Chapter 59 : Lonely Girls

It was nearing Christmas. Boy, had me and Kat been lonely.... The guys had been gone nearly a month and a half and we exchanged e-mail as often as possible. Taylor had promised me that he’d be home for Christmas, but Kat had told me that Zac hadn’t. Apparently they were being offered a killer amount of money for an appearance on Christmas.
Kat was over at my house one night and we were waiting for a call from the guys while we talked about getting new haircuts.
“I don’t want to go too short, but I’d like to maybe try a kind of shorter cut,” Kat said vaguely.
“Gee that was real decisive,” I poked her in the side.
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to do anything that Zac wouldn’t like,” she shrugged, flipping the page in the latest copy of “Hair Styles.” **Note: REAL magazine. No kidding...**
“Did you just hear yourself? Don’t make that a factor in what kind of cut you get. Get something you like. Zac will be happy as long as you don't shave your head, girl!”
“Okay, then I think I am going shorter. Maybe with some layers and highlights, maybe.”
“That would look cute. With some real light highlights around the front, you would really bring out the blue in your eyes. What do you think I should do?”
“Well, highlights would be kind of pointless...”
“I’m not THAT blond...”
“Yeah, but you already have highlights in your hair from the sun,” Kat yanked at a few of my very blended natural highlights.
“But they’re not that noticeable.”
“Still, I don’t think you should.”
“But-” my argument was cut off by the ringing phone. I got up as quickly as possible and raced Kat to my phone in the corner of my room. With an advantage of longer legs, I got there first.
“Hello?!” I answered, out of breath.
“Hey sweetie,” Taylor’s voice came from the other end of the phone.
“The one and only.”
“I miss you so much! Have you found out if you’re coming home for Christmas yet?”
“I miss you, too! I keep seeing you in everything. Every appearance we go to, I always think I see you in the crowd.”
“Anything interesting happen lately?
“Oh, same old, same old. Make an appearance...lots of screaming girls.....annoying reporters asking stupid questions. Yesterday, Zac told me when I was sleeping on the bus I was talking in my sleep. He asked me...hold on.” Taylor pulled the phone away from his mouth and shouted into the room. “Zac, what was it you asked me the other day?”
I heard a faint answer in the background, but I couldn’t understand him. Suddenly, I heard Taylor start laughing heartily. He put the phone back up to his mouth. “Oh yeah. Zac asked me if I wanted to....ahem....perform a thrust on you....”
“What!?!” I laughed.
“Yeah, well, you know what I answered?”
“’I don’t know. Check the oven.’ I don’t even remember saying it!”
“Taylor, you are such a weirdo. By the way, you never answered my question. Are you going to make it back for Christmas?”
“Zoe did the cutest thing the other day-”
“Taylor, answer my question.”
“But she did this talking thing-”
“Spill, Taylor. You know, don't you?”
“Yeah....we, uh, won’t be home in time...”
“Taylor! Man...I was really hoping....”
“I know, and I’m really sorry. I really wanted to be with you at Christmas, but duty calls and I can’t. I’m so sorry, Joey.”
“You’ve already missed Thanksgiving! What do I have to look forward to now?”
“They’re missing Chistmas?!” Kat suddenly whispered, shaking my arm. I nodded.
“Joey, we’ll be back two or three days after Christmas, and then I’ll make up for being gone.”
“Okay, I understand. Work. Well, you better hurry home as soon as possible.”
“Believe me, I will. I think Zac wants to talk to Kat now.”
“Okay. Love you,” I smiled. I always loved his response.
“Love you more.”
Kat then grabbed the phone from me and started talking wildly to Zac. I sat down and thought about the day I had planned for Christmas. Taylor and I were going to meet at noon and walk through the snow we hoped would be on the ground. Then, we would go the mall where we first met and buy each other a Christmas gift. It would only be open from 12 to 4. Then, we would each go home and change and meet up again at 7 to go to dinner. After dinner, we were going to take a “sleigh” ride around downtown Tulsa and then take a cab home. It was going to be so wonderful, but impossible now. I sat there thinking about all the things I wanted to do with him after Christmas and decided that everything would be okay. At least he was mine.
“Jo, Tay wants to talk to you again,” Kat interrupted my thoughts.
“Oh, okay,” I took the phone from her. “Whatcha want, Tay?”
“Joey are you mad? Kat said you had a pretty big day planned for us on Christmas.”
“Nah. It’s okay. I can cancel the reservations, and when you get here we’ll just cherish that all the more. You’ll spend Christmas with your family, and you’ll have a wonderful time. I’ll see you when you get back.”
“Joey, you’re mad,” Taylor assessed her mentality.
“No, I’m not. I’m just a little disappointed. I was looking forward to this, but I’m not mad.”
“Okay, well, I have to go now.”
“Alright, bye.”
“Bye.” I heard a click and put the phone down slowly.
Kat smiled. “You’re mad, aren’t ya?”
“Oh yeah.”

