FFARC Repeater Control Operator & User Responsibilities I. Repeaters must comply with FCC rules and regulations. A. Comply with technical and performance standards. B. No profanity or other vulgar language used. C. No inappropriate business transactions conducted. D. No disguised or coded word meanings used. E. No transmissions of music, singing, etc. F. No criminal/illegal activity on-the-air. II. Coordination is optionally maintained with the Texas VHF-FM Society, or other Coordinator. A. May be mandatory by 2015 for repeater operation. III. Ensure operation meets standards acceptable to a majority of club members. A. No defamatory, derogatory or libelous statements made towards others. B. No organized discussions or debates on inflammatory subjects. C. Any Nets conducted on repeaters must be approved in advance. D. Discussion of radio modifications for legal MARS/CAP use only. E. Equipment sales must pertain to personal Amateur Radio items. F. No "CB Radio-type" conversations/misuses. 1. Name calling, noises, or anything but voice or CW transmissions. 2. Saying "Break(er)" to join a conversation, except in an emergency. To join a conversation, simply announce your callsign between the other party's transmissions. Example: "KX5XXX monitoring." 3. One-sided discourses masked as a conversation. 4. Threatening others with bodily harm or injury. 5. Announcing police radar operation locations. 6. Distasteful jokes or "blue" humor. 7. Frequent "radio checks." 8. "CB-slang," "Trucker-talk" or 10-Code terminology. 9. Technical misapplication. (Amplified power mikes on FM) IV. Designated Control Operators maintain repeater control by acceptable means. A. Act as Trustee for FFARC, not as "repeater dictator." 1. Be fair and consistent in enforcing rules. 2. Consider any extenuating circumstances. 3. Recognize differences in level of operating experience. a. Recently licensed Amateurs. b. Amateurs new to this area. c. Visitors passing through town. d. Operators previously warned or restricted. B. Use dial-up control as main control link. C. Over-the-air control as urgent method only. D. Announce downtime in advance, when possible. ver. 4/18/10