4 March 2001
"You'll know where I am..."
Nikita ends with some relief, after a misguided couple of seasons. Thanks to Michael Loceff, who managed to pull off the near-impossible -- a tragic ending choked in appropriate irony. Now THAT's more like it. All hope of "the-next-episode-will-be-the-real-Nikita" has ended, but at least it managed to swing back around and end with truth to the characters. (For the first time in many episodes, nobody appeared to be phoning in their performance). 3 1/2 of 5 stars on the finale.Still, there's nothing like the originals, by the original writers, and we heartily recommend watching Season 1 and 2 -- lather, rinse, repeat. And repeat again, with pleasure.
Enjoy the classic LFN. Those of us who have been with Nikita since day one give a hail and a tearful farewell.
Oh, and P.S., for the clueless: JURGEN is still dead.