Alex, of course, called Payton and told her the news of the book. And at school the next morning, she and Payton found Josh and Derek and immediately told them of the new found news.

"Wow, a book about your mom and dad Kat?" Derek was impressed. "Last time I heard, you didn't even know anything about your dad." Josh looked clueless.

"I have a lot to catch you up on Josh." Alex took him by the hand and began telling the story of how she found everything out.

"And here are the reviews of today. The newest book, released by Josephina Meredith Baldwin, is a good read. The true story of how the Hanson's acted behind the scenes and how they cared for the people they loved before the terrible tragedy of their death, which is also included in it. This book should be bought by every Hanson fan in the world to show how good spirited these guys really were." Joey rejoyced that the critic liked the book. In all, the critics loved the book. It was top seller for fourteen weeks after its release and the story went down in history.

Alexandria Baldwin legally changed her last name to Baldwin-Hanson and got famous from the book. She was known as the only child born unto a famous Hanson that suffered death in the late ninties. She graduated high school and majored in music/singing in college. She went on to marry Josh, and they had three children. Alex is a now a famous singer and re-made some of her father and his band's songs. One of which is "With You In Your Dreams" which she dedicated to her mother and father.

Payton Price, did, eventually notice that Alex was changing, but it wasn't for the worse. Payton moved three months after the book was released, a terrible time for her and Alex, but finished high school in New Jersey. She got a degree in business management in college and also reunited with Derek in college. They decided to get married and go on a cruise. The ship, tragically, sunk and both died.

Derek Cook finished high school with Alex and went on to college where he found Payton in one of his classes. He proposed to her a month after they got back together and they waited until both had graduated college. To celebrate the graduations and marriage, they went on a cruise ship that ended up sinking. Both died in the accident.

Joshua Baker - graduated high school a year after Alex and decided college just wasn't for him. He'd constantly go to see Alex in between her classes or at lunch. He proposed on the Valentines day before Alex graduated college. Josh stays home with the kids and Alex does her work on stage.

Josephina Campbell obviously married. Tim proposed to her the year Alex graduated high school, claiming he'd been in love with her since they graduated high school. They had a gorgeous wedding and had no children, they'd raised Alex together. Alex was the bridesmaid. Joey died at age 53 of natural causes, and peacfully in her sleep. They buried her next to Taylor and buried the "The End" box in between the two, with a published copy of Love Under Construction inside it.

Timothy Campbell, again, married Joey and they lived happily until Joey passed on. The night she passed, she woke Tim and told him that she'd just had a dream. In it, Taylor, Kat, Zac, and Isaac had come to her and smiled at her, motioning for her to follow them. Apparently Taylor kissed her and told her to wake up and say goodbye to Tim. She kissed Tim and returned to her dream. Tim, of course, thought it was just a dream, but woke up with a deceased Joey next to him. He added that in the book he was writing, an auto-biography.

And that my friends, causes this story to be over, at only nine chapters. Tell us what you think, sorry it ended so abruptly, but we HAD to end it.

