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A Question for Daddy

Fireflies are lighting up the night
Blues and greens and yellows so bright!
Flying so fast with their tails aglow
Just what is their purpose, I'd like to know?

And why do they fly first low and then high
Is it only to give color to our evening sky?
I caught some in a jar one night so I could see
But not one of them would light up their tail for me!

So I asked, "Daddy, how do the fireflies light up their tails?"
He said, "Baby, all they're doing is leaving a trail...
Of bright little colors to blink off and on
And weave tiny paths all over the lawn."

"But DADDY!! HOW do they do IT...the COLORS I mean!"
"You understand my question for I know you have seen!"
He grinned at me sideways as he pulled me on his knee
"It's God's great handiwork sent from Heaven for you & me!"

"He gives flowers their colors and fragrance we love to smell
But who thinks a bug is pretty? Can you look at me and tell?"
"Well, I think the firefly's pretty! I like the way they fly around!
But I mostly like their flashing lights when they're high above the ground!"

"Oh my dear daughter, you are learning so much
the great beauty of God ~ each created by His touch!
As you look at the fireflies with your questions & such delight
I know God is smiling on my darling girl so bright!"

"Always look for the beauty in each creature of the land
Whether it's bugs or flowers or people that are at hand!
May you always have love and happiness to fill your days
And may God bless you richly & keep you safe always!"

Meg © 5-98

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