Kathleen Doreen Perino
Hi, my name is Karen, and I am looking for my 1/2 sister Kathleen Doreen Perino. I have some information on her and I will share what I have in hopes of finding her. Our daddy is Bruno Tony Perino (born) 2-17-29, and her mother is Dovie Mae Childs (born) 1-24-39
they were married 10-?-1959 in Houston, Texas, and Kathleen Doreen Perino was born 5-21-1961 Oakland, California. Kathy's grandmother Ann Shaw, was last known to live in Houston Tx, we went to Mrs. Shaw's house while on vacation in 1975 or 1976. Mrs. Shaw referred to Kathy as Dorey. Kathy has a 1/2 brother named Douglas Ray Jones and he also was last known to live in Houston, Tx. Please if anyone can help me please e-mail me at shug-1@bigfoot.com, and I will try to answer all e-mails, if you don't want to e-mail me just please sign my guestbook with any information or any other way that you know of searching. Here are the only pictures that I have of
Kathy. Thank You and may God Bless You!
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