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Ellsworth Pictures---1997


Not sure who this guy is, MY guess is that he probably works here. This is silo D-9 located between Wall and Cactus Flat, SD. It can be seen from the highway. And if you REALLY want to see it it shouldn't be too hard for the average person to find at exit 116 off I-90. The Control center D-1 is also on the map just off the highway a few miles South of Cottonwood, SD. For a base that says they pulled all their missiles up in 1994, something sure is strange here, the silo should have been imploded. We also checked the meter and it is still drawing power. There are no Microwave security sensors anymore. Just the Radar Monument stands today as with all the active silos we saw at other bases. The monument is where they mounted the sensors. My guess is that they aren't too worried about sabbotage anymore. you would still have to cut the hatch to get in to do any real dammage and I'd bet that the access hatches are alarmed. Like I said before This silo was drawing about 10 Amps on a guage they had inside a box right outside the gate, just as is the case at every active silo we saw at other bases. I have also noted that the meters at the control centers are still drawing power, these look like the ones you have on your house except they are digital. Even though these places are obviously abandoned, I would assume that there is an alarm that rings at the Base if one were to break in. And even though the base could be 20 or 30 miles away, they are sure to send the local police if this is the case. Now about those darn antennas. This serial tag is off the Hardened UHF antenna. it looks like a small metal cone poking about a foot out of the ground. It is actually a cap that flips up after a blast so the antenna can be raised. It is protected underground in a concrete tube from a nuclear blast. The SOFT antenna is only a bunch of wires anchored to a post and to the ground in a cone shape and is easily destroyed in event of attack, but since that doesn't happen often they didn't bother to protect the main antenna. Now we move on to the silo lid. This is a BIG F'ing door, and no, a full size Chevy with a big block and 44's WON'T move it. I'm not sure exactly but I hear it's in the range of 200 tons. Next time we'll have to bring the 988 Cat. The door slides down the tracks you see here and the missile takes over from there. The diesel ports for fueling the back-up generators are to the right and out of the picture. The entry hatches are on top of the big concrete pad that surrounds the door on 3 sides behind this guy. I think he works here too. The Radar Monuments surround the cover on 4 sides. In the past it was impossible to get inside the perimiter of the sensors to gain access to the cover area without being detected. Today I suppose a guy could crawl all over the darn thing if he really wanted to. But as they say all good things come to an end and alot of these sites are just covered with gravel now ( see Whiteman pics ) This is Control Center D-1, for this particular silo, note the windows. I know you smart guys saw it right away, for the rest of us they aren't boarded up. So what? That means that you can see out of them, I expected that from some of the people who read this boring stuff. It also means that there is somebody inside that needs to see out of them. Whereas all the other control centers at Ellsworth I saw and Whiteman for that matter had boards up over the windows. Also gravel inside the fence where the silo once stood at the ready.

These speak for themselves.

Whiteman AFB, MO pics
F.E. Warren AFB, WY pics
