Chapter 29: Long Distance Love Letters

*~*~* Author’s note: There is only one letter from Joey. This is because I erased all the other ones and I can’t remember what material I put in them. I also figure that two sets of letters is superfluous anyway. You can pretty much gather everything that went on during this time from the letters between Kat and Zac. *~*~*

Joey and I got back together just in time for me to find out we were leaving four days early. That gave me enough time to pack and leave. Joey was sad, but told me her promise to write me every day still stood. I promised my vow to write still stood and we kissed on it. Isaac and I had a lot of tension in our relationship still and I knew wasn’t ready to forgive him for trying to betray me with Joey, but I was giving a little more each day to make our friendship as good as it had been before the whole mess started.
After a week in Europe, I realized two months without Joey were going to be hard. When I got her first letter, I read it over and over...

Dear Taylor,
It’s only been a day, and I miss you like crazy already. Getting back together has really been the best thing that happened. I’m so glad we did. I can’t believe I wasted so much time. We lost that week. But it’s in the past now. Now we have years to look forward to. We have our love to look forward to sharing each and every day. I miss you. I look at your picture and miss you. I see you on MTV and miss you. Oh, have I mentioned that I missed you? I can’t find one thing here that doesn’t remind me of you. Cabbage-That day you stuck it together with a potato and put chopsticks for arms and called it A Mr. Potato-Body Cabbage head doll. Pencil-You drawing that first picture for me. Geometry-Shapes. Hearts. Love....Man, I don’t know how I’m going to last two months. If you don’t write back or call, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m definitely going to be very lonely. Write back soon.
Yours and only yours,

Dear Kat,
I can't believe how much I miss you already. I promise I'll call you very soon. As soon as we took off in the airplane, I missed you - and that's no lie. I whined to Tay for awhile (it's always fun to annoy him) and he popped me one, right in the chops. Lets just say I shut up. Dad separated us and I got to sit next to Ike. Guess what I did to him....? While he was sleeping, I tickled his nose and he sneezed all over the seat. I swear something went into the lady in front of us's hair. Now I was successfully moved by Jessie and Avie. Dad moved me, of course. While I was sittin' next to them, a couple of girls, looking for their grandma, stumbled upon us. We were more than happy to sign autographs and it turned out that their grandma is the lady Ike sneezed on. I couldn't stop laughing. The stewardess came by and goes, "Mr. Hanson, I’m going to have to ask you to calm yourself. Please keep it down." Dad gave me that "I'm going to kill you now" look so I shut up again. Included is a picture, I painted it at the hotel. I hope you like it. Wow, this is the longest letter I've written in my life! Well, now that I'm almost done, I think I'm going to try to write a song or something.....GIVE THE PUBLIC WHAT THEY WANT...hehe....I miss you and don't forget.....DON'T LISTEN TO THE MEDIA, THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! THEY DON'T CARE WHO THEY HURT, ALL THEY WANT IS ATTENTION. Don't ever forget that. They are out to ruin our lives.....hehe....they're all after us!!! Well, I really gotta' go now. The address is on the front and our room number here is #124. We'll be here for a week. Write back soon!!!!
Love ya' lots,

Dear Zac,
I miss you so much too. Jo came over the other day and we sat there and bawled our eyes out. We even bought the stupid little magazines so that we didn't forget what you guys looked like (yeah right!!). Anyway, we really do miss you guys. Oh, I love the picture. It's the best drawing I've seen of Garfield in a long time. I love it so much it's on my wall. And you know I only hang special things on my wall. Zac I miss your sweet kisses so much I kiss the stupid posters. It's only been 4 days. I'm going crazy. I guess you never really realize how important someone is until they're gone. That is why I am ALWAYS going to take advantage of when you are here. Well, Jo's here. We are going to go catch a sad movie so we have another reason to cry some more. I love you so much. Bye. CALL ME! I NEVER GOT MY PHONE CALL. I was out with Jo when you called. Oh, and I have a pic of me included (so you don't forget what I look like)
Love and kisses,

Dear Kat,
I know you miss me, but POSTERS? That's desperate. Hehehe.......anyway, onto a little more serious subjects. I know we promised to write everyday, but everyday I don't have time. We are super busy for the next couple of weeks. We've decided to start writing songs for a new album that we want to put out (GIVE THE PUBLIC WHAT THEY WANT!) and I am really tired lately. I'm glad we got to talk the other day. It was nice to hear your voice again. I wish you wouldn't cry. I hate hearing/seeing/knowing you are crying. It breaks my little heart. Please don't cry, we'll be back soon. The new hotel number and addy are on the front, well actually the room # isn't, but its right here: #622 (its a HUGE HOTEL!!) Anyway, Tay and Ike and the kids say hi and so do my mom and dad. I miss you a lot too. I have that little picture in my wallet at all times. And don't worry, I'll never forget what you look like. You're too cute to forget. Hehe....lala....I'm so bored here (even though I'm doing everything). Its just hurry up and wait. We've already written four songs. And coming on some more. I really do love writing and singing though (and playing of course) but some of the stuff isn't exactly a picnic. In fact, I have to go right now for a practice. My hands have been itching for my drumsticks.....I've used pencils for the last 4 days. We don't practice as much anymore cause of time and working on the shows/appearences/new album. But there definitely is going to be one. Help us think of titles and things, k? you and Jo both. *blows a big fat kiss at Kat* (I learned that in a chat room, ain't it cool?) I had a little extra time to go into a what? It was fun. They all thought I was an impersonator. Dorks. Anyway, I'm being dragged out of the room by my shirt, so this is goodbye for now. C-ya.
Hugs and kisses,


