Chapter 39: What You Take, You Have To Give Back In the End

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Is this Mrs. Thomas?" a voice asked.



"Yeah, my mom is the one you probably want."

"No, are you Kathryn?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then I am looking for you. This Laura at the James Veteranary office. Doctor Sanders must speak with you immediately." she said.

"Um, okay, when are your hours?"

"We are open ten am to seven pm on weekdays, and from twelve pm to six pm on Saturdays. We're closed on Sundays."

"Okay, thank you, I'll be right over."

"Buh-bye." she said so cheerfully it discusted me.

"Bye bitch!" I slammed the phone down and ran downstairs. "MOM! Take me to Dr. Sanders immediately, she has to tell me something about Zacky!!"

"All right honey, lets go." Mom said, grabbing the keys and heading to the car. We hopped in and I burst into tears.

"Mommy, Zacky's gonna die." I felt like I was three years old.

"Oh, no he isn't sweety, he'll pull through."

"He will, but I just have this feeling that something is very wrong." I said through my sobs.

We finally pulled into the parking lot ten minutes later. I ran in and found my way to Dr. Sanders.

"Hello Kathryn."

"Where's Zacky, whats wrong with him." I asked, tears still flowing.

"He's right here in this room." she opened the door and I bolted past her. I picked up Zacky and just held him in my arms. He licked my face and licked my fingers. Then I gently set him on the table, and started to pet him while the doctor explained his situation. "Well, Zacky has a blood clot that is blocking the main arteries to his back legs, thats why he is paralyzed from the waist down. Now, here are your options, you can get a surgery done on him, but there is a 60% chance he will have a relapse. Or you can put him out of his misery and send him to a better place by letting me put him to sleep. Its a painless and quick injection. Do you want to take him home and decide or just decide it now?" She looked at my mom, and my mom looked at me.

"Well, honey," my mom started, with a shakey voice, "it's your cat, its your call." I thought she was cruel for making me decide such a thing. I had a life ridding on my one word. I wanted the best for Zacky and I wanted him to be happy. So I thought hard for a few minutes.

"Can we take him home and come back?" I asked, with a strong, steady voice. I was trying hard to sound more mature and more grown up about the situation.

"You sure may. We're open until seven tonight. I just want you to know that, you know the right decision. It rests right here." She patted her heart. I could have made the decision right there, cause I knew it, but I wanted to spend a couple more hours with Zacky. So we took him home. He rode home on my lap, and I stroked him and looked out the window, fighting with my mind and my heart. Half of me knew I'd have to put him to sleep to make him happy, the other half wanted keep him, to have him to play with, and pet. It was a tough decision to make. My problem was that I knew what had to be done, but I didn't want to do it. I was very attached to Zacky, and had to be strong. We got home and I locked myself in my room. I got my camera, and used 3 rolls of film on him and me. I didn't realize how much I missed playing with my camera, but that was the least on my mind. I played with Zacky, and let him eat his favorite dish, tuna, straight from the can. I could tell he enjoyed it. But, when the clock hit 6:30 pm. I knew it was time. I told myself to be strong, that I could cry after it was over, but a few tears escaped the enclosure of my eyelids anyway. I swallowed hard and then told my mom that we should go. It was time. We pulled into the James Vet's office once again, and I marched back to an empty room. The doctor came in a few seconds after I sat down. I asked my mother to stay in the lobby. She knew this was hard for me, so she respected my wishes.

"Well, have you decided what to do?" Dr. Sanders asked me.

"Yes ma'am. I would like to put Zacky out of his misery." I said, biting my lip when I finished.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Would you like to see the back room?" She offered.

"Yes ma'am, I would like to see where Zacky will die." I bit my lip again.

"Okay, follow me."

"Okay." I said. She led me down the narrow, white-tiled hallway to the door at the end of the hallway. She opened it and I looked inside, stepping in the room of death carefully. There were light brown cabinets lining the walls and the counters that came up to my waist were white. The cabinets, including the ones under the counters, had silver handles. We closed the door. The counters went all the way around the small, laundry room sized room, except in one corner where there were 3, thin and tall white file cabinets. The file cabinets were about six drawers high. There was a silver colored sink to the right side of me and anatomy posters of cats and dogs lined the walls above and below the cabinets. In the middle of the room, was a small metal table, it had a white blanket on it, and a needle and injection fluid already prepared. She watched as I studdied the room.

