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The Account of Dela Pena

Texas Revolution - The Mexican Side

Davy Crockett
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Sam Houston
Notable Texans from Lone Star Junction


Enrique DeLa Pena, a soldier on the Mexican side in the Battle of the Alamo, tells us things at the Alamo were different than we think. Different from the accepted story that has been told throughout the past 150 years.
In the 1970's a manuscript was discovered in Mexico of an account of the fall of the Alamo. In this manuscript DeLa Pena describes the battle and what happened afterwards.
He tells a story of how Davy Crockett and several other men survived the battle and were taken before Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. He tells us that Santa Anna ordered all the surviving men to be put to death immediately.
DeLa Pena's account has a great deal of creditability because DeLa Pena didn't like Santa Anna. La Pena among many of the other soliders thought Santa Anna was vicious to be killing so many people when it was unnecessary. Many of the Mexican army were tired of the forced marches, not getting paid, being cold and hungry. DeLa Pena kept a journal of the actions at San Antonio, the Fannin Massacre, and the Battle of San Jacinto.
He was at them all. If his account is authentic it gives us the best account of what happened in the Revolution because it would be a first hand account written when it actually happened.
Many are concerned about Davy Crockett surviving. They feel it would take away from his heroic actions. It doesn't take away from anything, Davy Crockett and all the men at the Alamo decided to stay and give up their lives for the Freedom of all Texans.
If Crockett was captured instead of being killed in the battle it is of very little conquence. The outcome is still the same. Dickenson's account that we have been taught was not written down until years after the fact and probably not totally accurate.
The Alamo still stands as one of the greatest battles ever fought in History. It did give General Sam houston time to muster an army and finally defeat Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836 and made Texas a free and indpendent country.
