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The Greatest Commandment

Hello people. once again here is another devotional...hope you like. have you ever wondered what it would be like if there was a trick to life? if you caught on to this trick, everything would be perfect! you would have all the answers to relationships, everyone would like you, and just everything would be so easy if you could find out this one thing. you probably wouldnt tell too many people about this trick that you have figured out, or that would just mean competition right? it would be nice to be the one to figure that out and if there is a trick to life, i sure havent found it!

Well the bible does give us a 'trick' to our christian walk. This trick is not one that God wanted to hide from us, but one that He really wants us to catch on to. Its not the only thing we should do, but it is clearly stated that it is the most important! Before you can do anything else successfully, you must know and obey this so called trick. check this out...

Mark 12:28-30 tells us the trick!

a guy comes to Jesus while he is teaching some people and asks him this..."Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" Jesus tells him this "Love the Lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" That is the trick yall!!! Before anything else, you must love God with EVERYTHING! Its easy to say you love God, but its harder to actually live up to it. notice the key word here that is repeated 4 times....(it must have been important).....ALL.....not love the Lord with part of you, and save some other part of you for your friends or possessions. ALL ALL ALL....if you truly love the Lord your God with your everything, your christian walk will go to a whole new level. I just wanted to talk about that a little, because i know i struggle with that. how many of you get distracted or caught up in things that arent showing your love for God? something might even be helpful to your spiritual life, it doesnt have to be sin, but just remember what God says is more important than anything else.....Loving God with everything! Focus on loving God this week......with everything! invite him into your conversations and focus not only on His love for you, but your love for him also. Remember the 'trick' to your spiritual walk......and it will produce some things like we talked about earlier....a trick to life. remember that God honors you and blesses you when you are loving him with everything. Let Him take care of you, he wants to...all you got to do is truly love him.

Prayer: Lord, thanks so much for loving me. Help me remember your very specific instructions to love you with my everything. You are so deserving of my love and my life. Help me remember that its all about you, and keep me from the distractions that so often make me forget the most important thing..loving you God. I want to know you in a new way, and feel your presence surrounding me at all times. You are amazing God and i love you! in Jesus' name...Amen

coby <><
