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Johnny Eck and FREAKS

"There is little to be said about Freaks (1932), Tod Browning's celebrated film, except that it does not merit that reputation for cruelty accorded it by the litany of belated surrealists. On the contrary, what I found touching was the human being's prodigious capacity for adaptation. Seeing the armless man light a cigarette by using only his mouth leaves us breathless with admiration. This story shows the infinite ingenuity and the greatness of man. But enough moralizing. Freaks is a very honest film that can be seen with more pleasure than horror."

Jean Douchet, Cashiers du cinema, Nov. 1962, p. 32

Randion and Johnny Eck on the set of Freaks. Photo credit unknown.

Freaks is a basic morality tale about acceptance and our inability to judge character by appearances. The more I research this remarkable film, and public reactions to it, the more food for thought I gather. Below are some interesting links.

Please remember to email me or leave a message in the guestbook if you know of relevant sites I've overlooked.

Joe's Sideshow
This site has many excellent pictures, and a great short summary/review of the movie. A great first site to visit.

Internet Movie Database
This link takes you directly to the IMDb page for Freaks, and provides links to a review (a nice review, I think) and information on where to buy the video. The Internet Movie Database is an interactive site, so those of you who have seen Freaks can vote a rating for the movie, and those of you with more information about the movie or the people who made it can submit information. The IMDb is an all-around cool site for anybody who likes movies.

Arespectful review by Mark Englehart.

TV Gen Movie Database
A positive review, cast/crew information, links to buy or rent, and a still from the film. There are also filmography links for the cast and crew. The site also has a feedback feature for visitors, but it is highly disorganized. Anybody who actually posts anything on Freaks, or who plows through it and finds any coments on Freaks, please make note of it in the guestbook so the rest of us can take a peek.

The Cabinet of Dr. Casey Horror Movie Database
This is the Freaks page in the Movie Database section of a site devoted to the horror genre. Viewers can post their comments on movies. As of my last visit, only one person had posted comments. Go to it, guys! Let's support people who get Johnny's flic in front of people in whatever way, shape, or form.

Mr. Showbiz Movie Guide
A brief synopsis (with a hilarious concession to politically correct lingo), and information on how to buy or rent.

Casa Nada
This is a Spanish language site that has a synopsis, brief biography of Tod Browning, and a review. My Spanish is limited to what I remember from mandatory junior high school Spanish class, so I understand very little. Please stick a note in the guestbook if you visit this link and can understand what it says. The rest of us would love to be clued in.

A warm review somebody posted.

Freaks Transcript
A transcript of the movie. There are some minor errors, but otherwise an excellent and interesting place to visit.

A review with a still from the film, on a horror film database.

References for FREAKS

There are also some other references to Freaks I found in the library but have not yet been able to locate. Please drop a line in the guest book if you are familiar with any of these.

Cinema of the Fantastic, p. 33-48
Classic Film Collector, Fall 1976, n. 52, p. 57
Classic Images, November 1982, n. 101, pp. 66-67
Classics of Horror Film, pp. 77-79
Dictionary of Films, P. 119
Eighty Years of Cinema, pp. 91-92
Film Daily, July 9, 1932, p. 6
Film Quarterly, Spring 1964, v. 17, pp. 59-61
Film Society newsletter, April 1965, pp. 15-16
Films & Filming, August 1963, v. 9, pp. 22-23
Films in Review, June-July 1971, p. 374
Freaks: Cinema of the Bizarre, pp. 50-59
The Hollywood Professionals, v. 4, pp. 13-14, 35-38, 50
Hollywood Reporter, January 12, 1932, p. 3
Horror in the Cinema, pp. 48-50
Horror Movies (Clarens), pp. 90-94
International Dictionary of Films & Filmmakers, v. 1, pp. 161-162
Judge, August 1932, v. 102, p. 22
Magill's Survey of Cinema, Series II, v. 2, pp. 842-826
Motion Picture, April 1932, v. 43, pp. 30-32+
Motion Picture Herald, July 23, 1932, p. 48
Movie, July-August 1963, v. 11, p. 32
National Board of Review Magazine, March 1932, v. 7, pp. 9-13
New Yorker, July 16, 1932, v.8, pp. 45-46
Outlook, April 1932, v. 160, p. 229
Photon, 1973, n. 23, pp. 24-35
Rob Wagner's Script, February 20, 1932, v. 7, pp. 8-9
Sight & Sound, Summer 1963, v. 32. p. 145
Stories into Film, p. 11-31

Tod Browning

No site on Freaks would be complete without mention of director Tod Browning. Although my introduction to Browning was Freaks, he is best known for directing such horror greats as Bella Lugosi and Lon Chaney. Again, the sites speak for themselves. Also remember that these are but a smattering of the many fascinating Tod Browning sites on the internet. If you find yourself becoming more interested in his career, do a web search. Most sites focus more on his Lugosi and Chaney films. They are well worth a visit, and are far too plentiful for me to list.

This link takes you to the Internet Movie Database filmography page. Prolific fellow, our boy Tod! You can link here to a one-paragraph Browning biography.

The Wizard of Odd
A link to a short biographical page, with links, written for a bookseller's site. Worth a visit.

Baseline's Encyclopedia of Film
A summary of Browning's career, with prominent mention of Freaks, and links. It also has the filmography from the Internet Movie Database, without IMDb's links.

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