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Home of the FRIENDLY FRONTIER RADIO CLUB - 440 Repeater Coming Soon!

Abilene, Texas - A Whole Lotta' Texas Goin' On!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Friendly Frontier ARC?

The Friendly Frontier ARC is building repeaters which can be interconnected with remote base links. The system is being built by an experienced group of friends who wanted a radio system which was reliable, and which had coverage in most areas of Taylor County.

Who operates the System?

Friendly Frontier ARC is a privately owned and operated closed repeater system. It is managed by Friendly Frontier ARC, a Texas non-profit association. The Friendly Frontier ARC System is a members only system. Due to its design, everyone is considered a control operator.

What kind of person uses the FFARC repeaters?

Amateur Radio may be for everyone but FFARC isn't. We are selective about our members because we want a system that is enjoyable to operate, not one where there is always controversy. Our members are generally good friends and have been for many years. We socialize with each other at all levels, not just on Ham Radio. We generally seek individuals who:

Will participate in the system more than just by talking on it.
Are capable of making technical, financial, or other contributions for the benefit of the organization.
Are generally technologically-oriented or skilled in a related field.
Are enthusiastic about FFARC objectives.
Take a professional approach to an amateur avocation.
Are socially compatible with other members of the organization.

What does the group expect from its members?


Members are encouraged to participate in group activities. One of the main reasons the system was built was so the members could organize social gatherings.

Financial support

Members are encouraged to support the FFARC financially. This stuff is expensive - if you use it, you should help pay for it. By the same token, this is one of the main reasons the system is closed - it's not fair to the people who paid for it to have people who didn't using the system.


Members are encouraged to make a contribution to the system other than just talking on it. There's always something you can do to make the system better for everyone.


Members are expected to comply with a few simple rules about how the repeater is used and controlled. This includes informing non-members/visitors that the system is for members and invited guests use only. Non-Members interested in membership should refer to the information page and contact one of the members.


We want the members to be enthusiastic about the club and its goals.


Members should be reliable. If you say you'll do something, do it.

How does one become a member?

Membership to the Friendly Frontier ARC is by application only. You must be recommended by a current member who is willing to vouch for your character.

Interested persons are encouraged to listen to the repeaters to decide if the activity on the system fits their interests.

Interested persons should get to know other members by attending group activities. Demonstrate your desire to participate.

Express your interest by contacting someone in the group or one of the club officers.

Expect a reasonable time for determination of member status. We need time to get to know a candidate.

What are the objectives for the future?

Reliable linking to surrounding areas of West Texas.
Handheld coverage of the Abilene area.
Positive remote control of each site.
Continued cooperation with Abilene/Taylor County Emergency Management.

All membership inquiries should be directed to:     Email:

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