Chapter 51: How Evesdropping Can Disorient the Mind: A Documentary

I wanted Kat so bad now I could almost taste it. Just because she told me I couldn’t have her, I wanted her more. I knew I would get in trouble if I did anything, and needless to say, this movie wasn’t helping. All I was getting from this movie was it was about drugs, money, fame and sex. Like I said, NOT HELPING!

I controlled myself quietly thinking I would never get anywhere or anything with Kat unless I proved I could handle it. I calmed down and told Kat I was going to go get something to drink. I was so thirsty. I walked out and saw Taylor and Joey emerge from a door that said “Employees Only.” I found that quite strange. I decided to be nosy and squatted next to a garbage can as they stopped about 3 feet on the other side of the garbage can. I heard them mumbling about something and listened in. They were only talking just loud enough, so I really had to strain.

“Wow...I can’t believe we did that. It felt so good, I mean, wow, I’ve never felt that wonderful before. I still can’t believe we did it, its the farthest we’ve ever gone.” Joey whispered.

“I think it went by a little to quickly, but it was definately good. I’ve never had better in my life.” I heard Tay say and laugh. I heard a little kiss noise and then they walked past, back into the theater.

My eyeballs were the size of golfballs. Questions were running through my head: What did they do? Were they talking about sex? How long have they been out of the theater? Did they have sex? Did they use protection if they did? Why am I thinking of all these if I’m not even involved? Will Tay get mad at me if ask him about it? Should I tell Kat? Should I ask Ike about it? What should I do? What happens if they did have sex and Joey gets pregnant? I shook they thoughts out of my head and ran to the theater doors, not even remembering what I had come out for. I sat next to Kat, as more thoughts filled my head.

We walked out of the theater and I kissed Zac on the cheek. “Happy Birthday Zachary.” I laughed. He just stared into space like he was completely ignoring me. “Mad at me cause I watched the movie?” I asked, a smile resting on my face. He continuted staring into space. “Zac? Za-ac? ZAC?!?” I yelled into his ear finally. He shook his head and looked at me quickly. He had this spazed out look on his face. “Zac, are you okay?”

“No, um, I really need to think right now.” he nodded and got spacey again.

“Zac, are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to? What’s wrong with you?” I began to get worried.

“I don’t know if I can say. I wasn’t suppose to hear, but its all my fault for being nosy, why did I have to be nosy?” He asked himself about a million questions after that. I looked over at Taylor and Joey. Still holding Zac’s hand, I walked closer to them.

“Guys, I don’t think Zac is okay. He’s acting like he’s insane, only, hes not joking

around.” I looked over at them, then looked at him. They both walked around to him.

“Zac, buddy, you okay?” Tay looked at him with concern.

“Yeah, fine...I think...maybe....someday...” Zac trailed off. He was looking very pale.

“I think we should go home and Zac should take a nap or something.” Joey suggested.

“Good idea.” I agreed.

I hoped Zac was okay. They got him home alright, but I didn’t know what happened. He was fine when we entered the movie, but after, he was all messed up. I didn’t think it was the movie because he had seen much worse than that. From what Taylor’s told me, they all watched Basic Instinct, which was a LOT worse than this. I was just confused about what all was going on. I called Taylor when I got home to find out if they discovered the problem. “Tay, found out whats with Zac yet?” I asked.

“No, he’s acting really weird, Ike’s talking to him alone right now. I think its weird though, because its usually me and Ike talk to him, but today, he asked me if he could talk just to Ike.”

“Maybe the problem involves you, or he just doesn’t think you can give him the advice.”

“Maybe, but it has never been that way before.”

“Well, maybe he’s just scared you’ll make fun of him or something. He really looks up to you Taylor and when you laugh at him when he asks things, it doesn’t help him one bit.” I scolded.

“Maybe that’s why. I dunno, I’m not sure. But, if its important, Ike’ll tell me later.”

“JOEY COME DOWN FOR A FAMILY MEETING!” My mom called from the stairs.

“Uh-oh, family meeting, what could happen now? I gotta go Tay.”

“All right, see ya. Love ya.” He understood my family crisis meetings. If mom or dad said family meetings, everyone knew what that meant.

