Chapter : The Wedding Blues

"Last night was so fun......" I trailed off talking to Kat. I got to spend the night and was staying the day at hery house.

"Yeah." She silently remembered. "The day would have been more fun if stupid Rodney hadn't shown up."

"He really ruined your life...but you're so strong, you just move on. I don't know you can get over things like that."

"With a lot of patience and time. That's the way I handle most things."

"Good answer."

"Hey, you know what?"


"We should go save our story on a disk, so we can write at our house too."

"YEAH! Good idea. Why don't we do it now and then come back over here."

"Well, I was thinking that we could do that, only we could go to the guys house, and get them to tell us how the felt and what we were thinking, so that we have plent of p.o.v.'s"

"Hmm....but should we let them in on our little story?"

"Yeah, their points of views are kind of important to the story."

"True. Alright I guess we could then. It will add more to the story, things even we didn't know."

"Yeah, there will be NO secrets." We giggled and then ran off to save the beginning of our story on to a disk.

We then tracked over to the guys house. We heard lots of screaming.

"Uh-oh, I think the scream squad has found Hanson's house."

"Yeah, we better go save them. I gotta plan." Kat said. She told me the plan and we joined the crowd.

"OH MY GOSH!! THERE GOES TAYLOR!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and pointed toward the ditch. It was a long shot, but a crowd of screaming girls would listen to anything. It was like the whole crowd was a hive of bees and they flocked toward the ditch like there was no tomorrow. Kat and I walked around back, hopped the fence and told Ike to move 'em out while we were still clear.

"Some of the letters on the front porch said that the internet had our address and these girls had access to it." Ike pointed out, after we had gone for a few hours, talked about the story and returned. Now we were sifting through the aftermath of what was the Hansons front lawn. Now it was littered with letters, presents and more. Zac picked up a bra.

"Hey Kat, this looks like it'd fit you, why don't you take it home!" He yelled. Taylor was still on the subject of that anyone had access to their house number.

"So, now anyone can find where we live. Great." He sighed.

"It doesn't matter for me anyway." Ike spoke quietly.

"Why not, you're part of the pop group Hanson and you live here."

"Well, you're right about the pop thing, but I'm not going to live here anymore. I am going to get an apartment after I turn 18. I'm going to tell mom and dad my plans after my 18th birthday. I've already decided this is what I want to do." Taylor, Kat and I looked at each other, Zac now came and sat by us.

"What's everyone so quiet about."

"I'm movin out when I'm 18 Zac." Ike informed him. Zac became silenced. Now everyone thinks thats all a big deal when the don't know him. But silence just means hes actually calculating, thinking and processing the information he was just given. He's really a smart kid.

"Why?" Zac asked. None of us had thought to ask that question.

"Because, I'm tired of feeling like a sardine in my own house, and I'd like to live on my own. I am a very independent person and I don't know how much longer I can handle this big family stuff. Its always driven me crazy, but there was nothing I could really do about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I just, I just need to have my alone times without worrying that someone with come running through the door with a squirt gun. Or just laying on my bed and pondering about entirely nothing and concentrating on silence. That is a word that is not part of the Hanson family vocabulary though. That's why."

"Oh, well I hope you get a nice apartment Ikey." Zac gave him a big hug. Zac is a very understanding person, I guess thats one reason Kat liked him so much. I kinda understand where Ike was coming from, being the oldest and all. He had to see every child be brought into the world, see it cause trouble and have to deal with it.

"I don't get it. You're upset because you have a big family. I could only WISH for a big family. I have been in a two person family relationship for so many years. It's not the greatest. And now my mom is trying to throw in so weirdo guy that she knows I hate just cause she thinks shes in love and I know for a fact that shes just too damn horny for her own good."

It was the day of the wedding. I guess I was excited, seeing my mom so happy and all. But it still angered me she was marrying Bill. Bill was the scum sucking, life killing, top godfather bastard of them all. He was the lowest life form on this planet. But I was doing this for my mom, and I had to constantly remind myself. My mom let me pick out the bridesmaid's dresses, since I cooperated and all. And of course I got Joey's opinion on every last one. We both finally decided on the deep sea blue ones with the hoop skirts and the spaghetti straps. They were very pretty. And they were satin. The belts that went around them were crushed velvet and the shoes were crushed velvet. Now, I have consistantly forgot to say that I ended up finding out Bill was a millionaire. He was paying for everything, so I made it as excellent as possible. When he bought me things, I gave them to my friends. But he said for my 16th birthday, he'd buy me any car on the market. I was quite happy about that. I wouldn't mind a new car, even if it was from him, but I was suppose to be happy. My mom walked into the room. I just stared at her in awe. She looked so beautiful. I mean, she was still thin, she was beautiful. I think she knew, even though I didn't say anything. She just sat back and let everyone else say how nice she looked. Then some usher dude came in and told us that they were ready for the line ups. I got to walk on with Bill's son that he was fighting custody for. He was really cute, but he was about to be related to me, so I kept all the nice thoughts down. His first name was really dorky, but thats why he went by his initials. I had never seen him until the rehersals for the wedding. Bill had told us about him, but thats it. His name was Kenneth Jacob Salerson. He went by K. J., no Ken, no Jake, just K. J. He was 16 and he was really nice so far, but I couldn't believe in like 20 minutes, he'd be my step-brother. I would have a sibiling. I was happy. He wasn't anything like Bill, if anything, he was the complete opposite of Bill. I liked him and I thought we'd get along great.