I never knew time could pass so slowly....and time can do so much. Wait, haven’t I heard that somewhere? Oh well....Anyway, Joey finally blew up on the phone to Taylor. The conversation went somewhat with Joey saying, “I can’t believe you! You promised, and you completely broke that promise! I can’t believe you!” and then Taylor would say, “I’m sorry, Joey, I didn’t mean to promise you, but this is beyond my control.” And then the conversation would end with Joey hanging up in Taylor’s face and then calling me and complaining that he broke his promise. Really redundant and kind of annoying, don’t you think? Oh well, I was happy that I got to talk to Zac, even though he IS NOT coming to see me for Christmas! Well, I’m a tad bit upset about that, but I really miss him, that’s why. After Joey hung up with me, I called Zac again.
“Hi Zac. It’s me, again.” I informed him.
“Hi, this is surprising, I just hung up with you, two and a half hours ago.”
“Well, if you have to go, or are busy...”
“No, I was just surprised, thats all.” He said. I could tell he was smiling on the other line.
“Well, what are you getting for Christmas? Do you know? What do you want from me for Christmas?” When he got home, I was going to buy him chocolate, both of our favoritest stuff.
“I don’t know what I’m getting. What I want for Christmas is you, here, with me.” He added on a sad note. I love when he does sweet stuff like that. I melted. We talked for two hours after that and my mom almost had a cow.

Chapter 60 : The Christmas Surprise

Never before have I had such a boring Christmas. I got quite a bit, though compared to what I usually get. A long time before, we had a family meeting and Dad said that he had just gotten a raise, and apparently this was how we got to reap the benefits. I got some extra memory for my computer, a new computer game, a new pair of jeans, a couple of shirts, and some money. After that, I was bored to tears. I put my few gifts in my room and then ate with the family. I called Kat and talked for a few hours, but she seemed a little annoyed with me. Hey, I was even annoyed with myself. Later that day, I ate dinner with the family. It was only different because we used the good China and had a honey-baked ham. Other than that, it was like every night I eat at home. I couldn’t stand to stay home any more around 8:00, so I left on a long walk. I walked for a long time. When I passed Taylor’s house, I paused and looked around. It was so lifeless without the family. I walked through their yard and towards the tree-house. I put my hand on the large, winding oak tree and looked at the crude rungs. I almost left, but as an afterthought, I approached the tree again and climbed it and then sat down inside the house. Around it was scattered memorabilia from the boys’ lives. A comic book, a guitar pick, a box of old colored pencils. It was a history of their lives strewn on a rotting wooden floor.
Suddenly, I wasn’t mad at Taylor anymore. He had given me love, and I was being mad at him in return. I didn’t even understand my own actions, and I wondered how Taylor could put up with them right now. After I was such an idiot for so long and caused our break up, he still loved me. I got up and climbed back down the tree and started home, happy with my new outlook. I needed to write to Taylor and apologize for everything.

