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Kevin's Page of Humorous Stuff

My Observations

11 November

There arent enough fruits named after colors like oranges....
I propose we genetically mix apple trees with pear trees so we can make fruit called "purples."

Why did people run out to see Eminem's movie 8 Mile this weekend.
Apparently people don't realize that a movie with a white guy rapping
is EXACTLY the same as one with a black guy rapping.
ie. They both suck ass.

6 November

Do you ever get email telling you about how you can enlarge your penis?
Well I do, and I'll tell you what: They are wasting their time.
What the hell use would I have for a bigger penis, when I hardly have use for the size I have now?!?

Why do terrorists take responsibility for bombings and such?
The palestinian guys go and suicide bomb Israeli civilians,
and then they go and cry when Israel shoots missiles back at them.
What the hell did they think would happen? You blew up our citizens, now let's have a Barbeque.

In the News

6 November - Winona Ryder Found Guilty on Two Counts

She might be going to jail for 6 years. Christ, did you know she's already 31?
When she gets out it will be time to steal herself a facelift.

6 November - The Republicans are Back in Control - yay

I just have to ask, what is so damn historic about it? Has it not happened several times before in the last 225 years?

6 November - The U.S. Can Now Use Lasers to Shoot Down Artillery

Sweet. One step closer to seeing the computer game Command and Conquer come to reality.

5 November - USS Cole Suspect Blown to Bits by U.S. Missile

Which once again proves the theory: "I'm bored of making an effort to capture terrorists. Let's just shoot a bunch of missiles at them." really works.

1 November - Human Rights Says Suicide Bombers Should be Brought to Justice

Am I the only one that sees a problem in bringing suicide bombers to justice?

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