We were finally ready for the line-up, I had K. J. on my side and the music had started. The ring bearer was Bill's nephew Drew and the flower girl was my cousin Mary Jo. She looked so cute in her little blue dress. My mom's wedding colors were blue and black. I don't completely understand why, but they were. So, it was finally our turn to walk down the isle. I suddenly didn't see Bill at the alter, waiting for my mom. I saw Zac standing up there. The wedding colors changed; white and black. I was the bride, dad on my side, as proud as the day he was when I was born. My mom was crying in the pews and Joey, and the whole Hanson family, including Ike's wife were in the pews too. I suddenly got this burst of happiness and just beamed like it was really happened. I looked over and got shocked back to reality as Zac waved a little wave to me. I winked at him and smiled. He looked so cute in his little tuxedo. I continued on toward the Priest and the rest of the people standing around the alter. I took my place on the side, spliting away from K. J. I watched Zac the whole wedding. When I heard "I do," the second time, and watched my mother skip out of the place with Bill, I walked over to the Hanson's and the Baldwin's.

"Who's takin me to the Reception again?" I asked.

"You're coming with us." A teary eyed Diana threw in.

"Alright, are you guys gonna let me change?"

"Of course, theres a bathroom here, isn't there?" Zac said.


"Well, go change."

"Okay." I retrieved my reception clothes from the back room and took them to the bathrooms. I changed and looked at the dress I was wearing. It was the dress from the first church dance Zac and I had attended. I had just chosen a dress from my closet, stuffed it in a bag and that was that. I was surprised I didn't recognize that dress. I guess I was REALLY pre-occupied. I got into the dress and put my stuff in the bag and then I was off.

Chapter: Did I Ever Tell You You're My Hero

We got to the reception and Joey and I sat at our reserved table and ordered drinks. "This wedding's really nice, eh?" I asked

"Bill's so loaded he makes Donald Trump look poor." Joey replied with a smile. I leaned in and kissed her. It was just appropriate.

"What was that for?"

"Oh, now I have to have a reason to kiss you?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact you do."

"It was for your beautiful hair."

"Thanks Taylor." she made her hair talk. We laughed. Our drinks came and we were in the middle of talking and I stopped and listened.

"What, why'd you...."

"Shhh....listen..." I told her. Her eyes widened and I led her out to the dance floor.

"Lady in Red, I can't believe you remembered that, that was so long ago, in our 'innocent' days."

"Well, I remember everything that happens with you and me, thats why I'm going to be a great help on the story." I smiled. She just closed her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder. I hugged her closer and we just floated along the dance floor. After the dance, we sat down and finished our drinks. At that time I noticed my mom and dad dancing. The little ones had been left at home with a babysitter. Jessie didn't wanna come, so she stayed too. The babysitter was a friend of ours so we didn't have to worry about anything. My parents were really enjoying theirselves tonight, and boy did they deserve it. They were planning on bringing yet another person into the world. "Joey, did I tell you my parents are planning on having another."

"Nope." she was pre-occupied looking at something to the left. I looked over and saw what I've wanted to see for a long time. Ike was smiling, laughing and having fun....with a girl his age. He finally was being happy. Sure he had had his girlfriends, but they were like what I go through, they want you to buy them stuff. He had never had a half decent girl before. It seemed like this one was different. I could tell by the way he was acting. He had to have been talking with her awhile, because normally, he doesn't smile and talk, he just talks then excuses himself. I waved at him, and he nodded his head at me. I notioned for him to come sit at our table. He brought the girl over, pulled out her chair, and then sat down.

"Hi guys, this's Shelley." He introduced her. I could tell by his manners that he definately was flipping for this girl.

"Hi Shelley, I'm Taylor, and thats Joey. Its a pleasure to meet you." I shook her hand, then Joey did.

"The pleasures' all mine." she replied politely. I liked her already too. She didn't scream, flip out of stare. And she was nice and had manners.

"Has she met Zac?" I asked Ike.

"No, maybe him and Kat come back over here and we'll catch them." He said, looking at them on the dance floor. They hadn't left it since we had arrived here. They were really enjoying themselves. But as soon as we were talking about them, they sat down, very sweaty.

"Hi guys!" Zac choked out in between breaths.

"Yeah, hi guys." Kat also was catching her breath.

"I hope you guys just had a fast dance." I said.

"Yeah, I think we went a little too fast." Zac and Kat laughed. They sat their calming down, and then they noticed Shelley.

