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Yulecon 2010

Yulecon was a wonderful time, held at the American Airlines Training Center. Yulecon is a bit smaller than most cons, but I enjoyed it a lot. I also got a few ideas for Secret Agent Fangirl.
The theme this time was Valkyria Chronicles. It started out as a videogame and then became an anime. This one was a bit of a challenge for the artists due to the complicated outfits.

As always, photosuite enhanced images are marked with [ps.]

Alicia Melchiott by Sarah White
Faldio Landzaat by Amalie Belcher
Ishara Gunter by Jamie Kinosian
Lamar Vault by Kristin Berg [ps]
Prince Maximillian by J.O.
Selveria Bles By Bruce Lewis
Welkin Gunter by Regine Skelton