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I used to call her sugar booger but it kinda ended up just Shug and she is my better half, the one who has put up with me for 15 years. (Maybe I'm the one who has put up with her!!) She's my little Italian. She is real shy but is alot of fun when you get to know her. I really make people mad cause one of my nic's for her is Bitch, but that is not BAD, it stands for....B=beautiful I=intelligent T=tallented C=charming she is my little Bitch! But SHUG is also another nic that she has around here and most everyone around here know her by that, so it's not just a nic on the web.


Candygyrl9 is our first born she is 15 years old now. Her nic used to be Minnie Moo. Tool4u2 give her that nic when she was a baby.( You will soon learn he give all of my kids nics when they were babies!) She is a really good kid. I don't have to worry about her using drugs or anything like that, cause she NEVER leaves the house, she even takes home school. I know where she is at all times. But soon she will grow out of that! Boys are just around the corner! (sniff sniff!) Mitsi writes poetry and is real good at it. She has had some publshed, which i am very proud of. But only 3 more years and she gets the boot!!!!!


Then there is Sweetthang36, Bambi is....well.... she is the NORMAL American teenager. Her nic used to be Moon Dog. Yep...Tool4u2 give that nic to her. She used to be daddy's girl, we were real close. She would help me do anything I would be doing. But she is more into the boy thing now. You can't win em all! She has 4 more years and then she gets the boot!!! Then I'll only have one left.....


Brat is the baby of our family. I can't remember what nic Tool4u2 give her, I'll have to ask him. But just like any baby, she is spoiled rotten. Everyone done it too. Let me tell you what Tool used to do! When she was little and staying with Tool and Figjam, and she needed a spatting, Tool would tell Fig to spat her, then he would call her to him and pet her and tell her how mean Fig was to his little baby!!! So everyone in the family spoiled her, and we are all paying for it now!!! But she does have her sweet little ways of letting you know she loves ya! But on the other hand if she can think of a way to irratate Mitsi, Bambi, or and other kids in the family she will do it. See she is the typical baby of the family. And I love her to death. But I've got 7 more years till she gets the boot!!!!


Then last but not least is "MY" oldest. I have just recently met my oldest daughter, she is 16 years old. (damn I'm not really that old!! lol) I don't really know her yet, but I plan to get to know her very well in the future. But I can say that I love her as if I would have known her all her life. She is really a great kid and I am looking forward to having her in my life and getting to know all of her likes and dislikes. You just can't imagine how I feel right now. I'm sooooooooo happy!!!!!


Then there is me, paralyzer...I love my family more than anything. But you should try raising teenage girl...if you have any of your own then you know what I mean. I get so mad at them sometimes but you know the good matter how mad I get at them about 10 minutes later they will come say love ya daddy. I am very proud of my family and the closeness of my family! But you know its not just my immediate family...even my mother, sisters, my brother, cousins, aunts and uncles is like that. We have never been ashamed to tell eachother we love them. I wish everyone could have a close family as I feels GREAT! Bet you didnt know I was also a mind reader...What you dont believe me? Try me... Paralyzer the Mind Reader

Para's Mind Reader Test

Now i proved it!
