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Hey sorry some of these pictures may take a little while to load..but if you're patient they will come up!

from left to right

Me, Lex, and SuT!

Here is Dax doing his thing over Wade's van!

Me Again!!

All the girls say I'm pretty fly........for a white guy! yeah right j/k they don't but I just like that song =)

Who are these 3 pimps?!?!? I wish I was as cool as them!! (especially the one in the middle with the skis ~Ώτ) haha ...j/k This is me, lex (the pimp in the middle), and suthee (far right)getting ready to hit the icy slopes of Ruidoso!!!!

Me and Suthee in the Gondola Lift At Ruidoso While Skiing and Boarding Over the Christmas Break...

Hi Amanda and Kelli...Is this one any better kelli? ~Ώτ Thanks for the pic! Who is your new friend Amanda? just curious

Hey heres the pic for now...its probably not very clear so i just messed around with it....I'll fix it later! thanks for this pic too though! Maybe some day one of you can introduce me to these fine ladies!! -=)

This is Tom, ME, and Suthee wondering if the camera sitting on the T.V is ever going to take the picture!!


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