Hi, my name is Kristen. I'm 17, 5'1 and really petite, (I get tons of short jokes thrown at me constantly.) blue eyes, brown hair, and I'm from Texas. And I am NOT and I repeat NOT a cowgirl!! I just had to get that out of my system because for some weird reason, people always assume that I wear Wranglers and Ropers, just because I am from Texas. They couldn't be more wrong. I detest hicks. I'm more of a trendy-club scene type. In fact, one of my favorite things to do is go dancing with my friends at clubs. Of course, I have to go to teen night, which kinda sucks. But, I'll be 18 on January 9, so I can go to a club on a REAL night. Notice I said January, that doesn't leave you with many shopping days for my b-day presents. Other stuff that I like to do is, hang out with my friends, (What teenager doesn't?) read, (Especially classics and Stephen King.) write poetry, (I've even won a few awards and had some published!) see plays and musicals, (I'm a Phantom of the Opera addict!) chat with people on IRC, (My nick is KLJ and I'm always on dalnet server.) and spend time talking to the most incredible boyfriend in the history of boyfriends, Jason. The way Jason and I met is a little strange. I met him on IRC. He lives quite a distance from me, all the way in Colorado. Sure, I could get a date here, but the fact of the matter is, I only want him. He is just so wonderful in so many ways, and he is so much like me. If there is a such thing as soulmates, I do believe I've found mine.Click on the heart to hear more about my undying love for Jason!
I Love Jason I don't have any extracurricular activities anymore. I don't go to a regular school, I'm now home schooled, which, in my opinion, is MUCH better. I pick my own hours and my own pace. I don't have teachers to tell me what to do. I LOVE IT!! When I was in regular school though, I was involved in soccer, drama, TNT, (A club of teens that spoke to young kids about drug and alcohol abuse.) First Priority, (A club for Christian teens.) and the Renaissance club ( A club for making good grades.). One thing that does take up my time is CYO, (Christian Youth Organization) it is my church youth group. I am on the youth board there with 7 other youth. We have a lot of fun, grow in our faith, and always have a place to go where there will always be friends. I do have pictures on here now! Sorry to say that they are black and white and slightly outdated. (They are a few years old.) Move on down to my links to see them or you can click on the moving rainbow below.
Pics of Me Well, I guess that's pretty much it about me. Feel free to email me if you want to know anything else about me or have any suggestions! Have a go at those links. Most of the links on this page are links to a page of links, so take your time and have a looksee, and don't forget to sign my guestbook which is located right between the following little marble bars for your convience.
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