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Tonight I was hit over the head with a very powerful message from God. I was at a college bible study here in levelland, and we’re singing and everythings cool, when all of a sudden, God said “Quit!” I knew that I was going to do some business with God tonight, whether I felt like it or not. So here I am praying my heart out for God to direct me in the right paths and to take my worries away and to solve my problems for me and so on and so on. Now any of you that know me good, are well aware that things just don’t get to me much and im pretty laid back about everything. I mean it really is almost impossible to get me very worked up over anything. I thought I was at peace with most of the things going on in my life right now, and I was a little proud of the way I am letting God do his thing. The thing I learned tonight, that I want to share with you, is that it should be this way all the time, no questions asked! There is actually nothing, good or bad, that should draw worry or doubt from us. What im getting at is that the little things in life do NOT matter. What are the little things by the way?? My answer to that question is EVERYTHING. I say that because there is nothing right now on this earth that can happen to you, good or bad, that can compare to your eternal life. You are on this earth for one main reason, worshiping God. God created you for Himself so that He could find pleasure in the relationship He has with you. It is so crazy to step back and think how far we get off track from our purpose in life and our whole reason for existence! Think about it for a minute. I know im not the only one that gets caught up in things other than this.

Tonight, God just showed me the significance of fulfilling our real purpose in life and forgetting about the purposes that we have brought upon ourselves. There are things in life that come along and just grab ahold of you and try to rip you apart, and this is when you must have faith and understanding that the temporary life you are living in, is second or inferior to the eternal life you will be living. You should look at your life now as a “holding time” or “lay-over” of some sort until you go on to live your eternal life in Heaven. If you truly are cool with this, then there is not much of this world that is going to set you back.

So many times we get caught up in earthly relationships. We get caught up in our future. There’s not a day that goes by that someone doesn’t ask me what my major is, and what I want to do with my life! You know, it really just does not matter! It doesn’t matter if I have a wife, if I have kids, if I have a good paying job, or even if I have a job at all. It doesn’t matter if I have nice things, have lots of friends, or even if people like me at all! All of these things are Temporary (not lasting forever) things! Ill tell you what I think matters and the questions that should be asked instead.

“ Is this earthly relationship going to help me grow closer to God?, and is the major I have the one that God wants for me? How am I going to link the job I want to the ministry? And one of the most important, how am I going to reach people, so that souls will be won and ill make a difference in the eternal life??”

If you arent asking yourself these type of questions, then you might need to get a reality check of where you are. You are in a temporary life, a temporary world, you have temporary relationships, and your future is only temporary. Should we not pursue the things that last forever???? Yes!! Of course we should!

So why do we let things of this world tear us down? They arent going to matter when we die. The answer is trusting in Jesus as a sovereign Lord, meaning a Lord that knows best. We were never asked (in fact, we were told not to) to worry about things. Worrying does nothing but show lack of faith in our God. I know some of you are going through rough times in your life right now, and the thoughts of it just consume your every thought. Please remember that you are only here for a short time, and no matter how big the situation seems, it is merely something that is occupying what little time you have on this earth., so let go and let God (famous quote from a friend of mine). Seriously, any time that you are using up by worrying over something temporary, is nothing but a waste of time.

I don’t want it to sound like I think you should just not care about anything, that’s not it at all. What im saying is that maybe its time that we change what it is that we care about. That’s my whole point in doing this people. The life we live today is so important, it is our chance and privilage to do God’s work. It will be hard to convince me that anything that is not glorifying God in some way, should have much of a place in our world or in our life. God showed me tonight how easily we let temporary things stand in the way of our relationship with Him, which is the ONLY thing that lasts forever, (so it should be cherished!!) Also, He just made me realize that if we can totally trust in him and rely on him, then there is no need for our temporary life to be consumed with problems of this temporary world. Our life now should be a celebration! Our # 1 priority in life should be strengthening our relationship with Him and telling others how to join in on the celebration as a believer in Christ!

I just want to challenge you this week, to check out what’s going on in your life, and determine if, what is going on, is going to do you or someone else, any good when leaving this earth. Look at the things that help you build your relationship with Christ, and help you to show others about His love, and concentrate on focusing on these things. Whatever it is that you do, let it be glorifying to God, and related to enhancing the kingdom that we will all enjoy someday!!!!!!

Prayer: Father, thank you so much for this life that you have given us. Please forgive us of all the time we spend consuming ourselves with things that arent pleasing to you. God I pray that we can focus on the eternal, especially when life brings about bumps which try to shake us down, to build us up and give us a hope. Let us take advantage of any and every opportunity we get to share the knowledge we have about you, so that once this temporary life is over, others will be with us worshiping you in your house for eternity. Help us to understand what it means to just let things go, so that your will will be completed in our lives. I pray one final thing, that we can strive to be the best men or women devoted to doing your work, no matter what the costs. We are just honored to get to serve you. I love you and we love you! Amen

Coby <><