JCMI: Main Page Hey! Still moving to glitterz.com. I just got sick of looking at that frickin' thing. So I put up a little 2 minute layout. Yup... So...
Keep in mind that operation TRL is going on. We're trying to rally to get everyone to vote for Hanson's I WILL COME TO YOU at Total Request Live. I don't even have MTV, and I'm still voting. Go here to place your vote:
Thanks tons!!!
Lookie what I'm running!!!! Yup, I went there. Please go nominate somebody. I want this to be at least partially successful. Please!! I'll continue to whine if you don't. Plllleeeeeeaaaaassseeee?!?!?
I got nominated for Best Fanfic Site. Please go vote for me!!! (That doesn't sound desperate, Katie...)
I've been nominated for "Weirdest Name"... Don't ask. I don't think the name of my site is weird. Is it?
Non-banner Links Hanson Hangout: Really spectacular site! But it doesn't have many hits. 8^( Go there!!!! The Website of Pete and Pete: In case you aren't an avid Nickelodeon fan (I admit it - I watch the station where kids rule!!), Pete and Pete was a TV show about 2 brothers named Pete. It's a mecca for children who are slightly deranged or can't grasp the concept of reality. Brown Sugar's Home Page: My friend Beth's home page. She's really cool. Holly's Dawson's Creek Page: This is a girl from my school. (Yes, you've probably heard about her on this page before... She's the one who gave me that dreadful nickname!) And she dares to call me weird... The One-Eyed Goose: Awesome page! She is a really good writer. She just recently put up this awesome story called Hit So Hard. It's really good. (I know how it ends, I know how it ends!) Hehe, I really really really suggest reading her stuff. Is cool! Hanson R' Us: This is Amber's page... Yes, I fear to say I've made another friend who, much to my dad's chagrine, a Hanson fan. The story is pretty darned nifty... Go take a peek...I'm sure she'd much rather you take a loooong look though! Kellie: This girl is really cool. *She* read my stories, and *she* actually paid attention and knew to ask for a stocking. Hmm... I'm hinting here!! Anyhow, her stories (she has up another one) are awesome. Angry Angel: This site is so funny! And it's sweet, too. The scary thing is that it's about Taylor. And I liked it. ::shudders:: Anyhow, you have my most supreme recommendation. It's awesome. Llama's Links: This is the BIG LINK page run by Amanda (a.k.a. Llamaesque). And since I am a *RECOMMENDED* (YESSS!!!!) link there, I figured I should put up her link. (That and the fact that she threatened me with a slow and painful death if I didn't.) So go and the other fanfics that put mine to shame. 8^) Holly's Webpage: This is a page about Holly and some of her friends. She asked me to put up the link, so I don't really know what's up on it. Go check it out anyhow. |
Yes, I admit to being a member of the AHV. But ain't it FUN?!?! Anyhow, I would put up one of the other banners, but due to one of Taylor's extremely offish poses, I decided better of myself to go against it...