Editor's Note...Somewhat

Dear readers:

We thank you very much for the positive AND the negative feedback. Both kinds help us to be better writers, even if we don't always enjoy the fact that people aren't very appreciative of our style.

Since ending the story, we have gotten several e-mails telling us that we, "took the easy way out" and that we were "following the trend of fanfic authors killing hanson at the end of their stories." In response to these opinions, we have formed this letter to explain why we ended the story the way we did.

I, Jennifer, believe that stories always leave you hanging just a bit. The end of it is never really the end, because time goes on, and there are always other people involved that keep on living. As we were in the middle of writing Love Under Construction, we realized that we could never end the story. Simply stopping it would leave too many loose ends, and it would take years to even get Hanson into retirement. Knowing this, we thought over what we could do and how we could end the story leaving something for the readers to still be determined, yet end most of it. There's only a few ways we could have accomplished this. We could have send Hanson to prison for life, but we all saw how the last episode of Seinfield demonstrated that the idea would completely bomb. We could have made an asteroid hit earth and cause everyone to live underground for years, but Deep Impact stole that idea right out of our hands. Our last choice was to eliminate most of the characters and leave nowhere else for them to go.

We admit, the transition from Christmas to May is the equality of a first-grader's scrawlings, but we were also strapped for time and imagination. Since last October, we've had the ending already written, our ideas already formulated with simply a few (ha!) chapters to get done. Unfortunately, we both discovered that our lives decided to finally take form now that we had something to do and both got so busy that we forgot many of our excellent ideas. The pregnancy isn't developed very well, and everything kind of just does a total 180 and leaves you saying "what just happened and how is it already May?" We're very sorry about that.

But still, we maintain that our ending isn't taking the easy way out or following a trend. Personally, I haven't read even one story lately and have therefore not seen Hanson die yet. I wasn't even aware that there was a trend. Killing them was a very artistic and dramatic statement that "All good things must come to an end," whether it be by death or by some other means.

So, if you would still like to complain about our ending, we'll still read it and take your opinions with a grain of salt. We appreciate that everyone IS telling us something, rather than being mad at us without ever letting us know. It's not like we can read your expressions or anything, you know? Please continue to visit our site and we hope that our next story will live up to your standards.


Jenny and Rachel

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