Tulsa Concert

Hey everyone, I know I said I would put this up a long time ago, but here it is finally! The review of the Tulsa concert!! Enjoy!
@----->--- Jenny -----<---@
The whole experience started out by me and Lori (a friend from Bartlesville, Oklahoma--where I used to live) going to the concert in a minivan(aka: Goobermobile).On the way there we were in the mood for some music, so we were listening to the local radio station(106.9 KHITS) and discovered that they posessed the last two remaining tickets in all of Tulsa.They announced that the tickets could only be won by being the first person at a mystery location. These were FLOOR tickets. You know...really close to the stage. Lori and I were going to do everything in our power to win those tickets. So, we arrived at the Mabee center and sat in the parking lot, awaiting the announcement about the location. Lori had to go to the bathroom really bad, so she was begging her mom to take us to the Quick Trip across from the Mabee center. Her mom declined and told Lori that she could go in the building before the concert. Then, they announced the mystery place and Lori and I nearly collapsed from how ironic it was -- the Quick Trip across from the Mabee center on top of a payphone. We were screaming at her mom to go faster and get there first, but when we got there we were the SECOND people there.

We were so mad.

After Lori and I groaning as we made a pit stop and watched the happy man and his son walk away with the tickets that we could have won, we went to the Mabee center, her mom dropped us off and we went inside. The place was pretty nice. Lots of Men’s rooms, but I never saw a women’s restroom. Weird. The Hanson Merchandise counter was crammed with little girls screaming at thin air. I passed up the opportunity to get something, since the prices were ridiculous and so were the lines. So, we walked around until we found the entrance to our section -- kk. We climbed until I swore my nose began bleeding and took our seats in row 14, the third from last row you can possibly get. Lori and I groaned some more about not winning the tickets and then sat down to wait for the opening band. About a half an hour later, Admiral Twin came on. They rocked the house. They're awesome, and I had a cool experience I'll tell you about later.

Anyway, me and Lori were watching the backstage area after Admiral Twin went off. We could see behind the cutain(thanks to our awful seats), so we saw when Isaac took his place with his guitar around his neck. Then all of the sudden you heard these low notes on guitar -- the beginning to “Give Me some Lovin”. The crowd went wild, but me and Lori were not-so-silently wishing they would shut up. We were, after all, in the third from last row in the balcony. We still saw pretty good, though.

Here's a quick list of all the songs I remember them playing. (I have no idea what order)

Thinking of You
Where's the Love
Look at You
I Will Come to You
Minute Without You
With You in Your Dreams (the one song I didn't want them to play.)
Man From Milwaulkee
More than Anything
Summertime Blues

Ater playing their first three or four songs, Isaac, Taylor and Zac left the stage and stagehands came out and brought out a rug, an easy chair, a simple drum set and keyboard to make it look homely. Then the boys came out again. Before, Isaac had been wearing a satiny manilla-colored shirt over a tight black one but he took it off and he had some muscles under that shirt, man. And, he was also wearing Airwalks (happy Rachel?). Zac was wearing a white shirt with red cuffs on the sleeves and a red or blue hem thing around the neck. He seemed to be wearing parachute pants and some kind of boots. Taylor was wearing a blue button up shirt over a tight white one, either dark cords or jeans and Doc Martins.

On their little homely stage, they played some of the old songs, and this was when they played “With You In Your Dreams”. I just kind stood there, watched what I could and listened to the song. I could see girls crying and it kind of made me mad to know that some were doing it just for show since they had no clue how much the song actually means when you’ve had experiences to back it up. Sometime after that song, they played “Stories,” one of my favorite songs of all time. During this song, Taylor pointed at his keyboard and then pointed up with his left hand, signaling that it wasn't loud enough, because you couldn’t hear it over the guitar and the drums. Then, after a minute he gave them the "ok" sign and continued playing. When the song was over, Zac and Taylor left the stage, and I nearly lost it when Isaac sat down at the keyboards and began to play “More Than Anything”. He was all alone, and he sounded GOOD. His experessions seemed incredibly real and sincere. Lori and I looked at each other and nearly lost it. I kind of have a thing for Ikey boy now.

When Isaac had finished, he left the stage again and they cleared away the homely stuff and the boys took their original positions. They sang two songs, and then started a jam while they introduced the band. Suddenly, Taylor left his keyboards and ran behind Zac and pointed at him. That's when my eardrums blew out from the screaming around me. Then, Taylor grabbed some drumsticks and took Zac's place, playing the drums -- quite well, in fact. Then, Zac went down to the front row to give away his drumsticks. Right when he gave them away, some girl jumped the barrier and lunged at him. The security gaurds got her, though, and Zac went quickly back onstage. Later, they wouldn't let Taylor come down below, so he shook the girls hands by crouching onstage and reaching out to them.

Once Zac went back to his drums, he got these cool drumsticks that lit up and changed colors. It was cool. So distinctly Zac. Then, the crowd went completely insane as Taylor removed his shirt to reveal his white shirt and jeans. I was so happy. Then they played “I Will Come To You.” They played a few more songs, and then to everyone's dismay, announced the end of the concert and left the stage. But of course, since they are just so very nice, they came out and sang two encores. At this point, Me and Lori were sitting on the stairs, and we saw this guy with curly hair and a dark suit and yellow tie on. Much like that of Admiral Twin's outfits. He also had something around his neck like a backstage pass. Lori and I looked at each other and I said, “Was that the guitar dude from Admiral Twin?” Lori just kind of shrugged and I suggested we ask him. So, she and I got up and approached him. I said, "Excuse me, are you a member of Admiral Twin?" and he nodded and said yes. I was completely floored. I nearly collapsed from the fact that me and Lori were the only ones there that knew! Then we told him how good they were and introduced ourselves to him. His name was Mark and he had curly brown hair and was pretty cute.

While we had our little starstruckedness there, we noticed after Mark left that Hanson was nearly done with "Look At You" They then started Summertime blues and I sang along. Here, Isaac demonstrated exactly how low his voice can go! I’m talking Mufasa-from-the-Lion-King, but a few octaves lower, it seemed! Then, they left their posts, and said that they really had to go. So Taylor leaned over to shake the hands of some girls and they shot him with Silly String! He had it all over him! After pulling off the majority of it, but(unknowingly)leaving a tail hanging off his power pack, Taylor Isaac and Zac sang an a capella version of “Weird” for us. I think it was a special treat for Tulsans. Then, it was over. From there we went to the corner to wait for Lori’s mom, too tired to wait by tour buses and sang a few songs together while they were still fresh on our minds.

All in all, the whole experience was awesome, as you can tell, and I can't wait until the next time I get to do something of similar caliber!
