First, my friends, Misty Mix and Jennifer McCoy and I got up at 2:00 am! We were ready and on the road by three. It took us an hour to get to the mall, but when we got there, it was really exciting. We saw a KISS FM van, which we soon learned would be one of many, and we found out that wasn't where we were suppose to be. So we found the entrance to the AMC Theaters section and we saw two lines of people that had over 700 in each. We ran out of the car and to the nearest line possible. By now it was 4:00 am. We were equipped with our cameras (2), and our jackets, mine was the warmest. While we waited, we made friends with our fellow Hanson fans, one of which, Tara Perry-13, who was right in front of us, ended up getting hurt and missing the concert! She was on the news and we taped it. Jenny, Misty and I sang Hanson songs and then they (KISS FM), from one of their vans, played the whole Hanson c.d. We danced and sang along. Slowly but surely, time passed and it hit 5:00. We saw the other line make a mad-dash to the actual entrance to the AMC Theaters section. We scrambled, holding on for dear-life. Finally we reached the doors they were going to unlock in five minutes to let us in. We didn't know it at the time, but Hanson was watching us from Game World, to the right of the crowded doorways. I was in front, Jenny was holding onto me, and Misty was holding onto her. I suddenly got very squished. What I am fixin' to tell you is ABSOLUTELY TRUE, I lifted BOTH of my legs off of the ground, and I was still in the same position!!!!!! I promise that is true. I almost couldn't breath! Then, they opened the doors and there was another mad-dash, but this is the one where people started getting hurt. Jenny took ahold of my coat and I was pushed into the mall. We ended up being on the news, too. :) We realized we had lost Misty though. I got frantic and ran toward where we were headed screaming her name. Before, we went in, we decided that if we got split up, we would meet after the concert at the truck. ****THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT-------ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE TO MEET WHEN YOU GO TO A CONCERT, JUST IN CASE YOU GET SPLIT UP. Now, knowing the stubborn teens, I am one, please take my advice. I am almost fifteen, and so are Misty and Jenny, but we still got split up!!!!!!**** Jenny and I figured we'd meet her after, so we went on ahead, still calling her. We found a great, close spot in the middle....50 feet from the stage! We stood their for an hour in the heat, waiting for them to announce Hanson. During the interlude where we stood around for an hour, we were told numerous times to scoot back so no one would get hurt, but it happened anyway. One of the girls we met from standing around almost fainted! We found some nice people that could live without their Dr. Pepper and we gave it too her. And I thank those people, whoever they were.(Hanson fans stick together!) From where we were, we could see the purple door they would come out from perfectly!! They kept teasing us!!! They stuck their heads out the door, then shut it, stuck one head out, and shut it. Then some weird dude came out to tune the guitar. Finally, they announced them coming out. They came out and I couldn't believe it. They were FINE!!!! I did have favorites, just by looks, (I know, but that's all some of us know them for, accept for their music, IT ROCKS!!!) but it's definately even now. So they looked really great! Isaac had his hair in a ponytail and as soon as I get the pictures developed, I will describe what he wore.(You don't pay attention as much, you really concentrate on the music, and that you're really there!!) Zac had his hair down, and Taylor had his down. He got his hair cut up to mid-neck......boy is he hot. They started with "Madeline." When they were through with that, they had the first segment of the interview with KISS. I couldn't hear a thing! Then they went on and played, "Man From Milwaukee." Zac had his megaphone on and it wouldn't work when he tried to do the "....This is Mother Bird...calling Baby Bird..." part, so Taylor helped him, he flipped on the ON button and Zac continued to sing. Then they went over to the KISS booth for the second segment. Their grand finale was "Mmmbop"!!!! I was so excited! They kept yelling stuff at us, but we couldn't hear. I was jumping, because I'm a small person, and I almost passed out. But I rested for a minute and was fine (it was probably because I skipped breakfast, and the heat & excitement didn't help!) During "Mmmbop," people began to throw teddybears and other stuffed animals. (I saw a flying Tigger!) Isaac got hit in the face. They also did a press conference and some other media junk! After that they went to the KISS booth one last time, and the girl who won a contest off the radio station...(i will have her web page address posted soon..hehehe) and she got to ask them a question and meet them. Then they left through the purple door (found out it was the door to Game Works) and we began to file out. I was pooped, I was about to faint as we walked out, but I had just enough energy to ask Jenny (who was guiding me through the mess) if we could stop at the Virgin Mega Store and buy "Snowed In" "I Will Come To You" and see if they had "Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle Of Nowhere" but she said no! I had a great time and recommend everyone to go to their concert when it comes to your town. It is fun, but please take precautions because people do get out of hand when excited. This is a day (11/18) I will definatly not forget. :) Katt (November is the greatest month this year!!!)

Incase you haven't noticed, Jennifer in this review is the Jenny that I run this page with. I wrote this review up after the concert for my own page.

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