"I knew you would make the right decision, so I prepared his injection. Everything is very sterile. Do you want to watch me inject him, to see how quickly and peaceful it is?"

"No ma'am." I answered quickly, but deep in my heart I wanted too. I wanted to stroke his head as he quietly drifted to God. I wanted to be there as his eyes closed for the last time. I wanted to know that this was a safe, quick, painless procedure. But I couldn't. I was strong, but not that strong. You'd think it was my brother dying here and I was deciding to take him off the respirator or something. But it was my cat. The one that loved me no matter what I did, or who I was, or who I knew. The one that came and sat on my lap when I was crying or upset, that didn't try to talk me into things, or tell me it was going to be okay when it wasn't, but that just automatically understood and accepted my decisions. Whether they be right or wrong; including this one. I kissed Zacky on the head, as his small body lay in my arms, then I stroked my hand over him a couple more times, I kissed him again, and walked out the wooden door. I didn't look back. I just prayed that God would take care of the cat that loved me and I loved. I walked into the lobby, retrieved my mom, and left. Tears silently poured down my face as I breathed quietly. I put my seat belt on and looked up to see Zacky's favorite toy on the dashboard. Right then, I knew I had made the right decision.

**Special Authors' Note: It was hard for me to write this section because of the memories and emotions that came back with it. But I figured there might be another person out there with the same problem, that needs a little help or guidence. So I'm sharing my story of a loved one lost: The section about Zacky is dedicated to my first, and favorite cat of all times, Ricky, who died in 1991. I got him when I was 2 1/2, I even picked him out of a litter of kittens, but I learned a hard lesson: "What you take, you have to give back in the end." So, I gave him back to the Lord at age 8. I wasn't as ready for his death, but one day, out of the blue, he couldn't move his back legs. We took him to the vet and she said we could do an operation to remove the blood clot with the chance it would happen again, or we could put him to sleep and out of his misery. We took him home to decide. We had a family meeting and sadly, we decided to go with putting him to sleep, for his own good. That night, I got to say one last goodbye to Ricky as the doctor took him into the back room to be put to sleep. This was based on everything I could remember happened when I went to the vets office that fateful night. { Sorry about the emotional outburst here } - Rachel **

Please sign this guestbook if you've had a pet die. Share your story if you'd like, or dedicate it to them or a pet you have alive, or whatever. Its kind of a pet memorial guestbook. :)

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Guestbook by GuestWorld

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Chapter 40: Stories Will Be Told and Games Will Be Played

A couple months later....

It was the day the guys got back. Kat and I were at my house, in the room I had been accompanied to for awhile. Mom was now eight months pregnant. It was mid-September and Kat's mom's wedding was in one week. Kat was happy for her mom now, and they had their old relationship back. Kat still wasn't happy with Bill, but she was giving him a chance and thats only because Kat's mom goes, "Kat, please, give him one more chance, for me?" So Kat is. Her mom is slowly trying to work Bill into Kat's life. Kat knows it and so do I. But anyway, Taylor promised he'd call here when they got back. Kat and I would then meet them at McDonald's Yes, THAT McDonalds. Anyway, we were sitting around, talking and the phone rang. We perked up immediately. I answered the phone calmly.


"Is the man or woman of the house around?"

"No, we're not interested." I hung up. "Stupid sales people."

"Oh." Kat's face fell.

"Let's do something."

"Uh.....what could we do?"

"I don't know. Hmm......why don't we, use my computer?"

"Uh, okay." Kat agreed. We walked over to my computer and sat down. I flipped it on and brought up Microsoft Word. "Why'd you bring Word up?" she asked.

"Cause, I feel like writing. Lets....lets.....write an interactive story. You know, like Play the Hanson Game had."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Sounds fun!"

"But we need ideas. Hmm......"

"Uh, uh, uh, uh....what are we going to write about?"

"How about us? We could be the main characters."

"Yeah! And we could include the guys."

"Yeah, thats a good start. Now, should we just be meeting them, or have we known them, or what?" The wheels in my head were beginning to turn, obviously in Kat's too.

"Uh, I think we should just be meeting them."

"Well, why don't we start the story with something that will get other peoples interest. Something you'd never expect." I looked at Kat, and Kat looked at me and at the same time, we go, "The Dillard's store!" And we laughed so hard. Then we wrote everything we remember happening. When we finished the Dillard's store part, the phone rang.

