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A letter to my friend,

I have tried many times to find the right words
so that you will know how very special you are to me.
Sometimes the word "friend" is used quickly without
any thought as to what it really means. Have you ever
looked up the meaning of the word *friend*? I did!
But it still didn't describe you!!

According to Webster's New Universal Unabridged
Dictionary, it is defined as:

  • a person whom one knows well and is fond of;
    intimate associate; close acquaintance; a person
    on the same side in a struggle; ally; a favorer; a
    supporter or sympathizer; a lover, companion, chum,
    messmate, confidant.
While I have to agree with *most* of these terms,
you are so much more!!! I have an immense amount of
respect for you... your thoughts... your opinions...
your heart... your inner essence! You're the sunshine
beaming through my window on a dark and cloudy day.
You're the wind blowing gently through the trees.
You're a breath of fresh air in this stuffy ol world.
Your laughter sends my heart soaring as high as the sky....
higher and brighter than any star!
With you.... I am free to be me... free to laugh at the
simplest things or shed countless tears of sadness or
scream at the unfairness of life... knowing that you
understand and are still my friend!!! You have a unique
way of sensing my mood and knowing exactly what to say
or do to make me smile!! You have shared your heart
with me... creating a very special and secure place for
me there... you've opened yourself to me confident in the
realization that you will be treated with love and compassion!
And tho we may never meet, face to face, smile to smile,
or hug to hug... we will always be friends...
forever *connected at the heart*!!

Below you will find a list of some of my original poems!
Each one was written from my heart with something or someone
in mind... I hope you find a special meaning for them in your life!
And may God bless you richly in all your endeavors and may all of
your heart's desires and dreams come true!!

Don't ever forget who luz ya!!!!


Angel Journal
Peaceful Dreams
Reflections of a Sunset
A Question for Daddy
Raindrop on my Window
Johnathon Wayne Wilson
23rd Psalm
A Sad Remembrance
I Will Always Love You
Blessings & Awards

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