Hanson Concert

(This picture is of Rachel and Lori's tickets, Lori's winning ticket stub for the drawing of what place in line we were, and the Tom Thumb receipt that shows the purchase of our tickets. P.S. we bought 4 tickets for 130 dollars)

This is a picture of the seating (half of it at least). The area in blue and yellow is where we are going to sit!!!

Oh, and come see Jenny, Lori, Misty and myself if you are going to the concert. We are located where the tickets say. THANKS!!! We will soon put up more things about this concert on here, especially a review of the night after the concert.

Adventures In Tom Thumb - Saturday, September 12, 1998

Okay, this actually started at 11:30 on Friday night. We left home about 11:30 and were singin' in the car, hoping that we would be the first in line. We had already gotten word that people were lining up at Kroger and other places. We got to Tom Thumb and they wouldn't let us camp out. I (Rachel) had gone up to a security guard and double checked that we could stay, he told us we couldn't. We were pissed because we were told 3 times on the phone we could camp out. We were very sad, and I was on the verge of tears. I guess I thought we wouldn't get any tickets. Anyway, we got home, very depressed and went to sleep almost immediately with thoughts of not getting tickets at all.

We woke at 6:30 on the dot and got ready and left about 7:15 am. When we got there, there was still no line, and we went to the information desk to find out where to get in line to purchase tickets. We were directed to go around the corner to the Ticketmaster part of the video store. We got 3 blue raffle tickets (one is pictured) and walked away from the desk to find a place to sit. The guy working there told us, if enough people showed up for the tickets, and there were a lot of raffle tickets out, we might not even get tickets. We tried not to let that bother us. Tickets wouldn't go on sale for another three hours and we had to pass the time.

We walked around the store, up and down every isle. We all agreed to get my mom something for taking us to get tickets, we decided to do it after we bought the tickets though. We got to the toy isle and played monkey in the middle with a Nerf ball and Lori in the middle. We quit that after awhile and sat down in the chairs in front of the closed pharmacy. We saw two other girls by the magazine stands as we were waiting in the pharmacy chairs. The two girls approached us. They turned out to be Leslie and Wendi. They are both thirteen. Wendi knows Domino (a D.J. for KISS FM, the station that brought Hanson to town last year at Grapevine Mills - the review link is at the bottom of the page). She got all kinds of cool stuff about 'N SYNC and stuff. They were at Grapevine Mills last year as well as Jenny and I. They were waiting for Sarah, who we heard had some adventures with them. We were all sitting around, talking, looking at magazines, and then Sarah came. She was wearing the green Hanson shirt. Sarah told us she was twelve. Lori was like "SO AM I!!!" Haha...it was so funny. Turns out they both like Zac too (I wonder why?!?). Anyway, we hung out with them as two more girls walked in (at about 8:30). We found out that it was Hillary from Hillary's Hanson House and her friend. Hillary only proved herself to be a snob, but lets not say un-nice things about people, ok? Its just the way she seemed to look down on all of us, like she was so much better. Her mom was bragging about how great her page was, which is fine, cause thats a mom's job, but Hillary was embarrassed by it. I thought that was rude of Hillary, but that is just my opinion. ANYWAY, her mom continued to say that she and her husband do almost everything on the page, so it should be Hillary's mom and dad's Hanson house. So, we waited, Hillary and her friend avoided our growing little group like the plague. Jenny, Wendi, Leslie, Sarah, Lori and I went for a walk around the store. Lori bought doughnuts and we went back to sit down. About 10 minutes later, Lori and I went back to the milk section and got a pint of chocolate milk. Jenny and everyone else got one too (I think). Lori got to scan her milk (thanks Jewel - the cashier). Jenny and I just let ours get scanned by Jewel. We then walked back over to the pharmacy where our backpacks were. We listened to c.d.s, tapes, talked, and hung out some more. By this time we were getting excited, it was about 9:15.

At 9:30, we had accumulated a total of about 15 people. They did the raffle tickets for the line. The first number was 292. We had 293, 294 and 295. They drew another, 311, Hillary got it. She got in line. They drew another number (can't remember), then another, (can't remember), then they drew 295, Lori's ticket. We were second to last. In a line of about 15 girls. All the girls were in a series of groups, designating only one to pay for the tickets (made everything bunches easier). In line, we swapped e-mail addy's and talked amongst ourselves. It was fun. Wendi was dancing and singing with headphones on, to 'N SYNC. She had memorized all the dance moves. It was funny. Then, as 5 minutes seemed to go on as 10, we got to 9:54. We began to get very excited and started to squeal.


Then, some lady came out of the Customer Service office and goes, "Could you girls keep it down, we can't hear the phones!" We ignored her, but calmed down. In that time period that she came down, the tickets began to sell. Stephanie and her friend (2 other girls we met) were behind us and then a little 9 year old girl that was so cute, and so shy was behind them. A couple of the girls in front of us were a part of MOE JELLYBEANS. Then, we watched as the line moved up, finally we got to the front. "Four tickets together and close as possible please," I asked the cashier named James (if you look on the receipt, it says "Your operator is: James"). I got my money ready. "One hundred and thirty dollars," he said. I got the money out. "What's your name?" he asked me. "Rachel." I answered. He wrote it on a little envelope and said, "Pay down there please." He pointed down the isle a little, so we moved up behind Wendi. I didn't have the tickets just yet. James (the cashier) had put them in the envelope with my name on them. I had tried to grab him, but he gave them to some guy and sent us on down the line. But, the guy, lucky for us, started a new line to pay for the tickets with us. He walked behind James and goes, "Rachel." He held the tickets up and we followed him to the register. "One hundred and thirty dollars." He said. I handed him the money. He handed me the tickets. Then he gave me thirty dollars change back. We talked with Wendi and them and found out we had the best tickets of the bunch!!! We were happy. We then went over to the floral shop and looked for flowers to buy my mom. Jenny had to buy something else, so Lori and I picked out 4 lavender roses and a mug with candy and a mini-mylar balloon that said "THANKS!!!" We paid for them, Jenny joined us again, and we called my mom. Lori called her mom too. It was now about 10:30. We were content, depending on what your definition of content is. We waited inside the sliding doors for my mom to come. Jenny bought a mini-mug from one of those little things that you put fifty cents in and turn the little knob thing. Well she got a mini mug with a camel on it. Then Lori bought a piece of round gum that had like, chewed bubble gum on it or something. Her and Jenny turned it in for a refund. When they were gone, and I was waiting by myself, Hillary's dad came over to me and asked if I had seen them. I told him not since the ticket line broke up. He thanked me and went to look in the store. They returned about 5 minutes after that and Lori bought Spice Girls gum with 50 cents. They had little stickers in them, like the comics ones, and there were three pieces. We each got one. Lori got the sticker of Sporty Spice, and stuck it to the little vender thing below the Spice Girls gum one (so if you go to Tom Thumb on 14th and Jupiter in Plano, and there is a Sporty Spice sticker there, it was Lori's). Jenny got a Scary Spice, and I got a pic of all of them. It was funny. Lori kept the Scary and pic of all of them though. It was funny. Then, my mom finally came, we surprised her with the flowers and mug w/candy in it, then we took Jenny home, as happy little campers. THE END! (sorry for starting sentences with "we" so much, i know its monotonous after awhile.)

Lori and Rachel's review of the Hanson concert in Dallas
Concert Review of Grapevine Mills
Review of the Tulsa Concert
