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by J. W. Rider, 29 August 1996

The Chili Recipe links were starting to get oversized for efficient downloading of the whole links page. So, I partitioned it into two files of their own. I'll probably play with the text color eventually, but in the mean time, I've tried to make it look much the same way that it was before.

Click here for the better chili recipes

A few versions that try to go both ways:

Whether or not to make essential (pure) chili or to add frijoles is something of a religious conviction. I prefer pure chili, but in the next section, I've included links to a large number of recipes that include beans in the recipes. (Beans would not bad if, for instance, you were making a meat-free chili.)

In this section, I want to draw attention to the fact that these recipes include beans as an optional ingredient. I have some problem with that. I like beans, even though I won't put them into chili that I make. I just don't see how you can decide at the last moment to add a couple of cups to your chili pot without adjusting the other ingredients. The end-result can be spiced right for no-beans or with-beans, but how can you get it spiced right for both?

On the other hand, it's not as if there's such a thing as "just-right" chili (with deference to Goldilocks). Many a chili recipe includes the notation "Approximate measurements OK" and "Season to taste."

And just to show that chili can make any kind of dish taste better:

I do count myself among the purists who think that chili should be just chili. On the other hand, it's a big world, and other people have different tastes. I allow them to be so (he says, as if he thinks he could do otherwise). No matter what you like to eat, it will go better with chili.

Additional chili recipe links:

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