"I'm sorry." Payton immediately said when Alex called.

"Me too. I'm sorry that I hung up. But let me tell you about what happened today!" Alex went into a detailed explanation about what happened, including her speech at the reunion.

"Wow, congratulations!"

"Thanks. I'm so glad I got to see more pics of my dad. He was so good looking Pay....I mean, he was like....WHOA! And all the girls would flock to him and Uncle Zac and Uncle Ike. They were SO famous."

"Did your mom bring up the book idea?" Payton suddenly thought of the excellent book.

"As a matter of fact, she did. Some of the family wasn't much for it, but Diana gave her the go ahead, so she decided to publish it for sure. She's already sent it to a publisher though. We're waiting for word back from them." Alex said excitedly. Almost on cue, her mother ran into her room.



"Alex, come look at how much."

"Hold on Pay, the publishers wanna publish the book!!!!!"

"EXCELLENT!" Payton became excited as well.

"Oh......my.....gosh......that......is...a...HUGE...amount...of...money!" Alex slowly spat out. "Pay, you will not believe how much they are going to give my mom per book."

"How much?" Payton inquired, her curiosity quickly struck. Alex whispered the number to her and heard Payton drop the phone. It was picked back up and Payton spoke, surprise filling her voice. "That is a LOT of money."

"I know. I'll be RICH and FAMOUS!"

"Honey, thats because its the story of the Hanson boys before their lives were ended. The true story will be worth so much money. I'm also going to have Diana sign it, to show that it, indeed, is the true story. She'll know some of the parts, but others, she'll have no clue happened. I have to let her read it before it can be published." Joey informed Alex. Alex invited Payton over to spend the night and told her they'd look through the rest of the pictures and stuff.

Later that night Payton, Joey, and Alex were gathered around the kitchen table with the box sitting in the middle.

"Pick something out, and I'll tell you girls the story."

"How bout starting with the rest of the pictures?" Alex asked, taking the large stacks out. Joey nodded. The first pictures were of three guys with underwear on their heads. Joey began laughing hysterically and when she calmed, finally explained.

"Okay, this was the first time I ever saw your father in person. I was a fan of his music, but I'd never seen him right there in front of me before. We were in Dillards and we were trying to find a present for a friend of ours. We spotted Ike, Tay and Zac in the womans section, trying underwear on their heads. Kat, who I've mentioned was my best friend, snapped these pictures. I told her not to buy the stupid camera in the first place, but now I'm glad she did. These photos are irreplacable." The more photos they went through, the more involved Joey became with the stories with them. Some parts of the stories were revealed in the book, but there was always more to a story than what was told on paper. Other pictures included one of the "guys", as Joey referred to the Hansons, choosing a pregnancy test for their mother. There were lots of Kat. Kaat drenched and covered in like cookie and grass, and all of the group except Isaac in the pool also covered in cookie and grass. One of Joey asleep in the car on Taylor's shoulder, that one had been at the family reunion Joey had attended. There were pictures of Zac dressed as a Spice Girl with the "girl power" sign up. Maybe eighty or so of Kat and her cat, rightfully named Zacky, and many more pictures. Alex picked up a framed, beautiful picture of a girl of maybe fifteen.

"Who's this mom?"

"Oh my, I'd forgotten about that! That's the picture Taylor drew of me."

"OH! That's you? I remember that part in the story too! That was when he gave you the note, that still happens to be on here."

"What's this?" Payton removed a very sturdy wrapped box.

"Forgot about that too. That's the rose Taylor bought me to replace the one my grandmother had given me after my sisters cat broke it. He gave that to me the last day that he walked. That was maybe a half hour prior to the accident." Joey unraveled the wrapping and removed the glass rose, shining it in the light.

"I remember that part." Alex began tearing up, "Dad was so sweet."

"I know, and thats another reason I loved him."

"Who did this necklace belong to?" Alex had begun to dig through the box and pulled out a necklace on a pure leather chain. It had a turquoise bird on it and was so shiny, still even.

"That was Taylor's, his grandmother had given it to him when he turned 12, as she'd received it. Her grandfather, I think, had been an Indian and carved it for her. Diana gave it too me later, when they began cleaning out Taylor's room. She found it in a box under a floorboard, along with some other things."

"Why is there a bra in here? Is that.....Kat's?" Payton held it up by the strap.

"I have no clue why I kept it, but it held so many memories of Kat and Zac. I couldn't let them throw it away. And some of her poems, drawings and songs are in there as well. A giant part of my heart is in the box, the part that has been missing for several years." Joey smiled tightly, holding back the tears that begged to be released. She figured she'd cried enough for one day.

"Here is the first published copy of the book." Joey handed it to Alex. It was a black leather cover with the words Love Under Construction neatly printed in red ink on the cover. It was gorgeous. Flipping through the pages that were typed and organized, Alex marveled at the finished copy.

"Wow, my name is in here!" Alex pointed out in the About Authors part in the back. It said that Alex was Taylor's only child.

"Yeah, I'm warning you now, a lot of media will be after us, looking for stories and what we have to say, beware okay? Tell Payton to watch herself too, and be careful, both of you." Joey warned.

"Yes ma'am." Alex replied. She handed the book back to her mother and asked when it would hit store shelves.

"Tomorrow morning at eight a.m." Joey sighed. Alex couldn't wait to tell Josh and Derek she was gonna be so famous the media was going to STALK her!