Dear Zac,
This is taking so long! It's already been two weeks, and the album is going to extend that. :( I miss you so much that I'm really going crazy. I had lost my camera for awhile (before you left) and I didn't miss it that much, but we found it and have gone wacko with it. I will send you a billion pics of me and Jo in the next letter. I had forgotten how fun it was to have my camera in hand at all times. In fact, I'm taking pictures of everything. OH, guess what? I got a kitten as a present from my mom! She thought it would cheer me up a little more. Its a little boy and he looks like Garfield!!!!! I've always had black cats, but he's a real beauty. I named him Zacky, after you of course. He is a little cuter than you (NOT). Hehe...(i picked that hehe up from you)...I still miss you. I will always miss you until you are sitting here next to me, doing whatever we'll be doing. (promised to slow down, promised JO to slow down, promised TAY to slow down, promised JO and TAY to slow down - sorry, had to remind myself) Jo will be at camp in a few days, she signed up for it. I'm upset she has to leave and will be bored and write a billion letters. The letters are getting shorter, aren't they? Well, I know that you're busy so I'll try to keep them short and sweet, okay?
Love and kisses,

Dear Kat,
No, you can write as much as you want. And I'm glad that you have a little friend that can care for you while I'm gone. Speaking of being gone, our return date has been pushed back, so we've decided to make the album in the good ole US of A and then we can get back in another two weeks. I promise. Love you. Love,

Dear Zac,
I'm pretty disappointed that you won't be back for awhile still. Two more weeks will just be a little more hell for me to endure. In fact, with Jo at camp, the only thing I really have to do is go out and play by myself, with some of my other friends, or with Zacky. I just don't have anything to keep me busy anymore. Jo will be back next week though. I enjoyed our talk the other day, I'm glad everyone is doing okay. My family is great. And my mom met someone. His name is Bill and he's really nice. I'm glad to see mom so happy. I don't think he's going to last though, mom is already having her doubts and they've only been going out a week. She met him at work. Well, enough about me, how are you? I guess that I should go now, I gotta see what I can cook up for supper. Did you know our 5th anniversary is coming up? I am pretty excited. The pictures are in this letter, take them out and check them out....I posed just for you. Okay, so I got a little carried away (giggle). Love you lots.
Love and happiness,

Dear Kat,
I'm glad your mom finally met someone she's partly happy with. It makes me happy that you're happy. I'm sure I'll love Zac too. I bet he's really cute, all Zac's are (I'm living proof). I would be happier but something bad happened. We got booed off stage. I cried and was really upset, but don't tell anyone. I gotta go now cause Tay and Ike are getting mad that I'm not writing songs with them, so I have to go.
Love you,

Dear Zac,
I'm so sorry you got booed off stage. I can't believe your fans could be so inconsiderate. I cried just knowing that you did. I am in shock that they were so rude. On a lighter count, I played with Zac and wrote this thing for you. I thought it was pretty cool and I got the idea from one of the shirts when I went to the mall ALONE! I think you'll like it. I'm having them make a bumper sticker out of it and a shirt. Maybe I'll give them to you. Here it is: The bongo bangin', cymbal smashin', base beatin', drumroll playin', beat keepin', tempo makin', drumstick twirlin', tam killin', egg shakin', cow bell hittin', master. Drummers Rule! (this was made by Rachel, TOTALLY original) Well, what do you think? I hope you like it.

Dear Kat,
I still can't believe that either. But Tay and I were writing letters to you and Jo and Ike came in and goes, "Why haven't you guys just been e-mailing each other?" And we felt stupid. Our e-mail address is if you wanna e-mail us. Uh, not much happening here. Can't wait to come home. See you soon. Love you.

Dear Kat,
I know your last letter didn’t get to me, because we’re coming home now! I’m in Germany visiting some of my parents friends, and I’ll see you in about four days after you receive this. See you then!

Chapter 30: News That Makes You Run

I was sitting there, reading my Bop magazine that was talking about what Hanson was up to when mom knocked on my door. I glanced at the clock. 12:45. It was late. "Come in." I put the magazine face down on my lap.

"Honey, we have to talk," mom was all smiles.

"What's up mom. Did you have a good time on your date with Billy?"

