Chapter 15: Sweet Surpises and Treehouse Jails

"Shhh, here they come!" Zac whispered to Kat as they hid behind the sofa. Joey and Taylor walked over to it and sat down, holding hands. Joey then leaned over to lay her head on Taylor's shoulder as they sat. They were sitting ducks. Sure, my idea was a little childish, but hey, it was fun to watch people be scared. I looked over to Kat and she had her hand clapped over her mouth to keep from giggling. We prepared ourselves, then popped over the top of the couch, using our water guns to shower Joey and Tay with ice-cold water.

"Hey! What the heck!" Tay shot up, taking Joey with him as he stood.

"What's the big idea?" Joey looked at us sternly. Then Tay noticed my squirt gun.

"Awww....that's it, you guys are dead meat." Tay hopped over the couch and began to chase us. He chased us right up the tree and into the treehouse and we locked the door.

" guys just trapped yourselves." Tay yelled. He and Joey were now guarding the door that I had locked just minutes ago. I already regretted my actions. I sat, concentrating on a plan to get out.

"Don't worry Zacky, we're smart, we'll think of something. Plus, it's not all that bad being locked up in the treehouse with you." Kat smirked and then kissed me playfully on the lips.

"Maybe it won't be so bad." I kissed her back. We sat there, kissing for a little while, but she stopped after awhile.

"I'm thirsty, and it's getting hot in here." As soon as she brought that up, I realized I was sweating and my mouth was parched.

"Yeah, I'm kinda' thirsty too." I looked out of the windows. Both of them were opened, but there was no wind, meaning there was no air circulating. "Hey Tay." I yelled out the window. "We're kinda' thirsty, will you let us come down to get a drink?" I asked.

"Nope, but you can watch us drink our lemonade and eat our cookies. This is making up for the lemonade and cookies you guys trampled last time. YOU had you chance to eat them, now you get to watch us." he laughed.

"Great, Tay's being an asshole." I remarked, sitting back down by Kat. She was really getting sweaty and I watched a bead of sweat join with others and run down her neck. It was fascinating. Then I saw her wipe it off, and I pouted my lip.

"What?" she asked, wearing a half smile.

"I liked watching the sweat run down your neck." I admitted. "And Tay won't let us come down for a drink."

"Sorry, it just bothers me when sweat just collects there, then drips off. I don't like to sweat." she said. She pushed her bangs back. She was lucky that happened to be wearing a ponytail, it was a little cooler for her. As for me, I needed a haircut, and I wished I had gotten one last week when I was suppose to. "Zac, it's hot. The heat always makes me tired. I'm going to rest. Will you wake me up if Tay changes his mind?" she smiled so sweetly at me.

"Sure, here, heres a pillow." I took a pillow from the stash we had in the treehouse for camp-outs.

"Thanks sweety." she laid her head down and fell into a nap as soon as her head hit the pillow. I stroked her sweat soaked hair, then her sweat soaked arm, then her sweat soaked head....then... "Hey! Make sure i'm asleep before you start that." she startled me. I was for sure she was asleep. I stroked her head again, until I was sure she was asleep and continued on again.

"Tay, don't you think we should let them down? Or at least send them up some water or something? It's really hot out here." I suggested.

"No, they had this coming. They have done many things to deserve this." Tay said, snacking on a cookie.

"All right, but if they die, it's your fault." I laughed.

"Sure, so sad."

"So, have another cookie?" I offered.

"Sounds good to me." He took it and when he shoved the other one it, Zac stuck his head out the window again.

"C'mon guys, we're really thirsty up here. Kat's asleep because the heat is getting to her." Zac pleaded. I wanted to give in, so I asked Taylor again.

"Come on Tay, the heat is getting to her, it makes her sleepy." I put on a puppy dog face for him.

"Oh all right. I'll get them a pitcher of water, I'll send it and some cups up on in the basket." Taylor pointed to the basked the was on a rope and pulley. He left to get the water and I told Zac to grab the rope and be ready for Tay to send up the stuff. He did as told and then Taylor returned with a pitcher filled with water and two cups.

"You're the sweetest." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Ewww." Zac commented.

"Who has the water?" I asked. He shut up after that. Taylor set the stuff in the basket and began pulling the rope, the basket lifting as he pulled. "That is a brilliant device." I commented.

"Thanks. It comes in real handy. It's 'simple science' as my dad says."

"I see." He finished lifting it up and Zac greatfully took the contents of the basket and disappeared into the treehouse. He didn't bother us for a long time after that. Taylor and I sat under the tree. I leaned against it as we sat in the shade. Taylor twisted a lock of my hair in his fingers, mumbling something or another. "What are you babbling about mister?"

"Was I babbling? I didn't even realize. What did I say?" he asked quickly.

"Nothing, you were BABBLING." I told him.

"Oh, okay good. Whew." he said. Now I was suspicious.

"So, what were you thinking about when you drifting off into space?" I asked.

