Chapter 49: Going Vintage

When we arrived at the store, I was amazed by the clothes. A lot of them were really cool, but cheap, too.

“Joey, I’m paying for your clothes,” I told her.

“No, you don’t have to do that,” she shook her head, pulling out her own money and showing it to me.

“No, I pulled you in, and besides, I want to pick out your outfit and if I pay for it, then you’ll have to wear it.”

“Okay, fine, but nothing that’s extremely scary, okay?”

“Promise. You’ll look beautiful,” I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. We headed over to get pants first. I pulled out a pair of 70’s style grey cords and smiled. Exactly my style. They were a little big, but I knew they’d fit okay. Joey pulled out a dark blue shirt with four thin white stripes crossing the front and back. It went perfectly with my pants. I checked the price of the ensemble. $13.50 for the entire thing. Not bad at all. Then came the incredible task of trying to find the perfect outfit for Joey. I pulled out a long black skirt and she pointed out the holes in the back, so I replaced it. After about five more minutes of searching, I found a short black skirt with some sort of chinese looking writing on the lower right-hand side and a black and red casual shirt that went really well with it. I showed it to Joey and raised my eyebrows.

“A skirt? Taylor, all I have are my Adidas tennis shoes, and they aren’t gonna match,” she shook her head at the ensemble.

“Then we’ll buy you shoes, too,” I shrugged, dragging her over to the shoe section. I found a pair of slightly raised heel sandles and handed them to her. She gave me a disgusted look.


“It’s just that I hate wearing short skirts. I’m always afraid it will get caught up in my panties or something and I’m gonna walk around with my butt hanging out,” she frowned.

“Come on. You never wear them around and I want to buy you one so you’ll wear it. I like your long legs, but you don’t show them enough,” I whined.

“I wear shorts all summer!” she protested.

“Yeah, but that’s only three months out of 12!” I quickly pointed out. She just gave in and push the items back toward me.


About twenty minutes later, Kat and I had purchased the shirt I had seen before and were nearly sick of Gadzooks. We had been waiting for Taylor and Joey forever when they finally came into the store. I laughed when I saw the look on Joey’s face. She was wearing the first short skirt I’d ever seen her in and she didn’t look very happy about it. Taylor looked somewhat normal, and completely comfortable on the other hand. Kat was giggling too as Joey approached. She hugged her empathetically.

“You would look so much cuter if you would smile,” Taylor coaxed. Joey forced a small smile and we all giggled a little. I felt a little sorry for her.

“This outfit is so not me,” she shook her head, running her hands over the material.

“Well, it’s cute. And besides, easy access,” Taylor was standing behind her and put a hand on the side of her leg and began pulling up her skirt a little.

“And don’t you even think about it here, or you won’t be recieving any type of affection from me for a while,” she pushed his hand away.

“Oooh, fiesty,” Taylor laughed.

“Horny,” she shot back. Taylor kind of looked hurt for a second but then he snickered.

“You know it,” he put a hand around her midsection and nuzzled her neck.

“Guys, hate to ruin the moment, but Joey’s mom’s gonna be here within the next 15 minutes, and you know how she gets when we’re late,” Kat said, looking at her watch.

“Yeah, and it takes 15 minutes just go all the way to the other side of the mall,” I chimed in. So, each taking the proper hand, we set off on the trek to find Joey’s mother and end the horrific outing to the mall which would be followed by a tragic visit to the movies.

“I want to see 54,” Kat suggested.

“Sounds good to me, but it’s rated R and we’re not 17. How are we going to get tickets?” Zac pointed out.

“Joey, go get tickets,” Taylor handed Joey a bunch of money.

“Me? Why?” she frowned.

“Hon, with that outfit on, you could pass as 20,” Kat crossed her arms.
“Fine,” Joey took the money from Taylor and approached the ticket taker. “Four to see 54.”

“That will be twenty dollars,” the employee said, printing out four tickets. Joey raised her eyebrows at the fact that she had just passed for 17. She handed him the money in exchange for the tickets and then took them back to the group.

“Told ya,” three voices chimed at once.

“Fine, I pass for 17...what’s your point?” she stuck her tongue out before handing out tickets and turning to enter the theater.

After getting the necessities (popcorn, drinks and a bathroom break) we were sitting in the theater, watching the previews. Kat was holding my hand and the popcorn was between us. The armrests were adjustable, so we could pull it up from between us and get even closer. It was really comfortable. Kat had already warned me that she actually wanted to watch the movie for once, so I just gently nuzzled her neck every once in a while. It was difficult not to kiss her and hug her when she was so close, but I knew that she would only get mad if I was to try to do something she didn’t want to do.

Chapter 50: Sometimes the Audience is More Interesting Than the Movie...

