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Associations & Clubs
National Pigeon Association
American Dragoon Club
American Hemet Association
American Racing Pigeon Union
Arizona Pigeon Club
Australian Birmingham Rollers
Australian Domestic Show Flight Club
Central Arkansas Flying Roller Club
The Central Canada Fantail Club
Findlay Racing Pigeon Club
Los Angeles Pigeon Club
In The Loft
Layne's Pigeon Site
National Birmingham Roller Club
National Chinese Owl Club
National Pouter & Cropper Club
Northern California Roller Club
Pigeon Cote
Pigeon & Poultry Association Of Province of Quebec
Utah Pigeon Club
Western American Trumpeter Club
World Pigeon Center
World of Wings

Pigeon Information Links
Global Pigeon Supply
interBUG Pigeon People Database

Young Pigeon People Links.
Alisha's Page
Amanda Rae Marshall
Ethan's Page
Tony Hang
American Racing Pigeon Union Working With Youth Groups
National Pigeon Associations junior pigeon site

American Show Racers
Tirairaka Lofts
Roma Fancy Pigeon Lofts

Banat Chicken Pigeons
Emilijan's Loft

Chinese Owls
Amanda Rae Marshall
Domestic Show Flights

Australian Domestic Show Flight Club
Broadwing Lofts
Roma Fancy Pigeon Lofts

American Dragoon Club
Dan Bastian's Pigeon Page
Dan Bastian's New Page

Fantail Pigeon Links
The Central Canada Fantail Club
Robert Raymond's Indian Fantail Page
William Larson's Maranatha Loft
Guimond's Fantails
The Central Fantail Club
Dixie Fantail Club
Estate Lofts
Indian Fantail Club Of America
Pigeon & Poultry Association Of Province of Quebec
Bob & Tricia's Fantail Page
The Genepoole
Mike's Fantail Pigeon Place
Pommers Feather Farm
Chris Rogers Fantail

Frill Backs
Roma Fancy Pigeon Lofts

Lahore Links
The American Lahore Club
Kevin and Christine Keeler's Lahore Page
The Pigeon Loft

Old Dutch Capuchine Links
Layne Gardner

Pouter Links
National Pouter & Cropper Club
Layne Gardner

Racing Pigeon Links

Barnhart & Son Lofts
Christy's Pigeon Loft
Dimitri Tsalabounis Homer Pigeon Page
Frank Daelemans Racing Pigeons Info
Jill's Page
Tirairaka Lofts
Tony Schenk's Home Page
World Pigeon Center

Trumpeter Pigeon Links

Chris Rogers Fantail

Belle Mead Tumblers
Roma Fancy Pigeon Lofts
Turkish Tumbler

West of England Tumblers