We were about to enter the McDonalds and a weird loooking guy and a slutty girl walked in before us. Normally I don't notice stuff like that, but today, they just caught my attention. Maybe it was because they were ALL OVER EACH OTHER! It discusted me that people couldn't get a room. Then I thought of the laundry room incident, Well, at least it was a ROOM! We walked in and sat down. I guess we arrived first, which surprised me at first. Kat and I were finally permitted to see each other, after long agonizing months without, with the acception of a couple occasions and midnight phone calls. And now, she hadn't shown up. Finallly we heard giggling and we turned around expecting Joey and Kat. Well, two fans, wearing Hanson shirts and all, were standing in front of us.

"Good afternoon ladies." Tay the charmer spouted.

"Hi. Um, we feel really stupid asking this, but would you mind giving us your autographs?" the older looking girl asked. She was probably Kat's age.

"Sure, what do you want us to sign?" I asked, expecting the younger one to lift up her shirt or something. That HAS happened on a few accounts, some older, some younger. One girl that looked like a mini Pamala Anderson-Lee asked us to sign her, you got it, breasts. Dad wouldn't let us, but Tay, Ike and me wouldn't have minded. Anyway, they took out two copies of the official book (by our buddy Jared Gollihare) and a permanent marker. We signed and they also asked us to sign their shirts. So we did.

"Thank you SO much, I love you both." the little one threw in.

"Yeah, thanks." the older one was now acting more mature and sexy towards us. I laughed mentally. Finally, we heard the chime on the door go off and looked over to see who we expected.

"Excuse me." I said, moving the little girl over a bit. I hugged Kat and swung her around. I'm pretty sure Tay and Joey did the same thing.

"You guys have girlfriends?" the little girl bit her lip and her eyes filled with tears.

"No, no, no, no....see, these are our buddies. We've been away and this is the first time we saw each other in awhile. See, this is Kat and thats Joey."

"Ohhhhh....." the girls said in unison. Vounerable, they're all so vounerable. Hahaha....dorks.

"Yeah. Its nice to meet you..." Joey trailed off at the loss of knowing the girls names.

"Tiffany and Andrea." The older girl, Andrea, filled in.

"..Tiffany and Andrea. Now if you would please excuse us, we are going to have lunch." Joey said so comforting, no one could have taken that phrase wrong.

"Okay, thanks for the autographs guys. Bye." They waved as they walked out the door. We finally sat down and began writting the orders down on a piece of paper.

"I want Zac...I mean, what Zac's having." Kat laughed, she had intentionally said that to make us laugh. So we did. But her smile faded quickly and the laughter died down as she noticed a guy and a girl standing next to our table. It was the guy and girl that had walked in before us.

"Hello Rodney." Kat said in a tone so cold and icy, I was afraid hell froze over. But as soon as she said the name, Joey, Taylor and I all looked at each other.

"Hey Kat. I see you have two guys that look like girls AND a girl. I knew I was right about're a freakin nymphomaniac."

"Rodney," she kept the same tone, "these are my friends, my REAL, friends. Joey, Taylor, and Zac."

"Yeah, so you're dating a girly Hanson boy, and the youngest none the less. So what have you done to seduce him into your world like you did me. Or do they know about me?" he got this stupid grin on his face.

"None of your fucking business. Now get the fuck out of here before I kick your fucking ass." Kat said quietly and calmly.

Rodney smiled like he had done something great, and left. But he did the dreaded thing before he left.

"Who was that Rodney?" the bimbo asked, wrapping her finger around his greasy brown hair as they walked away.

"Just another slut I tamed." He laughed and evil cackle.

Obviously he didn't know Kat very well. But, Kat contained herself. She ignored him and sat there playing with the salt and pepper shakers. Joey opened her mouth to say something, but Kat began talking.

"Hey Rodney." Said the salt.

"Hey Kat." the pepper said.

"Rodney its time for you to die now....die die die die.." she slammed the salt and pepper shakers together. I grabbed the pepper and Taylor snatched the salt from her hands.

"STOP IT KAT!" I yelled, just quietly enough for her to hear it, but not loud enough to disturb the whole restaurant.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Kat turned to me and buried her head in my shoulder, crying.

"Shhh...its will all be okay......." I looked at Tay and mouthed, Its time to go home. So, we began our walk home.

