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Thanks To All My Friends
You all mean a lot to me. Some of you helped me learn how to make this page. Some of you have been friends for a long time. Some of you are just people I thought were extra cool.

Peaches--A very close friend
Shea--My best friend in the whole world
Bulldog--A co-worker and good friend
Raylan--My roommate (this guy's hilarious!)
Rhian and Jess--A couple of Aussie cuties
Lei@--A cool friend
Heather and Kellie--Two very sweet girls from North Carolina
Julianne--A sweet friend whom I wish I talked to more often
Lazarus--Keep your chin up. You're gettin' there bud.
HTT and Wilma--A couple of crazy gals
Phobia--A friend from the internet that I met IRL
Unique--A cool gal from New Mexico
Tony--A friend IRL who helped me figure out some computer junk
Jimmy and Diana--Congrats on your new daughter