"Nothin', just daydreaming."

"C'mon, you can tell me, I won't tell no one."

"No, no. I really wasn't dreaming at all. It's just that sometimes, when I'm daydreaming, I mumble and talk, spilling my dreams and hopes to the world." he said.

"So, what are your dreams and hopes?" I inquired.

"Uh, sorry, secrets like those aren't even for Zac and Ike's ears, and they're my most trusted companions."

"Oh, okay..." I pretended to start crying.

"I really can't." he stated. It was a really serious tone of voice and so I stopped asking. Then, I leaned against him and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes. Zac was drinking a glass of water and I realized my head was in his lap.

"Hey sleepyhead." he ruffled my alread screwed up hair.

"Stop." I whined, pushing his hand away playfully. I realized he had been reading a comic book. "I take it they haven't let us out." I sat up, then poured myself some water. I took a drink, almost spitting it back out. "Ew! This water's warm!" I cringed.

"Yeah, it's been warm for awhile. Once all the ice melted, it didn't keep cold." he had picked up his comic book again. He didn't even look up while talking to me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, taking another drink of the warm water.

"About two hours." he stated, still not taking his eyes off the comic book. He was laying down, holding the comic book over his face while he read it. His arms were straight up and it took all I had not to tickle him. It obviously made a good sunblock. I walked over to him and pushed his hands down, so I could see his face. "May I help you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have a message for one Zachary Walker Hanson." I said, my stomach beginning to butterfly.

"Well, hand it over messenger." he smiled. I kissed his big, soft, pink-as-a-rose lips and then slipped my tongue into his mouth. When I pulled away, he just sat there, staring at me. I started laughing cause he had this big dorky - but cute - dazed smile on his face.

"Does that mean you want another one?" I asked, smiling myself. He shook his head, smile still in place. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth now and he looked like "Ed™" from the Lion King™. I kissed him again, doing the same thing, and he responded, oh boy did he respond. This kid was the best kisser I had ever known, and I had had my share of kissers. When we pulled away again, I had the goofy smile this time, but it was because I was doing an impression of Zac.

"I did not look like that, you're crazy." he laughed.

"Yes you did and yes I am."


"Did you realize that I haven't heard a comment, talking, or any movement or noise from downstairs?" I asked suddenly.

"Neither have I, maybe they left." Zac suggested.

"That's what I was thinking. Check out the windows." I said. He checked the left window and I checked the other window. "Come here, this is so cute." he said. I wasn't use to guys saying things were cute, but I came over. "Be vewy quiet, de wabbits is sweeping." he said in an "Elmer Fudd™" voice. "Okay." I peaked out the window. There, were Joey and Tay, fast asleep, leaning against the tree. Joey was actually leaning on Taylor. "This is our big break." I told Zac.

"Yeah, if we go really quietly, we could sneak down and sneak past them." he pointed out.

"Okay, lets go." I agreed. We walked carefully over to the door, unlocked it, pulled it up, then step-by-step walked down the planks that were nailed to the tree. Zac quietly pulled the door shut and I stepped off of the tree. Zac came down and we tip-toed past Joey and Tay into the house.

Chapter 16: Jailbirds Caught In The Act

I felt the wind blowing gently and I stirred. I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing my backyard. Then I remembered everything. I quickly woke Joey, who was asleep on my arm and asked her when she fell asleep.

"I dunno, I just closed my eyes and, bam, I was out." she stretched.

"Crap, I gotta' check and make sure Zac and Kat are still up there."

I climbed the wood blocks that lead to the entrance and opened the door. I peeked in. "Damn it!"

"What? What's wrong?" Jo asked, looking up from the bottom of the "steps."

"They got away, and we had them cornered too." I pouted.

"Aww, will get them next time." Jo hugged me and I inhaled the scent of her hair. I took a deep breath and then put my arm around her neck and lead her to the back door. I reached for the knob and opened the door for Jo. She walked in and walked over to the couch.

"Hey, I think my keyboard is upstairs, why don't you meet me up there, I have a song I wrote to show you." I said. She nodded and so I went downstairs, into the basement to retrieve the music. I went around the staircase, to get into the chest that holds our sheet music and I heard giggling. I figured this was a trick, and that Zac and Kat were watching me, waiting for me to do something so they could get me. I followed the giggling into the laundry room, and there, on a pile of clean laundry, were Zac and Kat, both in only their underwear. I didn't know what to think. My jaw hit the floor and I could on get on word out. "ZAC!" He looked up at me and I've never seen anyone turn pale that fast. The blood drained from his face faster than I could blink.

"Tay, don't tell mom, please don't tell mom!" he said quickly. The kid would have been talking a hundred words a minute if he could think of a hundred words to say.

"After I get over the initial shock of seeing my little brother half naked with his girlfriend, that happens to be about 2 months older than me, I'll consider it, but tell me, please, what the hell you are doing?" I wanted to know what that girl was doing to my little brother.

