeping puppy. We put the embarrassing pictures away and only showed them to a few friends. Even though letting everyone see the pictures would be hilarious, we knew it would ruin their reputation, and therefore we decided not to do it.

One might think that seeing Hanson traipsing around with underwear on their heads might be a little disconcerting, but it just seemed normal to weird people like me and Kat. We knew that they were just guys that were goofing around. If that wasn’t all there was to it, then neither me nor Kat wanted to know any more than we already did.

Monday, two weeks after the “incident” - as we liked to call it - we had gotten over it. We still had an inside joke about it, but we got over it amazingly quick. We had to go to the drug store to pick up vitamins and pills for my mother and also to get some more film for Kat’s camera. We entered the drugstore and looked at the signs above the tall shelves, looking for the vitamin section. We found them at the back of the store and then went to the pharmacist to ask him about the pills.

“It’ll take about ten minutes, so, if you’d like to look around the store for a bit....” he smiled warmly.

“Thanks,” I smiled back. Kat and I decided to purchase the film and see if we could figure out how to load it since someone had loaded it for her at the mall. We did so, and after a few tries, the film was successfully loaded and prepared to take pictures again. We still had a few minutes, so we walked through a few aisles and suddenly, I almost screamed. I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing at the sight. I grabbed Kat’s arm and shook her.

“What?” she mumbled. Somehow, she had gotten engrossed in reading the back of a Kleenex box.

“Look,” I pointed down the aisle. Now it was Kat’s turn to try to keep from laughing. Down the aisle was Hanson, again. Only this time not wearing underwear on their heads. They were now carefully choosing a pregnancy test. Kat quickly raised the camera to her eyes and snapped a few pictures. I then decided to approach them. We walked slowly up, and when they didn’t notice our presence, I cleared my throat. They all looked up and turned different shades of red.

“Is there something you’re not letting out to the public, boys. First we see you playing with sexy lingerie, and then you’re choosing a pregnancy test. So, which one of you thinks he’s expecting?” Kat smiled raised her eyebrows. I snickered, but then raised a questioning glance to their eyes.

“Um, you-- you see-- it was--well, we...” Isaac stuttered.

“Really? That’s quite an interesting story,” I nodded thoughtfully.

“No, you don’t understand. This is--well--it’s not what it looks like,” Taylor explained.

“Oh, so you’re not choosing a pregnancy test?” I smiled.

“Well, we are, but....” Isaac tried to talk again, but only succeeded in drawing a blank.

“It’s me,” Zac confessed. He turned around and grabbed a package of Always© Pads and stuck them up his shirt. He lovingly rubbed his newfound “baby.” “You see, we weren’t sure if I was just getting fat or if there might be a bundle of joy in there. I’m hoping for it to be a extra thick maxi.”

“Looks awfully thin to me,” Kat responded, pulling out the pads. She then tossed them at Zac’s head and he fell down, with mock brain damage.

“You okay?” I laughed.

“Flubana asfu streel,” he responded, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

“Sounds like you had a lobotomy, kid,” I joked.

“Yep, a frontal. But that was four years ago, and we don’t like to talk about it,” Taylor kidded, looking sadly at Zac who was now growling at a box of tampons.

“Baaaaad tampon. No good,” he said in caveman-type voice.

"You have no idea." Kat remarked with a smile. Zac sheepishly looked up at her and got off the ground. Taylor just held back a snicker that was dying to come out, but for the sake of his little brother (yeah, right), didn't say anything. He did let a large, goofy grin take over his face though.

"Oh, like you DO know Tay." Zac said crossing his arms.

"Please, can we get off this awful subject." I said.

"Yes! We can." Isaac glared at his brothers. They just smiled. Then we heard the intercom thing begin to crackle.

“Ms. Baldwin, your perscription is filled, please report to the pharmacy center. Ms. Baldwin, please pick up your perscription."

"Op, that's us Kat." I grabbed her arm. "It was nice," I searched for a word that described what happened, "uh, seeing you again." I finished as my mind drew a blank.

"Bye." Kat waved goofily at Zac, then Taylor, then Isaac. Zac mimicked her.

"See ya." Taylor waved. I waved back.

"I hope we meet in a better situation next time, the last two times were, well, not so pleasant." Isaac made everyone snicker with this remark.

“See you later,” Taylor gave a small wave as I guided Kat down the aisle.

“Bye!” she yelled back. “Jo, let’s go back! They were talking to us!”

"We have to go, I'm sure they understand."

From there, Kat and I proceeded to pick up the vitamins. When we purchased them and got them, we turned around and Zac was sitting on the floor. Kat was startled and jumped.

"Zac you scared the crap out of me!" she scolded him.

"Sorry, but I was sent on a mission." he raised an eyebrow and looked to the left, then the right. Then he took me and Kat into a huddle. "See this piece of paper? I'm suppose to get your phone numbers so we know where you girls are going to be. Then we know in advance we can't be doing something weird when you approach us. And Kathryn can't get any pictures of us doing weird things such as buying a pregnancy test for our mom or playing with women’s lingerie." he said, pretending someone was watching us or something.

"Zac you can call me Kat, ya know." she said. For some weird reason, Kat hated the name Kathryn. She liked Kat and that was pretty much all she went by if she could help it.

"Okay, hurry up and jot down the numbers." he said in a rush. We wrote down the numbers with a pen that magically appeared from a package of pens off the shelf. Then, in turn, he wrote a number to reach them at. "This is one of our less commercial numbers." he informed us.

"Bye Zac." Kat called to him as he darted off, pretending to dodge bullets.

"Have a safe trip." I said. Right after that, Zac tripped on his shoelaces.

I heard a large amount of laughter and Kat and I couldn't help laughing. We left the store, waving to them as we left.

::Chapter 3-4::