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Peaceful Dreams

Sit quietly and listen
Can you hear the mountain stream?
Flowing gently and untouched
While we sit together and dream.

Of happier times with no demands
No worry or care
Only peaceful sounds
moving softly thru the air.

Sit quietly and listen
As my heart cries out for silence
Hold my hand ~~ be my friend
Do you have enough patience?

To touch my tears and feel my pain
And know without a doubt
That your love and laughter fills my soul
When my spirit is down and out.

Sit quietly and listen
Can you hear the bacon frying
In our cabin by the stream?
Please know that I am trying

To hold that small, braided knot
At the end of my rope.
And find a tiny ray of sunshine
or a little splash of hope.

Sit quietly and listen
As we dream beside this stream
Of happy days and peaceful nights
For my love, you will always beam

As a bright and shining promise
To welcome me home at day's end
Be my solace ~ my peace ~ my love
Then my heart and soul shall blend.

Sit quietly and listen
Can you hear the mountain stream?
Flowing gently and untouched
As we sit together and dream.
Meg ©8-13-98

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