Kat is an okay friend to me, if you ignore the fact that she attacked me. But I kinda deserved it. Anyway, this pushed her way over the edge. So far over, that she was, infact, acting in ways a real psycho person would. She was so mad, she hadn't even reacted to Rodney's insult. She just took the anger that had built up inside and let it come out in the form of, well, almost a childs play activity. Kat had so many things happen to her in her life, but only one or two had done real damage. She just needed a shrink. That's all I could think about. When we got home, we just went into the basement and all hung out on the couches. We snacked on cookies, chips and hot chocolate. Kat finally calmed down. Zac laid on the couch and Kat layed next to him. Joey and I did the same, but since Kat and Zac were so much shorter, they got the love seat and we got the full sized couch. We were STILL hanging our feet off the end.

"Joey, we are too tall." I waved my feet around.

"I know." She smiled.

"So, what do you guys want to do today?" Zac asked.

"I like just hanging out down here. Its nice and cool, but hot all at the same time." Joey threw in.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Kat said. We all laughed. "How about we play a game?"

"Like what?" I asked, thinking about what games we had.

"Like....I about strip poker?" Joey suggested.

"We'd probably have to go play that in my basement." Kat announced. But, we were all up for it, so we had Ike take us to Kat's.

"I'm dealer." I yelled, picking up the deck and beginning to shuffle. "Okay, call em."

"Deuces and Jacks wild." Kat called. Obviously our dear, experienced Kat had played poker too.

"Alright." I finished shuffling and passed out 5 cards to everyone. I picked up my deck. Hmm..I could win this hand. I thought. I had 2 kings, a Jack, a Queen and a two. So I already had most of a full house. I kept everything in my hand. Thats when everyone knew they were in trouble. In the beginning we decided to play down to me and Zac's boxers, and Kat and Joey's bra and panties. Zac put his 5 down. He had nothin. He took off a shoe. Joey had one pair. She kept her shoe on until Kat set down three of a kind. She laughed, but then I sat down my full house.

"Full house and fully clothed." I said smartly. Joey and Kat each took off a shoe. Through out the game, we each lost an article of some kind, first removing shoes, socks, hair pieces, and jewelry. Then came the shirt or pants, and then the boxers for the girls and undershirts for the boys. At that point, if you had removed all of the above, you lost and were out. So it ended up me and Kat. Joey was down to her bra and underwear and Zac was in his boxers. Kat had a shirt and her pants on. I had just my pants (and underwear) on. My days were numbered if she won this hand. And we'd get to play one more hand if she lost. She lost to my two pair. Off came her shirt. Zac's eyes grew as she took it off. I stifled a giggle that wanted out so badly. Even though he had seen and touched before, he hadn't really seen in the light. And it was pretty light in here. I delt again. This time it was me or her. She had a pair of aces and a 2 to put down. Three of a kind was hard to beat at this point in the game, but by some miracle, I got a royal flush. There was no telling how lucky that was. I put it down and did my victory dance. Joey watched and began to fan herself.

"A little hot in here?" I asked at her.

"Just a bit."

"And the last loser gets to be the Striptease just like Demi Moore." Kat danced around Zac. We all laughed, knowing her sense of humor. She gave him a really quick and weak lapdance and then danced around the pole in the basement. "Come on Joey, dance with me baby!!" Joey got up and the danced around the pole. Me and Zac just kind of sat there, paralyzed. Then Kat walked over and turned on the cd player. She stuck in her TLC CrazySexyCool album and turned "Red Light Special" on. We laughed because the music was so appropriate. They stopped after that and came and sat on our laps. "And Santy, I want a big dolly that I can play with this year." Kat said, talking to Zac. Then she got this sexy tone of voice with him, "It has to be a naughty doll though Santy." She then proceded to kiss Zac on the forehead and then she got re-dressed, as did the rest of us. Zac did when he came out of shock. We then took our places on Kat's couches.

"That was pure, teenage fun. Not as wholesome as family fun, but definately fun." I spoke directly to the room.

"Yeah, it was about as wholesome as sugar." Kat added.

"I agree."

"Sugar is too wholesome, I eat it all the time and look at me." Zac was the last one to join in the conversation.

"Point taken." Kat added. We all laughed. Then we talked a little more, aimlessly, with no specific subject or topic. And the events of the earlier evening seemed to be almost forgotten.

chapters 41 and 42