"Well, I kinda wanted to talk about Billy. Uh, tonight, after dinner, he proposed to me." she looked at me.

"WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I was completely thrown by this.

"Well, I said yes of course."


"Because I love him, and I don't want you using that tone at me."

"Well don't expect me to be happy for you. I've met the guy once and you have gone out with him for like three weeks. Why do you think that you can be married. You haven't known him long enough? You are rushing into this mother. I dunno why you are doing this." I yelled.

"Well, I was hoping you would be happy for me. I support some of the boys you bring in, and.."

"And I don't plan on marrying any of them. Some I have gone out with for five and six months and still not had any urge to marry them."

"And you aren't experienced with love, you have no idea how it works."

"I have a little more knowledge than you know, and if you insist on marrying this Billy guy that you've been dating for three weeks, don't expect me and Zac to stick around for long." I said it in a quiet, forceful tone. It reminded me of the day Jo told me I shouldn't think I know what Zac wants.

"You will not leave this house. You don't have to be happy for me, but you don't leave this house because you don't like what I'm doing."

"Fine, get out of my room!" I screamed. She got up and left, slamming the door. I broke down crying. I picked up the phone and immediately called Zac's hotel room.


"Zac?" I sniffled.

"Kat? You okay?" he asked right away.

"No, my mom is marrying Billy." I sobbed.

"What? But didn't she just meet him? And I thought you liked Billy?"

"Yes, she just met him. No, I've met him once. I thought he was okay, cause I thought my mom would break up with him!" I was crying so hard I almost couldn't talk now.

"Shhhhh.....calm down....." Zac soothed me. I just imagined him sitting next to me, his arms around me, me crying into his shoulder.

"I wish you were here so bad Zac." I choked out.

"I wish I was too. I wish I could make your pain go away. But..."

"Your damn job is too important." It made me more angry just thinking about that.

"Hey, I didn't ask for this job. It was given to me by God and I plan on doing it for a long time. Lets not get into that right now."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so mad right now. I'm going to run away, far away."

We continued conversing for another hour, then Zac had to go, since the time was so different.

I was sitting there, still thinking about Kat. She had called me about two days ago and told me her mom was getting married. I didn't like it cause her mom hadn't known the guy that long. But Kat was very worked up. As I was thinking, the phone rang I picked it up on the third ring.


"Hi Zac, this is Kat's mom."

"Oh, hi. What’s up?"

"Zac, do you know where Kat is? Did she tell you she was going anywhere?" she sniffled and her voice was shaky. I guessed she was upset.

"No, why?"

"Cause we can't find her or Zacky."

My heart stopped. Where did she go? She was there two days ago, when she called me. I thought I convinced her not to leave.


"I...I'm here."

"Do you have any idea where she would be?"

"Let me think a minute." I was trying as hard as I could not to cry, but despite my efforts, a tear rolled down my cheek. "And she took Zacky?"


I thought of every place I could that Kat could be. "I can think of only one place." I said.

"WHERE?" her voice was urgent.

"About two or three miles down the road from your house, there is a clearing. In the clearing there is a pack of land that has trees and everything. She use to hide out there."

"Thanks Zac." she said.

"Good luck."

*~*Three Days Later*~*

They still hadn't found Kat. I was very worried. I had told everyone and we prayed that they find her every night at the dinner table. And Kat's mom would always call and say they hadn't found her yet. I prayed ever night that whole week that they would find her. And after it had been 8 whole days, I was scared to death. I was crying so much, my cheeks were always puffy and when we had to perform the make-up people took an hour for me. Tonight I was making a special prayer, when the phone rang.


"Zac!" It was Kat.

"Kat, oh my gosh!" I was speechless. All I was doing was crying.

"Zac are you crying?"


"I am too. I am in deep shit. I called to tell you I was alive. I can't tell you were I am, but I have money, food, water, a place to pee, Zac, and a place to sleep. And I'm safe. I'm calling from a friends' phone."

"Where are you? Can I tell your mom you are okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. But all she can know is that I am alive. I can't tell you where I am."

"Okay, as long as I know you're okay." I was so relieved. We talked for about 10 minutes and then her change ran out and she left. Apparently she hadn't called from a friend's house, because I don't know of many people who have payphones in their houses. Except for that episode of the Brady Bunch, I can't think of any. I called her mom right away. I don't think I've ever answered so many questions in my life. She hammered me with them. I told her everything I knew, which wasn't much. After I was off the phone, I went in and announce the news to everyone. Then I went to my room and write in my journal. Tay came into my room as I was finishing up.

"Hey Zac?"

"Yeah Tay?"

"Have you seen my dia....journal." he blushed.


"Alright. I'm glad you heard from Kat."

"Thanks Tay." I got up and hugged him. It was the closest I've felt to him in awhile.

"You're gettin so much taller Zac. Puberty is really setting in now."

"TA-AY!" I blushed, then did an embarassed laugh.

"Sorry." he laughed and left. I went to sleep after that.

Chapters 31-32