“Love you too, bye.” I hung up the phone and ran downstairs to the living room.

I was officially worried about Zac. He wouldn’t talk to me, but he would talk to Ike. I didn’t hurt him that much when he asked what foreplay was and I laughed at him, did it? I hoped not, because then I would be left out of everything. A small part of me was insulted he didn’t want me to be there for his problems. Isn’t that what big brothers are for? But another part of me didn’t want to know. What if he had done something that he couldn’t tell anyone, but he decided to tell Ike. What if he killed someone? I DOUBT IT TAYLOR! Think about it, he went into the movie fine and came out shook up. I don’t think he killed anyone in that time period. And why the heck are you thinking senseless things like that? GET OVER IT! I felt stupid I had even considered thinking that. I heard a door open and Zac and Ike were talking.

“Thanks Ike.” Zac walked out of the bedroom with Ike. Ike stood in the door of the bedroom.

“No prob Zac, anytime.” Ike replied. As soon as Zac went down the stairs, Ike motioned me in. I guess it was important. I walked in and sat on the bed across from Ike.

“What did the kid talk about Ike?” I asked, grabbing a pillow.


“Me, what did I do now?” I sighed.

“Well, he said when he went out of the theater to get something to drink. He saw you and Joey emerge from a door marked Employee’s Only, and so he decided to be nosy.”

“Oh, no....” I put my face in my hands. He had overheard me and Joey talking. “What did I say?”

“Well, he said that you and Joey were talking about how wonderful something was, and he put two and two together, figuring maybe it was sex, but he wasn’t sure and he kept thinking about what else you guys could have been talking about after coming out of that room. He was really confused and wished you guys would have said more, so he could know one way or another. He was really upset. He kept wondering about stuff like, if you did have sex, did you use protection? Stuff like that. Now Taylor, tell me the story, the true story.”

“Okay...” I began to tell Ike the story of what happened and why Zac definately got the wrong impression, even if it was a close guess.

Chapter 52: The Way Halloween Changed Everything

It was finally Halloween. I was glad the mess with me not knowing what was going on with Taylor and Joey was over. Ike and Tay told me the story and, as gruesome as what they did was, knowing they didn’t do it made me feel better.

Anyway, we had big plans for tonight. First, me, Joey and Tim would take our younger sibilings out Trick or Treating. Of course Tay, Ike, and Kat would be there, but I just didn’t feel the need to include their names in that sentence. We all decided to dress up, all except Ike and Jake. Ike was the official supervisor. Then later, me, Kat, Joey, Tay, and Tim, driven by Ike, would all go to this late party that we were lucky to be able to attend. We all talked our parents into a curfew of 1 a.m.; very much later than normal, but it was Halloween. I had no idea why our parents were being so nice, I just sat back and appreciated it.

It was a costume party, and it was Tay’s friend Eric’s party. His parents were out to a party and said he could have one. So, we all agreed to meet at our house and take the kids out together. I dressed up into my costume, I was a vampire. I applied my make-up quite easily. I was very use to it being applied on me and I learned quickly. Then I noticed Tay. He was dressed in an old suit and had a top hat on. “And who might you be?” I quarried, studying him over.

“I am Elvira’s date.” He smiled.

“Who the hell is Elvira?”

“Elvira is the sexy goddess of darkness and evil. And she’s from a t.v. show that was on when I was old enough to comprehend what sexy was, and you,” he pinched my cheek and I winced, “were just a wee one.”

“Oh....” I just finished applying my make-up and stuck my fake teeth on. I also added a bit of fake blood on the end of my fangs. I looked cool. Kat was going to be either a black cat or a dead cheerleader. I was hoping for the cheerleader cause then I could add two spots of blood to her neck and made it look like I bit her. Obviously Joey would be Elvira, and Tim was talking about how he was going to be a dead football player. I think he got the idea from Kat’s cheerleader. I also knew his little sister Mellie was going to be a ballerina. Jessie was going to be Batgirl, Avie was going to be a princess and Mac was going to be a baseball player. Joey’s little brother Chris was going to be Batman, Tara was going to be a fairy and Jake was “too old for a costume” even though we were dressing up. But that is only what I had heard from Joey and Tim. I ran downstairs as the doorbell rang.