"We were just kissing, and then we sat on the laundry, and then it just progressed from there." Zac tried to explain. I could clearly see the kid was terrified.

"All right, all right, I won't tell mom, but get your clothes on and get out of here before I change my mind." I blurted. That was the best friend meets brother, in me, talking.

"Thanks Tay, I owe you big." Zac threw his clothes on, while Kat threw hers on and then they left within the next minute. I shook my head, getting out the movie that continuously played over and over since I had caught them, and went into the chest, retrieving the music like I was suppose to.

My brother just caught me seriously making out with Kat, my brother just caught me seriously making out with Kat, my brother......that is the line I couldn't get out of my head. It kept running through my head, over and over.

"ZAC ARE YOU OKAY?" Kat yelled in my face.

"Huh?" I asked dazed. I could only see a blur of Kat's face. Then everything went black.

When I woke up, Kat was putting some foul-smelling liquid under my nose.

"Gag! What is that crap?" I asked, coughing.

"Something to wake you up. Why'd you do that, you stupy brain?" she asked accusingly.

"I didn't mean to, I was just thinking about..." I then looked up to see Isaac, Joey and Taylor standing over me. "Bug guts and it grossed me out," I covered my blunder.

"Well, are you okay now?" Kat asked as I sat up shakily.

"Yeah, I just need something to drink," I remarked, my dry throat aching painfully.

"Okay. It's all right, I can handle him now, guys," Kat remarked shooing Ike Tay and Joey off. Ike said something about going downstairs and Joey and Tay headed upstairs. I sat down on the couch and waited as Kat brought me a glass of water.

"Thanks," I remarked, taking a long gulp of the cool water.

"No prob. I can't believe you fainted. You of all people. It wasn't really about bug guts, was it?" she asked. I knew she sensed it was something bigger.

"You're right. It was the fact that we were caught together just sinking in, finally. I couldn't believe that we were caught by Taylor, of all people."

"Hey, at least it wasn't your mom," Kat said optimistically. "That would have been way worse."

"You always make something sound so much better. You're right. It could have been worse. Tay did promise not to tell..."

"Yep, but still, you better kiss some serious ass if you want him to keep that promise. He now has something huge against you, and if you mess up once, it could be all over for you and me."

"Let's just try not to do something like that in our house again. Maybe next time we'll chose a better place if we plan on trying that again."

"What makes you think we'll try it again?" Kat teased me.

"I don't know...wishful thinking?" I smiled slyly.

"...and then I promised not to tell. That's probably why Zac fainted. He was probably thinking about the fact that I had caught him. I could so ruin his life with this, but I won't, because I know that probably one day you and I may get caught doing something we shouldn't and then it will all blow up in my face," Taylor explained.

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself there, little buddy. We're not quite that far yet," I reminded him.

"I know, I was just thinking like....a year or two down the road," Taylor raised his eyebrows, obviously wondering if his guess was right.

"Maybe you won't have to wait THAT long. I'm scared, not cruel," I laughed. There was a pause, then Taylor's mild expression changed to fustration.

"Dang it. After having such a shock, I left my music down in the basement. Hold on a second," he began to get up, but I could see he was still a little on the edgy side after seeing what he did.

"Stay right there, I'll go get it," I offered. "Where is it?"

"Laying on the floor of the laundry room," he answered.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I smiled and then jogged out of the room. I went quickly down the stairs to the basement. As I passed Ike, I noticed he was looking rather sullen. I stopped a moment and stood in front of him as he sat on a stool, quietly strumming his guitar. "Something wrong, Isaac?"

"Well, I, uh..." he hesitated in telling me.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone," I soothed, pulling up a stool.

"Well, you know that girl I've been hanging out with a lot? The one I took to the dance? Kayla?" he questioned.

"Yeah I remember her. She was really nice," I remarked.

"Well, we had been just friends, and I jeopardized it all by asking her out," he explained.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

"She turned me down. She said she had found someone else. She said she had liked me for the past three years, and suddenly another guy found her and she lost her appeal for me," Isaac sighed.

"That's awful! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Isaac," I got off my stool and hugged him. "It does get better, though. I promise," I soothed as we hugged. "The same thing happened to me and it does get better. You just have to be strong and remember that you're Isaac, the almighty!" I pulled away and smoothed his hair out of his face. "You are a wonderful guy, and any girl would be privileged to be called your girlfriend. If Kayla was too ignorant to see that, then she doesn't deserve you. I know you'll bounce back. After all, you are Isaac, Rockstar of the Millennium!"

"Thanks, Joey. You've been a big help," he smiled.

"Good. I've gotta get this music and go back upstairs now or Taylor will begin to wonder if I got lost," I laughed. Isaac pulled me into a hug again.

"Thanks. I really needed this," he whispred.

"I'm always here for you, Isaac," I smiled and let go of him. I went and retrieved the music and then left Isaac to be alone to think.

Chapters 17-18
