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Ashley's Space
Monday, 2 April 2007
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Van Hunt

Elton John's song has always been right. What do I have to do to make you love me?. I haven't figured it out and I'm too sensitive to realize it doesn't make a difference if your family doesn't love you or care about you. A lot of people don't know that, and if you tell them that your parents or your siblings don't care about you they just think you are making it up or being melodramatic. I'm not joking. My parents really don't care. My brother and sister don't care, they are all too self-absorbed. I hope one day I have the strength to look at them and tell them to kiss my ass for all the times they lied to my face and all the times they made it abundantly clear that they had better things to do than to be there for me. If you just took the time to get to know me, you wouldn't be sorry. I'm the most loyal and compassionate person you'll ever know.

Posted by tx/lilbeavis at 8:54 PM EDT
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