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Raindrop on my Window

I watched a tiny raindrop on my window last night
racing madly gathering water as it hung on so tight!
Up and down and around in circles, it was twirled and blown
I kept glancing at it thoughtfully as I drove home alone.

My days are often spent going here and there
the office ~ the bank ~ the groceries, I declare!!
Sometimes I'm just as busy as that drop of rain
Always striving to gather more ~ no matter what the strain.

Can you imagine spending a day as that tiny raindrop?
Do you ever wonder when your hectic schedule will stop?
So that you could have time to read a book or have a chat
with a good friend, a loved one or even your cat!?!

My reason for writing this little poem, you see
Is that many times we act like this raindrop ~ Yes, you & me!
We each stay so busy doing our own things
And can't seem to slow down until the evenings.

Even though our days are spent at a rapid pace
Please stop for a time and forget the race!
Wave happily at children ~ give a smile to folks around you
Find faces in the clouds ~ eat a snowcone that's blue!

Great treasures await you if you will stop & listen
To the laughter of a child & watch their eyes glisten
As they see a friendly wave or watch you make a silly face
All coming from an adult who's learning to slow their pace!

It's easy to find pleasure in the smallest of things
Watch birds float on a breeze or listen to them sing
My prayer and wish is for each of you to find
A special way to relax and completely unwind.

May God bless you and keep safe from all harm!
Keep His Commandments and rest securely in His arms.
Give part of yourself to others every day that you live
And love one another and always forgive!

And in your travels & throughout your days
I hope you feel my love around you every step of the way.
Quietly and gently urging you forward
To be less like that raindrop and more self-assured!

For our hearts have touched and you are my friend
I want all the best life has to offer you until the end.
I'm through with this poem and best move along
before you start laughing or singing a song!!

Meg © 8-19-98

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