I rang the bell as my mom dropped me, Joey, Tim and all the sibilings off at the Hanson’s house. I was all dressed up as a black cat. I had a black leotard on with black pantyhose, black shoes, a black ears headband black whiskers painted on my face. I looked “so cute” in the words of my mom said. I thought I looked okay. I wanted to be like Michelle Pfeiffer on the Batman movie and make a costume out of leather, but they were fresh out of leather leotards. Joey looked really cool. Her black dress was cut in a zig-zag pattern at the bottom and she had fake boobs to boost her, and boost her they did. She also had a wig on that looked like an Elvira cut. She was already having trouble walking in the heels, but she would live.

Zac answered the door. “HELLOOOOOO KITTY!” he licked his lips.

“Don’t cross my path Zachary, you’ll have bad luck for a long time.” I hissed with a playful smile on my face. He kissed my cheek and I walked in. His siblings looked so cute, as did Joey’s and Tim’s little sister. I was glad this would only take about an hour and a half. We had taken the kids around the whole block. The party would start at 10:00 pm. Ike and Shelley were also going to a party. There party would be over at about 12:00 in which Ike would return Shelley and pick us up. We dropped the kids off and then all piled into Ike’s car. I sat on Zac’s lap on the way to the party. Tay kept looking at Joey’s fake boobs, it was so funny. We hit a bump and on “accident” Joey, who was sitting on Tay’s lap stuck his nose right in between them, I thought he was going to pass out. We laughed heartily. Tim hadn’t brought anyone with him and I kinda felt bad for him, so I talked to him on the way to the party.

We reached the party and Tay and I began to dance. Slow songs, fast songs, it didn’t matter, it was all in fun. They were giving out candy and the punch smelled strongly of alcohol and guys were screwing girls in the back bedrooms, a normal teenage party. I thought that was pretty sad, but it didn’t involve me. Taylor and I hung out by the front door, just in case we really wanted to leave. Talking was nearly impossible in the painfully loud room, but miraculously, we were able to communicate....somewhat.



“Let’s go for a walk!”


“A walk!”


Taylor then just grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out the door. “I was saying we should go for a walk.”

“Oh. I couldn’t hear.”

“Yeah, well, no one could really.” he smiled. We walked along for a while, but it was dark, so we soon turned around and started walking back. We didn’t want to desert Kat and Zac, but we really needed a break from the noise and from the chaotic atmosphere. We walked along in a needed silence and Taylor grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. He then brought it up to his lips and kissed it softly. I simply smiled up at him adoringly. He was so sweet sometimes, it scared me. As we reached the front door, we stopped on the stoop and kissed a moment before returning inside. Our spot by the door was now occupied, so we crossed the house, seeking a new location. We went down two hallways and up the stairs. Once up there, we heard little noise and Taylor opened a door to find an empty room. He led me inside and we put our arms around each other, kissing softly. Soon, he began to let his hands do some walking until we were into the same situation we had been in at the movie theater. He had my skirt partially up and his hands on the waist of my panties and only took them away to begin undoing his own pants. I didn’t notice for a moment until he was starting to pull down his boxers. I knew where it was headed, and I didn’t want it to go there.

“Taylor,” I rasped. “No...”

“Please?” he begged almost silently as he continued to pull his boxers down. I grabbed them in fear of him being able to maneuver them off too quickly.

“Not here,” I whispered as I resituated my skirt and helped him to redo his pants. “We can’t do this here. Not like this. When we do actually decide to to this, it should be special. And a mutual decision.”

“But isn’t this special?” Taylor tilted his head and looked at me with his baby blue eyes that I felt I could hardly resist.

“No...this is more convenient than it is special. It’s also not the right time for me. When we do this, I want it to be something so wonderful and so set apart from any other experience so that I can cherish it forever. And also..... I’m--I’m not sure if.....”

“If what, Jo?”

Scared of what was about to leave my mouth and how it would change our relationship, I spoke quietly, “If I love you enough.”

Chapters 53-54