"Guys, thats Shelley, Shelly that's Kat and Zac."

"Hi nice to meet you cousin of mine." Kat remarked.

"Yeah, same to you cuz." Shelley smiled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were related." Ike laughed. Shelley joined him in the laughter. The rest of us just kind of sat there. It wasn't that funny, was it?

"Nice to meet you Zac." she said, calming down. We sat there and all got to know Shelley. Kat and Shelley told stories about each other when they were little and stuff. It was really fun. Me, Ike, and Zac shared stories too. I think Joey felt a little left out, having no one to tell stories of. She smiled and joined in talking about her brothers and sisters.

We finished talking to Shelley, Ike, Tay, and Joey, so Kat and I took a walk around the hotel that this was taking place in. We rode up and down the elevator, even though Kat hates them. I just held on to her really tight and she was just fine. We played around in the elevator, up and down, laughing and giggling. Well, we were a little past floor 6, going up again, when the elevator stopped. And the lights went out. We were all alone in this elevator.

"Zac, why did the lights just go out?" Kat asked quickly.

"I don't know." I grabbed Kat's hand and hit the emergency button. A set of emergency lights went on. I guess they had a generator going or something. Kat was glued to my arm.

"Zac, I'm really scared." I could tell she wasn't lying. "Get us out of here Zac, please."

"I'm trying." I hit the open door button and nothing happened. Then I began to yell. "HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP US, WE'RE STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR!!!!" Screaming was my last restort, but Kat and I screamed and screamed.

"HELP!!!" Her cries of help were followed with a flow of tears. I tried to calm her and stay calm myself.

"HELP! WE'RE STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR! GET HELP, PLEASE!! SOMEONE HELP US!!! ANYONE OUT THERE HELP US!!!" After about half an hour, we gave up. We'd have to wait until the power came on. The I remembered the time the power was off for a week. I began calling for help again. Kat was tired and scared. I gave her my tux jacket and told her to lay down. I put my foot on the the hand rail that went around and stood up. I pushed out a small piece of the ceing square and began calling for help again. I looked down at Kat, and called some more. Finally some called back.

"Is their anyone down there?" A man called.


"ALRIGHT, HOLD ON, I'M GOING TO GET HELP!!!" he went away. I jumped down.

"Kat, we're going to be saved!" I hugged her. She weakly hugged back. She was looking pale. After about ten minutes, I heard the doors above us open.


"YEAH!!" I yelled back, climbing up again. I saw a man and a few people standing at the doorway that was about 5 feet above me.

"Who is down there with you?"

"My girlfriend, Kat. And that's it. She's completely drained of energy, scared, cold and tired. I'm okay though."

"Alright, hold on, we're gonna get you two out of there. We're going to go downstairs to floor six, and we're going to pry both sets of doors opened. Just hold on."

"Okay." I jumped down. "Kat, they're coming to get us right now!!" I told her.

"Zac, I don't feel good." she said. She didn't look good at all. She was pale, weak, tired, cold but sweating, and she was just in bad shape. "One of my worst fears is coming true. I'm stuck in an elevator. And I think its psychologically getting to me." Kat said. I prayed that the men would hurry up.

"Okay, we're outside the doors, prying them open!" I heard from the other side of the elevator doors.

"Okay, please hurry. And someone go tell our parents, down in the room where they're holding the wedding, that Zac Hanson and Kat Thomas are stuck in the elevator."

"Son, everyone in the whole hotel knows that some people are stuck in the elevator. And you'll be out in a sec anyway."

"Well, at least we have a welcoming crowd." I said. Kat smiled a faint smile and then took back to her position of laying on the floor, looking dead. Finally the doors opened and the light shined through. The guys helped Kat out first, since she wasn't doing too well. I slipped out the elevator myself. Everyone around clapped and Kat was taken to First Aid downstairs. I followed the guys that took her there. I held her hand as they checked over her.

"She just had, what's known as a fear attack otherwise known as shock. She got so scared that she made herself sick. We're gonna give her some water and a little food and she'll be fine." The nurse said.

"Okay." I told the nurse. "Kat, I'm going to get your mom, I'll be right back." It was on the same floor as the reception so I just walked to the room and announced to everyone what happened. I took Kat's mom to the First Aid room and everyone else just stayed back. I was watching Kat slowly gain her color and charm back. Within a half hour, she was back to normal and ready to get dancing again. I couldn't get over what happened though, I mean, we had been stuck in an elevator and we could have died. What if the wires had gotten cut or something? We would have died. I was still shaken when we went back to the reception. Everyone was relieved that we were okay. Kat's mom believed it was her fault. I didn't let her think otherwise, I was still calcutlating what could have happened.

"Zac, thanks for saving me." Kat kissed me on the cheek.

"I didn't."

"You stayed calm the whole time and made sure that I had everything I needed. You're my hero." She said. She was right, but I didn't think that was being a hero. But it sure felt good to be called one, legit or not. And for some reason, I was reminded of Bette Midler.

Chapters 43 and 44