When Joey sat there in a little short dress and such a cute little top, I couldn’t resist putting my hands on her. Our arm rest was up and out of the way, so my left arm went around her waist, to connect with my other hand. She was just leaning up against me, resting her arms on mine. About ten minutes into the movie, I buried my face in her hair and inhaled. It smelled like roses like it always did. I took my right hand and brushed her hair back from her neck, exposing her soft skin. I kissed the exposed area gently and waited for a response. She looked up at me and smiled and I took that as though she liked it. I then moved my lips down to hers and she shifted so she could kiss me easier. I loosened my arms from around her, letting her turn a little and face me. She kept getting closer until I was sure she was going to climb on top of me. I realized that we were too crowded to be doing what we were doing and we were also probably disturbing people. I thought about this a moment. On the one hand, we could stop and pay attention to the movie, putting our hormones on hold or, on the other hand, we could just leave the theater.

“Joey, come with me,” I got up quickly, my decision easily made.

“Where are we going?” she whispered.

“I don’t know...out.”

“Okay,” she smiled. She nudged Kat and told her we were leaving and Kat simply nodded and turned back to the movie, uninterested with our plight. We left the movie theater quickly and entered the lobby.

“So, what are you planning on doing now that we’re out of the theater? There’s no where to go.”

“Yes there is,” I said desperately. I needed this now. I needed to feel here close to me. I needed her kisses and her love. I pulled her towards the men’s bathroom and pulled her inside. Quickly I made sure there wasn’t anyone in there with us and locked the door before pulling her to me.

“Taylor, it stinks in here,” she protested as I kissed her thirstily. “Don’t think about it,” my kisses became more desperate as she refused them.

“Taylor, this isn’t what I want us to be like. Is this what we’ve become?” my body began to ache as she pulled away and looked at me accusingly. “Are we just a couple that makes out all the time and nothing means anything anymore?”

“No, Joey. No, not at all,” I searched for words that would reassure her and also make her as hungry for love as I was at that moment. “I’m just a little worked up at the moment. I....I just want to be with you right now. I still love talking to you and just being around you, but right now, I just need...something.”

“Well, Taylor, a nasty men’s bathroom is not where you get that something,” she unlocked the door and went back into the lobby and I followed pitifully. At first I thought she was going to completely deny of me of any type of affection, but then she started walking in a different direction.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” she walked along, her gait changed by the attire she had been given. She seemed to walk more lady like and more seductively and just because of a skirt. It was very inviting and really aggravating to a man she was tempting so much. I watched as she looked around carefully for employees and then opened a door. I followed her into a small room with a couch and a little coffee table.

“What is this?”

“The old break room. One of my old friends used to work here and she said that no one ever uses this. Half the time it’s locked because no one remembers to have it unlocked. They got a new break room a few months ago that is inaccessible to the movie-goers. All we have to do is lock the door and no one is disturbed.”

“Oooh, my girlfriend is sneaky. That’s kind of....exciting,” I raised my eyebrows at her and put my arms around her thin waist, bringing my lips to hers. She was finally kissing back since she was no longer bothered by her surroundings. We slowly walked over to the couch and I sat down first. She then straddled me and even though I couldn’t feel or see it, I knew nothing was separating her from me than her panties since her skirt was so short. I kissed her gently at first but as my heart began to beat faster at the prospect of her so near to me, I grew more aggressive. Before I could stop myself, my hand was on her leg and slowly moving up and to the inside. Soon, I had it resting on her extreme upper-inner thigh. The intense emotions surging through me had to be only half of the nervousness she felt, because I could feel it in her kisses. She became less aware of how she was kissing and more aware of where my hand was heading.

“Relax,” I gasped between kisses. “I’ll stop anytime you want.”

“Don’t stop...not yet. I want this....” she looked into my eyes and I saw that she was truthful. She needed this more than she wanted it. She needed it nearly as much as I needed it. It wasn’t going to make us feel like we loved each other more, but it would make us feel like our love for each other was more sacred. More concrete because we had something that wasn’t quite sex but was way more than we had either thought of between us. As we resumed kissing, my hand inched up and was soon resting on the outside of her panties. I massaged her lightly through the thin material, but my curiousity of her anatomy got the best of me and I soon found myself moving the barrier aside.

As I massaged her and let my fingers explore, she began kissing me more passionately and aggressively than I had ever imagined. She moved a little against me--not in pain but in satisfaction. It was more than I had ever dreamed. I knew that it was time to slow down, though. So, with a lot of will power on both our parts, I removed my hand and hugged her fiercely. I had just experienced something that seemed to draw me closer to her than any other person in the world.

“Taylor...that was....beautiful....and wonderful. Thank you,” she whispered. When I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes.

“Why are you crying?”

“No one....ever has just done something and been able to stop. You--you did that and it was wonderful, but what makes me love you so much was that you stopped. You didn’t take it any further. You truly respect me and that means more to me than anything you’ve ever done. I love you, Taylor.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapters 51-52