Satisfied with myself for apologizing, I was sitting in my room writing on this story about four hours later, when I heard tiny little pelts on the window in the corner of my room. I went over, wondering what or who it could be, but when I looked down, I saw nothing. I shrugged it off and went back to my computer. A few minutes later, the little pelts started again. I ignored it and tried to work, but a minute later, I couldn’t stand it. I got up and went to the window. I looked out and...
This was beginning to get on my nerves.
Once again, I went back to my computer and sat down. I started writing again, but soon, the pelting started up again. I was fed up. It was nearing midnight, and I wasn’t going to stand for this. I snuck downstairs and went out the front door and over to where my window was.
“Okay, whoever is out here better stop right now or I’m going to call the cops! Understand?” I whispered loudly. Before I even knew what was happening, arms were around my waist and warm lips overtook mine. I almost cried. I knew those lips. I knew those kisses. I knew that taste of jelly beans and gum. It was Taylor. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugged him, and just breathed in his smell as tears slipped silently down my cheeks.
“Did I make it?” he asked quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“Is it still Christmas?” he smiled, pulling away. I lit up my watch and looked at the time.
“Yep. You have ten minutes left to be with me on Christmas Day,” I nodded.
“Good, then we still have time,” he smiled.
“For what?”
“You’ll see.”
Taylor pulled me by the hand and started jogging, looking back at me every once in a while to make sure I was keeping up. Pretty soon, he stopped and went behind a bush. There, he pulled out a smallish motorcycle. Climbing on, he motioned me to join him.
“Taylor since when do you have a motorcycle?”
“I don’t. It's Tim’s. I borrowed it.”
“Borrowed at almost midnight?”
“Okay, well, it was outside, so I borrowed it without permission,” Taylor smiled.
“You bad boy,” I joked, getting onto the back of the cycle.
“If you want it to be good girl, get yourself a bad boy,” he sang jokingly before starting the bike and shooting off up the hill we were on. We drove on for about ten minutes and I realized how cold it was outside.
“Taylor, I’m freezing,” I announced when we stopped.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot,” he apologized. “Hold on.”
He got off the bike and reached into a backpack he had attached to the back and pulled out a large wool blanket. I got off the bike and stood beside him.
“What are we here to see?”
“This,” he whispered and pointed out to Tulsa. I looked out saw the all the twinkling colored lights. It was gorgeous.
“Thank you, Taylor....”
“Hey, don’t thank me. Thank your fellow Tulsans,” he joked. “I just couldn’t stand to know that you were mad at me because I couldn’t make it for Christmas. It was totally stupid of me to promise you and then not be able to follow through.”
“No, it was stupid of me to think that you should be here. You have work to do, and I shouldn’t try to get in the way of that work,” I told him. Then it dawned on me that it was midnight, he had just come back from Europe and he hadn’t even mentioned his brothers or family yet. “Taylor, where’s everyone else?”
“ Europe...”
“They told me I had to stay with them, and I knew I couldn’t break my promise to you, so I snuck out.”
“There’s a difference between sneaking out and running thousands of miles away, Taylor. Where were you planning on staying tonight?”,br> “Well, I was going to try to get into our house, but I forgot the security code, so that’s out. Do you think you could put me up?”
“How am I supposed to do that? My parents won’t let me do that!”
“I don’t know where else to go...”
I sat there looking at him. The idea began to sink in....
Taylor. Me. My room. One night. No one had to know.
I could sneak him in, stay up and talk, then, let him sleep in my huge closet with the door locked. It could be perfect. I looked at Taylor’s pitiful smile and knew I was fighting a losing battle against him and against myself, too. “We’d better get back...”
“Thank you, Joey! I love you!”
“I know, you dork...” I smiled and kissed him gently before pulling him back towards the bike. Looking at the no-name bike, I smiled mischievously. “Hey, you think I could drive?”
Taylor eyed me suspiciously. “You want to drive?”
“Yeah. I’ve done dirtbikes, and this isn’t much bigger,” I smiled.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, let’s go,” I tossed the blanket at him and he put it back into the backpack. I got on the bike and revved the engine. Taylor got on the back and kissed my cheek quickly before I took off. Like I had thought, the bike was just like dirtbikes I had driven before. A real easy steer and pretty fun, too. I felt Taylor’s hands carefully roaming my body. He would rest them on my legs and then bring them up to around my midsection, up under my shirt to rest on my stomach. His cool hands gave me a shiver as we went along, and I was glad when we came to the house. I turned of the bike and wheeled it over to Tim’s house as quickly as possible and leaned it back up where it was before Tay “borrowed” it. I grabbed the backpack off the back and then rejoined Taylor by the back door to my house. I retrieved the key from the underside of a chair and unlocked the door quietly. After replacing the key, we went inside and creeped to the stairs. Luckily, no one was up so it was easy to sneak up to my room.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Taylor whispered as he grabbed me around the waist in my room.
“Yeah, well, neither can I, but we are. When are your parents going to look for you?”
“Well, I left yesterday in the middle of the night, so they probably found out yesterday morning.”
“Don’t you think you should call them and tell them? I can’t believe you did this to them.... you are going to be so grounded when they find you.” “No, no. That’s the beauty of it....I won’t.”
“WHAT? Your parents are going to kill you!”
“No, you see, for the past two months, they’ve been pushing us to do good and play hard and everything. Two days ago, I staged a break down. I acted like I couldn’t take it anymore and that I was through with music. They said, and I quote, ‘You’re right son, and I wouldn’t blame you if you ran away.’ I just decided to take them up on the offer.”
“I still think you’ll get grounded until the at least your fortieth birthday.”
“Nah. Anyways, let’s not worry about that right now. We have a room to ourselves that you can’t hear in the rest of the house. We have a night together without interruptions. Come on, let’s make the best of it.”
I smiled and approached him. I ran my hand over his chest, thinking about how good it felt to be with him. “Babe, I’m really hot in this, so I’m going to put on my PJs real quick, okay?”
He groaned but nodded. I went to my huge wooden chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of boxers and an old T-shirt while he collapsed on my bed. I smiled and then approached my closet.
“Where ya going?” he asked me as I began to step into my closet.
“To change,” I restated.
“Why not change out here?”
“You’re out here.”
“So, I’m not going to change in front of you...”
“Why not? I’ve touched every inch of you, why can’t I see it?” he got up approached me.
“I don’t know...I guess I’m still modest about what you see. When you touch you can’t see all the little impurities that I’m afraid you’ll criticize.”
“Please,” he whispered thirstily in my ear. He nibbled on my earlobe and his hands went around my waist. “I won’t say anything.”
“Taylor,” I moaned. I didn’t want to hear him ask about why I had the birthmark on my hip or about different things I didn’t even want to think about.
“I love you, Joey. I already know you on the I want to know your outside,” he looked into my eyes. “Completely.”
“I don’t know...”
He began to tug at my shirt and soon had it over my head without much trouble. “We’ll go slow...” he smiled as he kissed me gently. He ran his hands over my breasts and kissed my neck and then my chest. I felt my body respond in ways it never had before. I was turned on to a level of sexuality I had never known of. His hands slowly worked at the buttons on my jeans until all five of them were undone and I felt him begin to pull them off my hips. I latched my arms around his neck and kissed him quickly, slowing the process. “Just a second...” he pulled away. He crouched down to pull my jeans off. I clenched my eyes as I stepped out of them slowly. I was only in my underwear and I knew that the comments would soon come, but they didn’t. He only stood and started kissing me again as he reached around my back and began to undo the tiny latches to my bra. I held my breath as it slipped off my arms and waited for any comment from him.
“Joey, God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed almost silently, drinking me in. I almost cried. He thought I was truly beautiful.

