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Internet Resources Center

World Wide Web

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Fey: Top Pop Music Star: Complete information about her career and her albums. Includes song lyrics with translations to english, chat and forum for fans, vote, links, etc.

Iran Castillo: Soft and Romantic Balland Pop Singer and Actriz: Information about her career as a singer and actriz.

The unofficial site in english of Rock music in Spanish (comming soon)

Japanese Animation and Video Games:

Sailor Moon In Mexico: Based on the actual anime series from Naoko Takeuchi, broadcasted in Mexico. It includes stories of each series, profiles on the characters and the author, chat and forum, games, links, gallery, etc.

El Legendario Goku de Dragon Ball Z (spanish): Based on the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z anime series. It includes information on the character Goku and other characters.

El legendario Terry Bogard de Fatal Fury y King of Fighters (spanish): Information on this character from SNK and Neo Geo fighting game series. It also has tips and tricks to use him more effectivly.

On line Stores:

All Right!: Books, Movies and Music, all in one place.

The Fatal Fury and King of Fighters Store: A store that features cool Fatal Fury and King of Fighters stuff, including games, music, wall scrolls, etc.

Internet tools:

Aldana Tech Email: Your Free Email account is set up in minutes. It is available in english and twelve other languages.

Search Engines: Search the web with the top eight search engines in one page. Plus other services to enhance your web pages.

The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet: Reveals unconventional tips, trick and techniques with examples so you can learn the most efficient and fastest way to drastically increase visitors and make money on the Internet.

Click here for more details!

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