"Maybe I should Tim, I mean, it tells everything that happened and maybe people won't blame me so much. And it really is a good story, but I don't know." Joey was considering publishing the book as Alex had suggested.

"I don't know, its your life in that book, I'm only mentioned a few times. If you feel that you want to let the world read the secrets of your past, some very personal ones at that, go ahead. But it's your decision, if something goes wrong, you are the only one to blame."

"Thanks Tim, thats VERY reassuring." Joey replied, her voice bathed in sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to get involved with this if something does go wrong. I think you should follow your heart, do whatever you feel is right."

"Okay. Thanks Tim."


"Bye." Joey hung up the phone and began to ponder about what to do. If she did it, they could make some extra money, she could run copies of pictures that were taken and all that stuff. And now that Alex knew everything, there was no reason not to publish it. She decided she would get in touch with a publisher to find out some more.

"Payton, it's soooooo nifty!!!! My mom's gonna publish the book!" Alex exclaimed. She was excited. The book would be out where everyday people could read about the miracle baby, Alex. Joey had added some pictures and more text at the end, to kind of sum up some of the loose ends. She had written about three chapters of the epilogue. She also removed some unimportant things to shorten it up a little. Payton was excited for Alex, cause it had taken them only a week and a half to finish the book and Payton felt that it was really good. She was glad Joey had decided to publish it. "I'M GONNA BE A FAMOUS KID!" Alex yipped. Payton knew Alex loved attention, but she was afraid of what all this would do to her. She was afraid she would get famous and get cold-hearted and empty. She had heard that happened with stars. Now Alex was gonna have her chance at being famous through a famous family, and Payton couldn't help to wonder about the results.

"Being famous might not be all that great." Payton pointed out.

"You get attention from everyone, how could that possibly be bad?" Alex asked unbelievingly.

"There is stuff such as bad attention, people who don't like you for how you are, how you look, or how you act. Just because you are popular in school, doesn't mean that you'll be popular everywhere, even when you are famous."

"Well, I sure can try." Alex hated when Payton pointed out bad reality. Alex liked to believe that everything would turn out good, even if it was already going bad. The only thing that she hadn't done that on was anything involving her father, but that was a different story completely.

"Well, I guess you can, but just because you do, doesn't mean it will happen."

"You know Payton, I hate when you do this. You burst my happy little bubble by your "the world is always ferocious" theory."

"Well I hate how you think that reality is all about fun and happiness, its not."

"HELLO! Don't you think I know this? HUH? My father was killed before I was even born! I've been secretly sad underneath my happiness my whole life. My happy-and-hyper theory keeps me in good spirits even when I'm down, not always, but usually. It's one thing that has helped me get this far in life." Alex's voice began to rise. Payton felt that as a guilt trip, which she hated, but she put her side up anyway.

"Well, my "the world is always ferocious" theory, as you called it, is how I live from day to day. I expect the bad before it even comes."

"Well you know what? I really don't care to hear your stupid theories!

Okay? So just..... LET.... ME.... BE!" Alex slammed the phone down and sat on her bed, angry at Payton. She crossed her arms and pulled the box out from under her bed. There was so much stuff that she was still looking at new things every time she opened the box. So she knew what she had already looked at, she temporarily stored the things she had seen into a different box. This time she pulled out a photo book composed of many pictures of a girl and a cat and some other things. The photos weren't marked, so Alex took them and the boxes downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey ma. Look through these with me and tell me about the stories behind them." Alex set the boxes on the table. "Please?"

"Uh, I guess so sweety. But, I may get sentimental sometimes."

"Okay." Alex wanted to know everything about her father and her mother's lives together, even though it only lasted a year. They only got through a fourth of the pictures before going to bed.

Alex couldn't wait for the morning, it would be Saturday. When Alex got to her room, she saw a red light blinking like crazy, she realized she hadn't checked her answering machine in a couple of days because it was on the floor. She pushed it and there were about thirty messages. Some were whining that her and Payton didn't show up at their party, some were invitations to party's, some were just saying hi, some were asking her out, some were people that hung up and the last 5 were wrong numbers.

"Gee, that sucked." Alex hopped into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Payton got up out of bed to call Alex and when she did, she heard the ever familiar, "Hey, this is Alex, looks like I'm not here right now, sorry, leave a message at the beep and I'll get back to you. Thanks, bye. *beep*"

"DAMMIT ALEX, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Payton thought back. Where could she be, um, um, OH YEAH, she went to meet the other side of the family today. Crap! Guess it'll have to wait. She really wanted to apologize, but it would be unacceptable if it was on her machine. Lately, Alex hadn't payed very much attention to her machine, because of all the things she'd found out.

They stepped out of the car, to the water park, just as Joey had remembered it. It was amazing that the place was almost exactally as it had been when she'd been there last. She felt tears come to her eyes, but she just shook them away, she was still scared. Alex on the otherhand was really excited. She would get to meet her aunts and uncles and grandmother's and grandfather's and cousins she never knew she had. To her, that side of the family had just been to far away to see, at least thats what her mother had told her. But now, she would meet them all, her fathers side of the family. She carefully approached the pavillion where there were many people sitting around. One of them locked eyes with her, a woman. She was a chubby woman with EXTREMELY long blond/gray hair. She stood up from her chair and walked over to Alex.

"You look so much like your father." She began to cry. "You're Alex, I can tell. I'm your Grandma Hanson, Taylor's mom." She wrapped her arms around Alex and Alex was happy to meet her. Her grandma was only 57, her grandpa too.

"Hi grandma!" She said excitedly. Now that grandma had got the attention on Alex, there was a line to meet her. These people were very orderly, that was for sure. She met her Grandpa Hanson, her Aunt Jessie who was 24, Aunt Avery who was 21, Uncle Mac who was 19, Aunt Zoe who was 17, and Uncle Peter who was 17 as well. Her Uncle Peter was only a year older than her, as well as her Aunt Zoe. She met so many more people that it was weird calculating that she was related to them all. Now that she had met everyone, the ceremonies began. Alex listened as the oldest lady of the family, Great Grandma Hanson, spoke about early traditions, the coming anniversary of the deaths of the dear souls such as Alex's father, and of course, welcoming Alex to the family. Alex was asked to come up on stage and say something.