I watched Joey relax slowly after I told her how beautiful she was. Quickly, I pulled my own shirt off and pressed myself against her, kissing her thirstily. She hugged me tightly and I could tell she needed this as much as I did. A month apart had really taken a great toll on us. Slowly, I felt us work our way over to the bed. When the back of Joey’s legs hit the bed, she sat down slowly and kissed my chest and abs. Soon, I felt her hands slip to the button on my jeans and pull it from the button hole. I moaned lightly with the overpowering feeling on the lower half of my body. I thought Joey would never get my pants down, but when she did, I aggressively pushed her back on the bed and got on top of her, kissing her and pressing myself to her. I was sure she felt my erection, because it was growing harder with every time she touched a single finger to my body.
I raised myself to look at her beautiful face, and that was the moment I knew that we were going to do it.
“Taylor, lets....”
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you to feel pressured,” I whispered to her, kissing her lightly.
“I’m sure...more sure than I’ve ever been of anything,” she mumbled, tugging at my boxers.
“Wait...we need...”
“A condom?” she looked me questioningly. “D-Do you have one?”
“Yes, hold on,” I had a moment to catch my breath as I reached over off the bed to where my jeans were and pulled out my wallet. I smiled as I came back up on the bed. “I’ve carried it around since I was 12 years old and Isaac lost his virginity. I figured it wouldn’t take me long after him. Only took me three years...”
“But it will be better than if you had done it then. Because I love you and we both want this...” Joey sat up and put her arms around me from the back as I put the condom on. As quickly as I could, I turned in Joey’s arms and laid her back on the bed again and removed the small red panties she was wearing and threw them off the bed.
I knew it wouldn’t take me long to climax, so even if Joey wasn’t comfortable, I wouldn’t have to try long to get the full effect. As I inserted, Joey flinched a bit, but then looked strangely okay. I figured it would be really painful for her. I was fully inside her when I started to ride her slowly.
“Are you...okay?” I rasped between my shaky breaths.
“I’m doesn’t really hurt at all...” she gasped. I pushed myself more quickly, feeling the climax coming quickly. All my senses seem to be heightened. I could even feel Joey’s muscles tightening around me in preparation for her own climax. I watched her arch her back as she reached orgasm and felt myself begin to come. Our bodies pressed together and I watched the expression of pure pleasure on Joey’s face come and then go several moments later. It was more than I had ever expected. It was slightly awkward, but mostly just something beautiful that I knew would never be topped by any other act. It was so special...
“Joey, oh, I love you so much,” I gasped as I withdrew from her.
“I love you, too...that was beautiful Taylor....” she smiled, wrapping her arms limply around me.
“Wow....” I was suddenly struck speechless. It was too beautiful for words. It was like a thousand rainbows and sunsets and spring days all wrapped up in a huge explosion of pleasure and passion. Nothing could ever replace the sudden fire of love I felt towards the one laying beside me.

Chapters 61 and 62